Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Skill competition scheme

Part 1: Skills Competition Scheme

In order to effectively improve the business level and comprehensive quality of key positions, the company has formed a good atmosphere of “learning business, practicing and being a good person” in the whole company.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the important idea of ​​“Quality to Training”, focusing on key positions, starting from the strong learning atmosphere of creating first-class and high-quality, aiming at improving business quality, work efficiency and cultivating outstanding talents, this activity is The carrier, through the post competition, fully mobilizes the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the company's personnel, stimulates the internal motivation and promotes the sound and rapid development of our company.

Second, the basic principles

In accordance with the principle of focusing on key points, extensive participation, focusing on effectiveness, flexible methods, and easy operation, we will carry out post training activities.

Third, organizational leadership

In order to strengthen the inspection and guidance of this activity and ensure the expected results, our company has established a team of leading teams, including a review team and an inspection team.

The competition leading group:

Team leader: Lu Xuejin manager

Deputy Team Leader: Gu Yuanyuan Secretary Wang Daowei Deputy Manager Gao Taili Deputy Manager

Member: Wei Wei Guang Song Fang Ying Miao Yin Peng Tian Wang Zeng Cao Naihong Zhang Aijun

Comparative review team:

Team leader: Gu Yuanyuan

Member: Song Fangying Miao Yin Peng Tian Wang Zeng Cao Naihong Zhang Aijun Li Jianling

In order to strengthen the supervision and management of skill competition activities, a technical competition inspection team was established, with the head of the Gu Yuanyuan and the supervision team, and Song Fangying as the deputy leader. The inspection team conducted full supervision of the big contest activities.

Fourth, participate in the contestants

Key positions: fitter, electrician, heavy and broken work, kiln car repairman, fireworker, reduction furnace, molder, sprayer

V. Time: May 15th, 20XX, 20th June, 20th

Six, specific steps

1. Preparation stage:

Preparation of training materials: collected by the office, powder workshop, electronic workshop, technical department and management department;

Trainer preparation: The workshops will be reported to the office by May 17, 20XX;

Preparation of review materials: responsible for the office, technical department, management department, powder workshop, and electronics workshop;

2. Training stage

Centralized training stage: All non-duty staff meeting rooms are gathered to participate in centralized training. The content of the training focuses on the training of work attitude, work style and basic theoretical knowledge;

Self-study and self-study stage: organize and practice by the team leader of the participants, combined with training materials.

3. Review stage: The review team is responsible for the review score.

Seven, review method

The operator takes a combination of written test and practical operation, in which the minute written test accounts for 40%, and the practice accounts for 60%. The fitter and electrician take the practice operation mode. The review team is responsible for scoring and statistics.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the event, this implementation does not disclose the content of the review.

Eight, related rewards and punishments

1. 50 yuan for each examination that does not participate in the study and training;

2. The inspection team found that it did not actively participate in self-study and self-training for each examination of 50 yuan;

3. The first prize of the judging score is 100 yuan, the second prize is 50 yuan, the top two rewards of more than 5 people, and the first prize of less than 5 people.

4. Two of the more than five notifications, one less than five.

Nine, related requirements

1. Improve thinking and understanding. Carrying out business technology competition activities is a practical action for the company to improve the quality of its business and comprehensive quality, and form a good atmosphere for the company to learn business, practice and be a good person. All units and departments should fully recognize the importance and necessity of this activity and ensure the smooth development of business competition activities.

2. Seriously organize and ensure completeness. All units must correctly handle the contradiction between training competition and daily work, and arrange the training and training time reasonably.

3. Effectively strengthen supervision and implementation. Training activities are a comprehensive and systematic work. All units must be meticulously organized, carefully arranged, and pragmatic, and effectively cultivate the backbone of their technical business. It is necessary to overcome the fear of distress, clear the luck of luck, and truly correct the style of study. Change the work style and practice with real action.

4. Establish a long-term mechanism for training competitions. In order to prevent this activity from flowing in the form, it is guaranteed to achieve tangible results, so that employees can feel the pressure. The company's future training activities will adopt a system linked to performance-based pay, with the latter two deducting 20% ​​and 10% of performance pay, respectively, and the top two giving 20% ​​and 10% of rewards;

Part 2: Skills Competition Scheme

In order to further improve the quality of the workforce in the transportation industry of our city, accelerate the construction of the technical talents in the transportation industry, especially the high-skilled personnel, and inspire the enthusiasm of the employees to study technology, practice skills and study business, the Municipal Transportation Bureau decided in May 20XX. 17th) - On June 7th, the Shenyang City Transportation Industry Staff Skills Competition was held.

First, the competition level

Shenyang City Traffic Industry Skills Competition Competition.

Second, the organizer

Organizer: Shenyang Municipal Transportation Bureau

Organizer: Shenyang Traffic Technology School

Third, Shenyang City Transportation Industry Staff Skills Competition Competition Level Committee

Director: Shi Qijin Yu Xinmin

Deputy Director: Liu Jing Gao Hong Shi Jian Hu Xiuyan Liu Chunzhang Hong Xingli

Member: Zuo Zhiqing, Yang Xueyu, Lu Xinmin, Wang Weidong, Lu Zhenyue, Sun Qingxi, Liu Yonghong, Wang Xiaochun, Liu Guochun, et al.

The organizing committee has an office. The office is located at Shenyang Transportation Technology School.

Fourth, the scope of the competition

A large bus driver, a large truck driver, and a car repairman with a qualification certificate in the transportation industry of Shenyang.

V. Types of participating entries and quotas

1. Participating types:

Large bus drivers, large truck drivers, and auto mechanics.

2. Entry quota:

Large bus driver: 130

Large truck driver: 70

Auto mechanic: 100

Total: 300

Sixth, the basic conditions of the contestants

1. It has more than two years of working experience and practical experience in participating in the work, and has an effective certificate of practice issued by the transportation department.

2. Research technology, with a certain professional theoretical basis and high practical skills, and has a higher overall quality of the post.

3. Employers in the transportation industry who are dedicated, good in character, outstanding in performance, and have no bad records.

Seven, competition content and methods

1. Content of the competition:

Large passenger car drivers: road driving, driving on the road, troubleshooting of gasoline engines, disassembly and assembly of accessories, maintenance, and other basic knowledge that should be known for this type of work.

Large truck driver:

Road driving, venue driving, gasoline engine troubleshooting, attachment and disassembly, maintenance, and other basic knowledge of this type of work should be known.

Auto mechanic:

Computer testing, machine testing, gasoline engine troubleshooting, maintenance and other basic knowledge of this job should be known.

2. Competition time and method

Competition time:

On May 17th, all the players took the theoretical test. The test location was: Shenyang Transportation Technology School;

On May 24th, the actual skill competition of the large bus driver was conducted. The test location was: Tiexi Stadium;

On May 31, the actual skill competition for auto mechanics was held. The test location was: Shenyang Transportation Technology School;

On June 7th, the actual skill competition for large truck drivers was conducted. The test location was Tiexi Stadium.

Competition method:

The competition is a full-time final. First, the theoretical examinations will be carried out. After the examinations of the various types of work, all the grades will enter the actual skill competition stage.

The total score of the contestants is 30% in the theoretical examination of the percentage system, and the actual exam is 70%. According to the total score of the players, the top 10 winners of each project are accepted after the competition.

The theoretical test is taken from the national exam question bank, and the actual operational skills test questions are expert propositions. The exam questions are based on advanced work standards.

Eight, registration program

All the large-scale bus drivers, large truck drivers and auto repairmen who meet the requirements in the city's transportation industry shall be allocated by the organizing committee on the basis of the selection and recommendation by the organizing committee, and the county and district transportation bureaus and traffic bureaus shall be on April 30. Recently, it was reported to the Transportation Bureau of the Municipal Traffic Bureau, and the bus command and dispatch center of the city's bus driver list was reported to the Office of the Organizing Committee of the City Traffic Industry Skills Competition before May 6th.

Nine, awards are rewarded

The three large-scale bus drivers, large truck drivers and auto repairmen have set up one technical master and nine technical experts. The technical king rewards RMB 3,000 per person, and the technical experts each award RMB 1,000.

For the top three athletes who participate in the whole process, the provincial labor department shall award the technician qualification certificate; if the players who participate in the whole process of the various types of work pass the theory and the actual pass, the municipal labor bureau shall grant the senior engineer qualification certificate.

The professional skills competition competition set the best organization award, excellent organization award and outstanding contribution award.

X. Budget and funding

The budget is prepared by the organizing committee. The funds shall be settled according to the market-oriented actions and shall be uniformly used by the organizing committee.

XI. Project naming rights

The competition will use the sponsor's title method to generate the name of the competition. The naming rights will be owned by the corresponding sponsors. The organizing committee will publicize the relevant information about the sponsors.

Twelve, the opening ceremony

Thirteen, the closing ceremony

Part 3: Skills Competition Scheme

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the working conference of the Group Corporation and the Mining Party Committee, we will solidly promote the implementation of the “Quality Improvement Project for All Staff”, further improve the business skills and quality of the main professional positions of our mines, and motivate employees to learn technology, practice technology and use technology. To create an atmosphere of “respecting knowledge, respecting talents, respecting creation, and respecting skills”, and strive to cultivate a high-quality workforce with strong safety awareness, high work efficiency and excellent business ability, and promote the construction of our mine brand workforce. It was decided that in 20XX, the technical training and technical competition competition for post work will continue. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. Organizational leadership

The mine established a leading group for technical training and technical competition activities.

Team leader: mine chief, party secretary

Deputy leader: deputy secretary of the party committee, chairman of the labor union, vice president of production, chief engineer, deputy mine manager, deputy director of safety supervision, general manager of property, general manager of industry

Members: Deputy Chief and Organizational Section, Propaganda Section, Disciplinary Committee, Trade Union, Youth League Committee, Staff School, Production Technology Section, Safety Supervision Section, Enterprise Management Section, Labor and Salary Section, Electrical and Mechanical Section, Transport and Relocation Area, Ventilation Section, Geological Survey The person in charge of the department, the machine repair factory, the mining hospital and other units.

Chief Referee: Chief Engineer

The Technical Competition Activities Leading Group has an office and nine working groups. The office is located in the Mine Protection and Production Protection Department. The Vice-Chairman is the Director of the Office and is responsible for the coordination, scheduling and activities of the daily work.

Second, the division of the working group

The nine working groups are responsible for the competition, refereeing and supervision of the relevant types of work, namely: formulating technical competition rules, competition methods, scoring standards, theoretical review content, theoretical test questions, determining the time of competition, and comparing places. Responsible for urging the working groups to organize the competition in time to ensure the fairness and fairness of the results of the contest and the results of the contest.

Working Group I:

Team leader: Deputy Chief of Coal Mining Department of Production Technology Division, member: member of mining technology group of production technology department, technician of coal mining area and above cadres.

Mainly responsible for the competition of hydraulic support workers, coal mining machine drivers, coal mining workers and other types of work.

Supervisor: Principal of Staff School

Working Group II:

Team leader: Deputy Chief of the Production Technology Division, member: member of the Production Technology Division, team of tunneling technicians and above.

Mainly responsible for the work of excavation masonry, blasting, and comprehensive excavator drivers.

Supervisor: Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee

Working Group III:

Team leader: Chief of Mechanical and Electrical Section, member: Mechanical and electrical department and the in charge of technicians and above.

Mainly responsible for mining electric fitters, comprehensive mining maintenance electricians, fully mechanized maintenance fitters, mine maintenance electricians, mine maintenance fitters and other types of work.

Supervisor: Chief of Publicity Section

Working Group IV:

Team leader: Chief of the Ventilation Section, member: Ventilation technician and above.

Mainly responsible for the competition of mine ventilation workers.

Supervisor: Chief of Organizational Section

Working Group V:

Team leader: Deputy Chief of the Department of Production Technology, and members: members of the Production Technology Division, the Transportation and Transportation Division, and the above cadres.

Mainly responsible for the competition of motor vehicle driver types.

Supervisor: Chief of Labor and Salary Section

Working Group VI:

Leader: Chief of the Safety Supervision Section, member: Deputy Chief of the Department of Safety Supervision, and member of the General Defense Group.

Mainly responsible for the technical competition of gas testers, mine rescue workers and other types of work.

Supervisor: Chief of Enterprise Management Section

Working Group 7:

Team leader: Chief of the Geological Survey Section, member: Geological Survey Technician and above.

Mainly responsible for the technical competition of geological survey workers.

Supervisor: Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission

Working Group 8:

Team leader: Factory manager, member: mechanic factory technician and above cadres.

Mainly responsible for the technical competition of electric welders.

Supervisor: Vice Chairman of the Mining Union

Working Group 9:

Team leader: Dean of the hospital, members are hospital-related staff.

Mainly responsible for the technical competition of nursing first aid.

Supervisor: Vice Chairman of the Mining Union

Third, the participants and registration requirements

1. Participants: Primary, intermediate and senior workers in the mining, auxiliary and ground-related personnel of the whole mine.

2. Registration requirements: Participants must love their jobs, have corresponding job qualification certificates or technical grade certificates, no violations of rules, violations of discipline, illegal activities, and no safety liability accidents. According to the same type of work, the unit selects no less than three outstanding players to participate in the mine competition according to the senior and intermediate workers and the following two competition levels.

Fourth, technical competitions and competition time schedule

1. Advanced work level group work:

Excavation electric fitter; gas tester.

2, intermediate workers and the following levels of work:

Hydraulic support worker; coal mining machine driver; coal mining worker; excavation masonry; blasting machine; comprehensive excavator driver; mining electric fitter; comprehensive mining maintenance electrician; comprehensive mining maintenance fitter; mine maintenance electrician; mine maintenance fitter; mine ventilation Motor vehicle driver; gas tester; mine rescuer; geological surveyor; welder.

3, nursing first aid work: in the nurse group.

The above types of work are scheduled to be held in June, and the specific time is determined by each working group and reported to the Competition Office.

V. Competition examination and evaluation methods

1, the contest test method

Participants are required to participate in the post and should have two tests, the written test and the on-site operation. The scores are calculated on a percentage basis. The on-site operation is carried out at a technical simulation competition venue or work site established by the mine.

2. Referee rules

The working groups shall formulate the competition requirements and referee rules for the competition types according to the technical regulations of the skill competition and the industry-specific occupational skill identification rules stipulated by the state.

6. Award criteria and methods

After the technical competition is over, the mine will reward and reward outstanding players, and recommend and select outstanding players to participate in the ninth technical competition of the group company.

Seven, specific requirements

1. The party and government leaders of all grassroots units are the first responsible persons to do a good job in technical competition. While earnestly carrying out the work of propagating and launching the competition, they must actively organize the advancement of business knowledge in all positions of the above-mentioned types of work. And recommend and select outstanding players to participate in the ninth technical competition of the group company. Training and technical training, especially the actual operation on site.

2. Under the unified arrangement of the leading group, each working group must earnestly grasp the work of the above-mentioned workers who are responsible for the work. It is necessary to meticulously organize, select the location and place of the contest, set the weapons and materials, formulate the standard of the competition, and be fair and just, and ensure that the competition activities are effective.

3. All functional departments should guide the various types of workers in the grassroots units to strengthen their study and training. Each contestant should cherish the opportunity, self-improvement, study hard, strengthen the drill, down-to-earth, and practice the effect.

4. The specific matters and methods for the competition are to be mine.

Part 4: Skills Competition Scheme

In order to further improve the professional quality and operational skills of the special equipment safety management personnel in the province, and to create a special equipment safety legal atmosphere, this program is specially formulated.

Scope and form

The scope of this competition: mastery and application of relevant regulations, regulations, safety technical specifications, technical standards and basic knowledge of special equipment use management, and various types of special equipment

Emergency rescue operation in the event of a failure.

This competition is divided into three levels: written competition, on-site operation competition and competition competition. The district-level competitions are organized by the districts and municipalities under the guidance of the provincial bureaus, and the provincial-level contests are organized by the provincial bureaus.

Activity step

Mobilize the learning phase. From now until October 31, each district and city bureau shall formulate a competition plan according to the actual situation, and urge the county bureaus to mobilize, learn, and train relevant personnel of special equipment use units within their jurisdictions to prepare for the contest. All district and city bureau competition plans should be reported to the provincial bureau before October 20.

Set the district-level competition stage. From November 1st to November 20th, each district/city bureau will organize the safety management personnel of special equipment use units to conduct written contests, on-site operation competitions and contest competitions according to the plan, and select winners. The written competition shall cover all the special equipment use units in the jurisdiction. The on-site operation competition and the competition shall cover the important special equipment use units such as large hotels, airports, stations, hospitals, party and government organs within the jurisdiction.

Provincial level competition stage. In late November, each district and city bureau organized a team to participate in the provincial competition. Each team leader and teammate 3, the contestants must be the certified safety management personnel of the special equipment use unit within the jurisdiction. The competition activities of the districts and municipalities and the list of participants and their affiliates shall be reported to the provincial bureau before November 20.

There are three forms of provincial-level contests, written competitions, and competitions. The competitions are divided into preliminaries and finals. Eight teams are selected in the preliminaries to participate in the finals. Each team will be ranked according to the total score of the written contest and the on-site operation competition, and will be scored according to the position and brought into the preliminaries of the contest. The score from the first place is 130 points, the score from the 2-4 place is 120 points, the score from the 5-7 place is 110 points, and the score from the 8-11 place is 100 points. Each team sent two players to participate in the finals of the competition. The final teams scored 100 points and were ranked on the spot.

Event Awards This competition has three awards: Individual Winner, Collective Winner and Outstanding Organization Award.

6 individual winners. According to the individual scores of the provincial-level contests and on-site operation competitions, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes and 3 third prizes.

8 collective winning prizes. According to the final results of the provincial competition, the first prize, the second prize, the third prize and the third prize.

3 outstanding organization awards. According to the evaluation of the organization of the competitions in each district and city.

The relevant municipalities and bureaus must attach great importance to this activity, strengthen organizational leadership, and provide human, material and financial support. It is necessary to combine the work of “grasping the grassroots, laying the foundation, and standardizing management” to promote the operation of special equipment operators in the province to form a good atmosphere for post training.

All districts and municipalities must take the initiative to contact the relevant news media to timely publicize and report on the competition at this level. At the same time, it is necessary to supervise all the special equipment users in the jurisdiction to participate in this activity. Through this activity and publicity report, we will work hard to create a social atmosphere in which the people of the whole people "care for life and pay attention to the safety of special equipment."

The results of this competition will be included in the annual assessment, and the units that won the collective winning prize will be given extra points as appropriate.

Other matters The specific scope of this competition can be found in the attached file. Among them, the written contest is divided into multiple choice questions, judgment questions, short answer questions, comprehensive analysis questions and other questions; on-site operation competition is divided into ordinary equipment room special equipment, inorganic room special equipment emergency rescue; answering contest points must answer questions, answer questions, risk questions, etc. Question type.

The district-level competition area is located in each district and city, and the provincial-level competition area is located in Nanchang. Provincial-level competitions are organized by the provincial bureaus to issue questions and scores. On-site operation competition invites relevant experts to conduct evaluations and on-site scoring; the competition contest organizes relevant enterprise representatives to observe, invites relevant leaders and experts to conduct judging, on-site scoring and awards, and invites relevant news media to conduct Report.

The provincial-level contest operation competition, the ordinary equipment room special equipment emergency rescue operation, all the teams of the three teams must participate, the inorganic room special equipment emergency rescue operation teams from each team to participate in two teams. According to the quality and proficiency of the on-site operation, the scores of each team were evaluated. This score also serves as the individual score of the three players in the field.

The provincial-level competition operation competition and the competition contest require the players of each team to dress uniformly. The question bank of the quiz competition was prepared by the provincial bureau and issued before the game.

Part 5: Skills Competition Scheme

First, the purpose of the event

In order to carry forward the work of journalists in the past, to innovate, to be realistic and pragmatic, to enhance the innovation and cohesiveness of the radio and film team, this event was specially held.

Second, the organization

The event was specifically led by the editorial office.

Third, the event time

May 16 to June 25, 20XX

Fourth, the participants

All employees

V. Form of competition

This competition is based on the story of the main competition. Participants should use the TV program thinking and use the TV program expression as the blueprint. They can combine various elements such as video materials, host telling, and stage performances. They can also choose to use one or two elements to perform separately. Specific requirements are as follows:

1. The participating team selects one of the existing self-organized column names, or can create a column as the name of the participating program. The total length of the program is no more than 15 minutes.

2. This competition group was adjusted based on the grouping of the first employee skill competition, and still divided into six participating groups.

3. The script texts of each group must be original for the group. Before June 20th, the manuscripts and works will be submitted to the editor-in-chief of the room, and the texts of the entries will only be used as scoring references.

4. The moderator can use Mandarin and can also use Sichuan dialect to strive to express accurately, lively and fascinating.

5. This competition will be conducted on-site, on-site scoring and scoring. Finally, the award ceremony was held.

Sixth, entry method

1. All departments and film and television service centers are divided into six groups by means of lottery. And the group list will be handed over to Yin Yi Office of the Ministry of Literature and Art before May 18. The staff of the lottery and the number of departments with less than 6 people will be re-drawn by the organizing committee.

2. The organizing committee may fine-tune the participating groups and participants according to the registration of each department.

Seven, the way to participate

1. On the basis of the grouping of the first employee skill competition, the editorial office completed the grouping within two days from the official issuance of the event notice. Within two days of the group completion, the team was urged to determine the team leader.

2. In order to ensure fairness and justice, each team shall be assigned at least one announcer or moderator. Whether the moderator or announcer is the moderator of the group's story is decided by the team.

Eight, the evaluation method

Each entry has a maximum score of 10.

1. The narrative logic is rigorous and the structure is reasonable 2.5 points.

2, the story is fluent, the language is popular, close to life 2.5 points.

3, suspense setting is properly arranged 2 points.

4. The narrative element is reasonably applied 1.5 points.

5. The TV story program features 1.5 points.

In this competition, innovative reward points will be set, and the reward score will be no more than 1 point. The specific bonus points are counted in the final score of the most innovative work after the review and discussion. The Innovation Reward points only reward one entry.

The final score of the entries is the first prize, the second prize is the second prize, and the third is the third prize.

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