Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Backbone teacher training program

Part 1: Backbone Teacher Training Program

First, the guiding ideology:

In order to further strengthen the training of young backbone teachers, the key teachers will grow rapidly, thus creating a new backbone of teachers with both ability and political integrity, scientific theory and innovative ability to promote the overall quality of the school's teachers and adapt to the development of education in the new century. The need to promote the quality of education and the overall level of schooling. The training plan for the key teachers of this year is specially formulated as follows:

Second, the work objectives:

Focusing on the new curriculum teacher training, to improve the ability and level of teachers to implement quality education, further strengthen the continuing education and school-based training of teachers, develop and innovate, advance with the times, and strive to create a new teacher training work in our school. The pattern is to achieve leapfrog development.

Third, the main work and measures:

In-depth implementation of the "new curriculum standard", combined with teacher classroom compliance activities, establish a modern concept of education, talent concept and lifelong learning.

1. Taking classroom teaching as the main position, focusing on the new curriculum teacher training, and continuing the training of new ideas, new curriculum standards and new teaching methods as the core work of school-based training in this semester. Around the new curriculum reform, all the teachers will be organized to carry out learning and compliance activities around “new courses, new ideas, new classrooms”.

2. Carry out reading educational activities in the backbone teachers. Focusing on the reform of the new curriculum, the first is to carry out the exchange of experience with "walking with the new curriculum and growing up in the new curriculum reform". Using the school-based training as a unit, using school-based training to exchange their own successful practices and useful attempts in the new curriculum reform teaching practice. Learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths; second, write a reflection on teaching or the spirit of curriculum reform.

3. During the course of the usual lectures, we found that there were new ideas and new modes of teaching, and the leaders launched them in time to observe. Everyone explores, researches, reviews, and develops their educational potential, and strives to develop in research and improve in research.

Establish a new concept of training and promote the professional development of teachers.

1. Do a good job in centralized training. Taking advantage of the business study time, the school grasps the teaching leaders to prepare lessons carefully, timely transmits the education and teaching reform information to the teachers, analyzes the situation of the education reform, and uses the time of the group to collect the time. The subject group organizes the whole group of teachers to interpret the new curriculum standards. Discussion work.

2. Grasp the self-study. Each teacher insists on the monthly self-study education teaching theory and makes a record. At the same time, do a good job in the accumulation of research papers, essays and reflections, summaries, lectures and other materials. The school will further improve the teacher assessment work, and at the end of the period, the teachers' theoretical study notes will be thoroughly examined and evaluated.

3. Give full play to the role model role of key teachers. Enable the backbone teachers with rich experience and high theoretical level in the school to play their role in radiation and demonstration. It is possible to carry out lectures to teach classroom teaching experience, and also to demonstrate teaching skills through demonstration classes, so that young teachers can benefit from it.

4. Strengthen school-based training management. Establish a reasonable training organization, each with its own duties and each with its own responsibilities. There are three main levels of school-based training management: one is the school-level decision-making level, which grasps the direction of school-based training, and provides conditions for people, finance, materials, and time. The second is the training executive level. Under the leadership of the principal, the teaching office organizes and School-based training activities will be carried out, and the participation level will be expanded through management to improve the training level. Thirdly, the teaching and research group will be mobilized to organize the teachers to participate in the training and to organize teaching and research activities based on the group.

Consolidate the teaching foundation and improve the quality of teaching.

1. Taking the opportunity of comprehensively implementing the new round of curriculum reform, taking the new curriculum reform as the top priority of the current school teaching work, grasping and implementing the advanced teachers of the new curriculum reform, and implementing the action quality improvement action plan in depth.

2. Regularly monitor and compete for students with learning difficulties and outstanding students.

3. Make full use of the collection time, give play to the advantages of collaboration, set clear learning objectives for students, and design learning links for independent inquiry for students. The supervisors regularly participate in inspections, pragmatically seeking the truth, and be solid.

4. Strengthen the management of teaching routines, and carry out regular inspection, exchange and selection of teaching.

“Revitalizing the nation in education and revitalizing education in teachers”, in the end, this semester will improve the overall level of teachers through effective training activities, and strive to build a team of professional teachers with outstanding individuality, group collaboration and dedication.

Part 2: Key Teacher Training Program

First, the guiding ideology

Taking the transformation of educational concepts as a breakthrough, focusing on improving the ability and level of teachers to implement new curriculums and professional ethics, building a high-quality, high-level backbone of teaching staff, driving the overall quality of the county's faculty, and promoting xx County China The reform of small education and teaching has achieved a balanced development of basic education in xx counties.

Second, the training object

Key teachers in the compulsory education stage, including:

1. Reporter of “Talent Strong Education Project”;

2. The middle school and above leaders are concurrently the subject teachers;

3. For some subjects, if there is no object meeting the above conditions, the school will select a key teacher of the subject to participate in the training.

Third, training time, place, form

Centralized training: July 7th - July 16th of xxxx. Focus on lectures and study and study in two forms. Concentrated lecture venue: XX County Second Middle School; research and research venue: xx County Experimental National Small, xx County Second Middle School, Research and Training Center. During the training period, the students will study for no less than 6 hours a day.

Group discussion: July 17th - August 1st. Conducted by each school organization.

Fourth, training objectives

Through training, all the trainees will further improve their moral cultivation, enrich their knowledge reserves and update their educational concepts. Further improve the ability and level of profound understanding of teaching materials, flexible handling of teaching materials, grasping key points, and breaking through difficulties. Further enhance the ability and level of classroom teaching implementation. Further enhance the demonstration and leading role of teaching research, reform and development.

V. Training content

1. Teacher's Moral Training: To develop teachers' ideological and political education and professional ethics education, strengthen teachers' self-cultivation, establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and professional outlook, and guide students' all-round development with noble sentiments.

2. Education theory and professional knowledge training: strengthen the basic theory of pedagogy, psychology and the study of subject knowledge theory, carry out various forms of general training and subject professional training around the new curriculum experiment, so that teachers consciously change the concept of the new curriculum Continuously improve the ability to implement new courses for specific educational and teaching behaviors.

3. Teaching ability and educational behavior training: According to the requirements of the new curriculum implementation, carry out teaching practice and skill training, guide teachers to implement education and teaching behaviors with the concept of implementing quality education, and analyze, reflect, practice, summarize and promote education and teaching problems. The improvement of teachers' comprehensive ability and professional development.

4. Course Arrangement: No. Lecture Course Contents Divided into Scientific Research Discussions Special Training Sites 1 New Period, New Situation, Compulsory Education Quality View Classroom Observation and Discussion 2 Integrated Practice Activities Course Function and Promotion Strategy Effective Teaching Method for Students' Positive Emotional Attitudes in Innovative Subject Teaching Pathway 3 Teacher's Teacher's Morality, Value Orientation and Assessment Mechanism in the Background of Performance Salary Classroom Observation and Discussion 4 Curriculum Analysis of Textbooks and Group Preparation in the Background of New Curriculum Reform 5 Teaching Convention Management Process Reengineering and Mechanism Innovation Teaching Material Analysis and Group Preparation 6 Education Innovation And education in the development of education and teaching process, how to embody education equity 7 Information technology and subject teaching integration teaching material analysis and collective lesson 8 The impact of new scientific and technological achievements on China's small teaching content and methods Teaching problems and solutions in the teaching session 9 Analysis of scientific growth and professional growth of teaching materials and collective lesson preparation 10 Environmental education, legal education, life education and personality education under the background of "five strictness", evaluation of teachers' teaching behaviors 6. Training management, assessment and identification

1. Management:

The training was organized and implemented by the Political Education Department of the County Education Bureau and the County Research and Training Center and was organized and implemented: each school designated a school-level leader to assist in centralized training management.

2. Examination and assessment:

The exam is divided into two parts: a written test and an interview. The test time is from August 1st to August 4th.

The assessment is mainly the assessment of the training process, which mainly refers to the study time, homework, seminars and so on.

3. Confirmation:

According to the test score plus the assessment scores as a comprehensive score, the results are included in the teacher business file, linked with the talents assessment, teacher competition, evaluation and promotion, leadership assessment.

Part 3: Key Teacher Training Program

In order to implement the "National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Outline", the implementation of the city's " backbone teachers, academic leaders, famous teacher training projects", and strive to create a high-quality professionalism with noble morality, exquisite workmanship, reasonable structure and full of vitality. The teaching team, from xxxx years, the city will hold the training of Chinese small-disciplinary backbone teachers. Through training, assessment and identification, we will strive to build a small Chinese backbone teachers with both ability and political integrity. The specific plans are as follows:

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific development concept, and the "National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Outline", with the core of cultivating innovative spirit and practical ability, oriented towards quality education, oriented to curriculum reform, and insisting on on-demand Teaching, learning and using, highlighting pertinence, effectiveness, practicality, and advanced nature, and strive to build a small Chinese backbone teachers with high professional ethics, modern educational ideology, higher education and teaching skills and level, and certain research capabilities. .

Second, the training objectives through training, so that the backbone teachers of all disciplines, such as teacher moral cultivation, subject knowledge level, classroom teaching skills and level, scientific research ability, school-based training ability, modern educational technology ability, etc. have been significantly improved. The specific objectives are as follows:

1. Good teacher morality and professional ethics. Through theoretical study, role model demonstration, and internalization, we will further enhance the cultivation and comprehensive quality of teachers.

2. Strong classroom teaching ability and classroom management level. Through the research, analysis and reflection of the various teaching links of the new curriculum, as well as professional guidance, the classroom teaching ability and level will be further improved.

3. Rich subject knowledge and solid teaching basic skills. Through the guidance of theoretical tutors, the study of teaching materials, and the training of basic teaching skills, the system masters the subject knowledge system and teaching material system, enriches professional knowledge, and consolidates the basic skills of teaching.

4. Have a certain level of classroom teaching research ability. Through the guidance of theory, the study of monographs, the collection or use of teaching and research materials, the study of classroom teaching, and the ability to improve classroom teaching.

5. Leading the school-based training ability. Through theoretical guidance, practice observation activities, etc., improve the ability to plan and organize school-based training.

6. Use modern educational technology capabilities. Through the practical training in modern educational technology theory and courseware production, the ability to apply modern educational technology will be further improved. III. Objects and Conditions of Training All Chinese teachers who are employed have the corresponding qualifications for teachers and junior junior teachers in China. They have not obtained the title of provincial and municipal key teachers and meet the following conditions. .

1. He loves the socialist motherland, loyal to the people's educational undertakings, exemplary fulfills the duties of teachers, actively promotes quality education, teaches and educates people, and is a teacher. In the past five years, there have been more than one year of "excellent" in the annual assessment.

2. He has more systematic professional knowledge and skills, a certain theoretical level and teaching experience, teaching ability, organizational ability and teaching and research ability. In the past five years, more than three open classes or lectures have been held at the school level and above, and the teaching effect is good.

3. In the past five years, he has participated in the research of educational research projects at or above the county level and won the third prize or more; or the academic papers that are closely related to the subject are awarded or compiled more than three at the county level.

4. Master information technology and modern educational technology, and have the ability to integrate information technology with subject teaching. Has obtained the national computer application technology certificate examination intermediate certificate or the national computer grade examination certificate, can be more skilled in the application of the teaching software commonly used in this discipline, to produce courseware. Fourth, the recommended quota for the allocation of 20XX years of the city's planning training for China's small backbone teachers 406. . V. Recommended methods and procedures 1. Under the leadership of the county education bureaus, the Personnel Section of the Education Bureau will take the lead in organizing implementation.

2. Take a step-by-step recommendation. It is recommended by the County Education Bureau in accordance with the distribution table.

3. The training target should fill out the “XX City China Small Subjects Teacher Declaration Form” and attach relevant certification materials, which should be reported and reported by the county education bureau. The deadline for submission is April 25th.

4. The materials submitted by the counties are submitted to the training department of the xx city teaching institute.

Contact: xxxx Contact number: xxxx

Sixth, training form

According to the training objectives and requirements of the backbone teachers, from the characteristics of teachers' continuing learning, the following six methods are proposed:

1. Special lectures: hiring experts from the province or the city to give lectures on a particular topic. Most of the content of general training and subject training is completed through special lectures.

2. Exchange seminar: The class teacher organizes the basic skills training of text interpretation, teaching design, lecture class, segment teaching, lecture and class evaluation, courseware production and so on.

3. Research on the subject: The student chooses the topic independently, and the class teacher is responsible for the guidance. The student should conduct a practical study on the subject and make a report on the opening of the topic and a research report on the subject.

4. Decentralized practice: After the centralized training, the trainees returned to their units to carry out educational and teaching activities, conduct research on topics, study educational theories and information technology, continuously improve the skills and level of education and teaching, and guide the discipline teaching and research group to carry out school-based training and develop the backbone. Demonstration and radiation effects.

5. Assessment summary: After completing the training, conduct a comprehensive assessment and identification of the students' learning situation, business ability and basic teaching skills.

Seven, the training process

Each training is conducted in three phases.

In the first phase, focus on training. Conduct general training and improve the overall quality of the training objects.

The second stage: decentralized practice. The time is about half a year.

The third stage: the assessment summary stage. A comprehensive assessment of the students takes about 3 days. The main contents include: education theory examination, computer application ability examination, subject research report or research paper exchange, defense; teaching design, fragment teaching, blackboard design, courseware production and evaluation of teaching basic skills assessment.

Eight. Organization management

Establish a training leadership team. Establish and improve various rules and regulations.

Establish a class organization. The training class will set up a class teacher with high sense of responsibility and strong business ability, and be responsible for the overall work of the class; establish a class committee, set up a class leader, set up a study group, select the backbone teachers with strong sense of responsibility as the team leader, organize study and research training. .

Attendance. Participants must strictly implement the attendance system to ensure the quality of the training.

Nine, assessment and identification

The assessment content of municipal training consists of the following parts:

1. Learning performance accounts for 20%. Learning performance includes learning attitudes, attendance, homework completion, and performance of the decentralized practice and the role of the backbone.

2. Teaching design accounts for 20%. Based on the on-site assessment.

3. Fragment teaching and blackboard design account for 20%. Based on the on-site assessment.

3. Courseware production accounts for 10%. Based on the on-site assessment.

4. Research projects account for 10%. The assessment basis is a research paper or research report.

5. The following content assessment accounts for 20%:

1 1 peer diagnosis and analysis report;

2 self-classroom teaching diagnostic analysis report;

3 self or peer classroom teaching record and reflection report or classroom teaching research papers;

4 reading reports:

5 design plans for school-based training activities;

6 design and production of a discipline test paper;

7 on a good report or demonstration class;

8 Write a review draft;

After the trainees have completed the prescribed time and passed the examination, the Municipal Education Bureau will review and confirm, and the “XX City Backbone Teacher” honorary certificate will be issued.

Ten, the first training time

The first training period for Chinese small subject backbone teachers in xx city xxxx years is from March to November of xxxx.

Part 4: Key Teacher Training Program

In order to comprehensively promote the reform of education and teaching in our school, further establish the central position of teaching, comprehensively improve the teacher's moral cultivation and classroom teaching level, and create a team of key teachers who play a role in the teaching and teaching practice, and further increase the number of teachers. The strength of the backbone teachers has enabled the backbone teachers to grow rapidly. According to the needs of the construction of the school teachers, the goal is to “make the teachers progress with the times, let the teachers and students grow together”, and follow the rules of the growth of key teachers. And multi-channel training measures to build a new backbone of teachers with modern teachers' quality and innovative spirit, laying the foundation for the sustainable development of school education and teaching. Develop a training program for key teachers.

First, training objectives:

1. Cultivate the backbone teachers to respect the school and love the school. They have a good moral education, modern education concept and innovative reform consciousness.

2. Train key teachers to keep abreast of the latest education and teaching concepts at home and abroad, understand the development trend of teaching, familiar with advanced teaching methods, and improve basic teaching skills.

3. Improve the professional quality of the backbone teachers, improve the teaching level of the new concept, and innovate the teaching design, laying the foundation for the formation of a unique and individualized teaching style.

4. Through training, the backbone teachers have been comprehensively improved in terms of ideological and political, professional ethics, teaching concepts, professional knowledge, teaching skills and scientific research capabilities, and become a model for our school's teaching and research capabilities and teaching demonstration capabilities.

5. Make them the backbone of the first-line teachers in our school, take on the main burden of teaching in our school, and become the leader of teaching in all disciplines.

6. Make the backbone teachers have strong educational and scientific research consciousness and certain research ability, attach importance to education, teaching and research activities, carry out teaching reform and subject research according to the objectives and tasks of education and teaching reform, be good at summing up experience, and have a high level of educational theory.

7. Encourage key teachers to further establish the concept of lifelong learning, consciously upgrade themselves, and drive the teachers of our school to realize the vision of the common growth of school teachers.

Second, the training object:

1. Teaching for more than 3 years, under the age of 45, the focus is on cultivating promising young and middle-aged teachers.

2. Excellent teachers in all disciplines, subject education teaching leaders and advanced workers are preferred.

3. Excellent teacher morality, strong professionalism, systematic basic theoretical knowledge and certain teaching experience, and excellent education and teaching achievements.

Third, the selection program: recommended by the teaching and research group, the teaching office to be approved, approved by the school's backbone teacher leadership group.

1. The backbone teachers are generally selected and adjusted once a year, and each semester is assessed.

2. In principle, 1-3 key teachers are established in various disciplines of the school according to actual conditions.

3. The school establishes the backbone teacher information database, the reserve team backbone teacher information database, and selects and trains layer by layer.

4. Establish a mechanism for open, fair and just selection.

Fourth, job requirements:

1. Dedicated to work, teach and educate people, be brave in innovation, and do your job well.

2. The system masters modern education theories and skills, consciously updates educational concepts, improves business quality and education and teaching level, strives to form a personal style, and becomes the leader of teaching and educational research in this discipline.

3. Adhere to the first line of education and teaching, give play to the role of demonstration and lead; undertake open teaching tasks such as demonstration classes and observation classes, and promote the improvement of school education and teaching quality.

4. At least one school-level public demonstration class per semester.

5. Bring at least one apprentice every academic year.

6. During the semester, there are no less than 20 class hours in the school teaching and research activities, and no less than 5 class hours.

7. Intensively read a monograph and write a study note every semester.

8. Complete a high-quality educational teaching paper and two teaching reflections each academic year.

9. Publish 2 professional papers, experience summaries or research reports at the county-level publications or academic conferences every year.

10. Write a summary of the key teachers' work in each semester, and actively cooperate with the school to assess the backbone teachers.

V. Training content and requirements: Our school's training of key teachers mainly adopts the combination of theory and practice, combining go-out and invite-in, combining training with individual research, and combining observation and demonstration. The combination of on-campus training and off-campus training is mainly based on the school's internal training, the teaching and research group training as the focus and the off-campus training, supplemented by “high standards, strict requirements, comprehensiveness and professionalism, commonality and individuality”. The principles are cultivated. In the process of cultivating, take the form of tracking and questioning, effective management, timely guidance, key investigation, comprehensive assessment, and ensure the quality of training.

Off-campus training

1. Encourage key teachers to adopt different methods to improve their academic qualifications. The higher the goal, the better.

2. Encourage key teachers to participate in various disciplines related to the subject and enrich their professional knowledge.

3. Encourage key teachers to participate in various seminars and observations related to the subject, and expand the horizons of teachers.

4. Encourage key teachers to participate in various academic exchanges.

5. Encourage key teachers to go out for further study and training.

6. Communicate with friendly schools and write about your experience.

On-campus training. Based on the actual work, from the strategic level of teachers' sustainable development and lifelong learning, based on the combination of forward-looking and practical, unified standards and on-demand teaching, combined with overall improvement and emphasis, discipline construction and teaching The principle of combining research is carried out in stages and in steps.

1. The first stage: establish the training list, training content and methods. According to the characteristics of our school, combined with the characteristics of the subject, the teaching and research group will select the list of key teachers, the teaching office will conduct assessment and screening, and then through lectures, seminars, comprehensive assessment, and finally determine the list of key teachers.

2. The second stage: continuously improve the level of key teachers through self-study, attending lectures, teaching practice and special seminars. The training content of the backbone teachers in the school mainly includes:

Conduct targeted lectures. Lecture type lecture content Lecture staff professional ethics and teacher moral cultivation teacher professional ethics cultivation and teacher morality construction how to be a good national teacher modern teaching method modern education technology theory how to do a good job of scientific research practice ability to do a good job teaching and research.

Good demonstration classes and observation classes. Taking classroom teaching as a breakthrough, it will promote the solid implementation of each teaching link of teachers. In each period, at least one demonstration class or observation class will be held in the undergraduate group or the whole school to truly achieve the demonstration of the backbone teachers. Demonstration courses should strengthen the standardized management of teaching links, and should be standardized, scientific and reasonable for teachers' preparation, lectures, approvals, supplements, and examinations. After class, collective discussion and evaluation should be conducted in order to promote the professional development of teachers.

Strengthen listening to classes and evaluating classes. The backbone teachers should have hard indicators for listening to the lesson, no less than 2 sessions a week, so there are records, suggestions, and feelings. Through their driving, it is necessary to raise the enthusiasm among teachers for mutual evaluation, mutual evaluation, and mutual improvement of classroom teaching effects, so that both new and old teachers can be improved to varying degrees.

Strengthen self-study. Each key teacher should strengthen self-study, have actual self-study content, and have regular self-study notes.

Conduct evaluation activities such as excellent teaching plans and excellent courses, and encourage key teachers to participate in various educational competitions at all levels so that they can be trained and improved in practice and in competition.

3. The third stage: training evaluation and results exchange The relevant departments and personnel regularly review and evaluate the demonstration classes and materials submitted by the backbone teachers, such as teaching papers, experience and reading notes. Observe and exchange outstanding achievements and publicly display them when appropriate.

Training points.

1. Improve the ideological and moral quality of key teachers. Deepen the education of teachers' morality, enhance the sense of responsibility, mission and self-awareness of teachers' loyalty education. The backbone teachers focus on people-oriented in their thinking, pay attention to serving students in their work attitudes, pay attention to honesty and education in their work style, pay attention to standardizing coaching in educational behavior, and shape the good image of teachers.

2. Strengthen professional teaching reform and research efforts to improve business standards. In the backbone teachers, the "cross" policy is implemented, that is, the preparation of lessons should be "deep", the class should be "real", the homework should be "fine", the teaching should be "live", the means should be "new", the activity should be "diligent", and the assessment should be "Strict", counseling should be "fine", burden should be "light", quality should be "high". At least one of the key teachers has carefully prepared a lively and excellent teaching and research group level open class. Teachers in the same discipline are required to present a class of lessons through the same class. At the same time, the training of key teachers is required, and it is required to be able to use multimedia means.

Sixth, the corresponding treatment

1. Provide opportunities for teachers to participate in high-level academic exchanges, effective training, and study, study, and research.

2. The evaluation, evaluation, and promotion of professional titles at all levels will give priority to training.

3. The young and middle-aged teachers in the school are recommended to participate in the selection of young and middle-aged teachers at the county level.

VII. Management and assessment

The backbone teacher assessment is an important part of the backbone teacher training. The backbone teacher training program is formulated and managed by the school teaching department, and each teaching and research group works closely with each other. The training process adopts dynamic management, quantitative assessment, and has standards, implementation, and inspection. The daily assessment of the backbone teachers is the responsibility of the teaching and research group, and the performance-based dynamic assessment management mechanism is implemented. Establish a regular assessment, scientific assessment, and dynamic competition management mechanism for key teachers, and establish a performance record of key teachers. According to the training plan and purpose requirements, combined with the semester and annual assessment, the performance of the backbone teachers and the teaching situation will be carried out. Comprehensive assessment, the results of the assessment are filed by the school's teaching office.

Part 5: Key Teacher Training Program

The cultivation process of the backbone teachers is the most powerful guarantee for the sustainable development of the school. The training of the backbone teachers in our school is an urgent task. According to the geographical environment of our school and its own characteristics, the cultivation of key teachers will be a long-term work with far-reaching historical significance, and it is also a glorious and arduous mission that the times have given us teachers. Through joint efforts, we will promote the backbone teachers of a group of teachers among the teachers, so that they will gradually become the backbone teachers of the district and even the city level until they become special teachers or higher-level teachers and even educators. Young teachers should be based on the current situation, gradually become a rookie in the teaching circle, a model of educating people, and gradually join the ranks of key teachers. Among them, all teachers need to gradually do the corresponding work in a planned way, have strong perseverance and work interest; at the same time, they also need to create a good working environment for these teachers, as well as the support and mutual help of the teachers. We must give these teachers sufficient time to prepare and guarantee certain funds. We will continue to do all the work in three, five, eight, or even longer periods, and accomplish the goal one by one, or Do two or three of these tasks. To this end, the school has specially developed this backbone teacher training program.

First, the selection criteria for the candidates of the backbone teachers

Adhere to the party's basic line, adhere to the correct political direction, support the important thinking of the "three represents," love the socialist motherland, and be loyal to the people's educational undertakings; earnestly implement the state's educational policy, teach and educate people, be a teacher, and be noble. Professional ethics and self-cultivation; the spirit and quality of dedication, unity and cooperation, and innovation.

Adhere to the front line of education and teaching, have advanced education and teaching concepts, and the education and teaching ideas that conform to the characteristics of the times, and take the lead in the teaching field of this subject; have a systematic and solid theoretical foundation and rich education for the teaching department, Teaching experience, outstanding teaching performance, in the forefront of the region.

In the past three years, he has undertaken research on teaching and research projects at or above the municipal level, and has achieved a high level of research results. My research results have a certain role in promoting the reform of education and teaching throughout the school. I have published educational papers with high value or published. A work of certain academic value.

In the past three years, it has undertaken public courses in the teaching and observation activities organized by the teaching and research departments at or above the district level, or the teaching observation activities at the district level and above organized by the project departments of the educational science planning departments at or above the district level.

Consciously help and motivate young and middle-aged teachers to continuously improve their political ideology, education and teaching ability, and scientific research capabilities, and make important contributions to the formation of a reasonable teaching echelon.

Teachers have secondary school-level teacher positions, and the age is generally no more than 45 years old.

In the past five years, he has been awarded the title of teaching expert, academic leader and excellent teacher at the district level or above.

Have one of the following conditions:

1. Have their own unique educational and teaching methods, and have wide-ranging influences in and outside the region;

2. Independently published monographs with high academic value;

3. Independently undertake research projects at or above the municipal level, and the research results have greater application value;

4. Received the teaching achievement award commissioned by the people's government at or above the district level, or the outstanding achievement award for education, teaching and research entrusted by the education administrative department at or above the district level;

5. It has high prestige and popularity in the same subject of the same level in the same district, and the education and teaching achievements have a wide-ranging influence on the inside and outside of the city;

6. Excellent teachers in the region who have a high reputation in the education sector and have made outstanding contributions.

Second, the key candidates for the selection of candidates

In this school year, the school organizes mobilization. In the next school year, the teachers declare themselves, and the teaching and research group evaluates them. Each group recommends 2 people. The school school committee organizes the audit and finally determines the 8 key teachers candidates. The selection of key teacher candidates is conducted every three years.

Third, the school's key teacher candidate annual work and requirements

1. The backbone teacher candidate must write a paper or an annual project. Each year, a year-end work report should be submitted to the school board, and at least one school-level open class should be opened each year.

2. The work is passionate and the work efficiency is high. It plays a certain role in the school and the group, which promotes the teaching results of the preparation group and the teaching and research group to be greatly improved. The students have good evaluation and can actively undertake additional school teaching tasks and take the initiative. Teaching and research

3. The school backbone teacher candidate must complete the relevant work and make a difference during his tenure. Those who do not act will be disqualified.

Fourth, the establishment of the backbone teachers at the school level

Each year, the school organizes the evaluation of the candidates for the backbone teachers, and any candidate who passes the assessment and meets the conditions retains the title of the backbone teacher candidate. The results of the assessment have been awarded the title of backbone teacher of the school for three consecutive years. The results of the assessment will serve as the main basis for the selection of high-level key teachers candidates. Dynamic management of the selected "backbone teacher candidates". Each term is three years, and no lifelong system.

5. Duties of the backbone teachers at the school level

The key teachers at the school level should be brave in innovation, reflect on and summarize the experience of education and teaching, write a thesis, and write a book. Every "backbone teacher" should have a clear, not only in line with their own teaching characteristics but also fully implement quality education. And research on the subject of comprehensive improvement of education quality. Strive to obtain excellent teaching and research results with systematic educational thoughts, distinctive educational characteristics, and extensive social influence.

Give full play to the backbone of the backbone teachers and demonstrate the role of radiation. The backbone teachers are an important resource for the continuing education of our teachers. The backbone teachers should actively observe the observation classes, demonstration classes or special lectures, and undertake the training tasks for young teachers and continuing education for the whole school according to the arrangement of the education administration. The further development and optimization of the teaching and research activities of the preparation group and the teaching and research group will be carried out, and the academic achievements will be excellent.

Specific assessment tasks:

1. Each class should be accompanied by a high-quality and characteristic demonstration class.

2. Give an education lecture for teachers or students in the middle of the year.

3. Guide young teachers to grow as soon as possible, and at the same time self-pressurize and actively develop to become a higher-level backbone teacher or academic leader.

4. Within three years, there must be a second-level award for provincial education and teaching papers or a professional paper published in the journal. In the past three years, one of the research projects at the municipal level and above will be participated.

5. The students who were coached performed well in the competition organized by the higher education and research departments.

6. The scores of the subjects taught in the subject examinations organized by the higher education and scientific research departments are in the forefront of the whole district. At the same time, the scores of the preparation group and the teaching and research group are improved and they are all in excellent ranks.

6. The rights and treatment of key teachers

1. As a backbone teacher of the school, enjoy a certain research subsidy.

2. Participation in high-level major education seminars is a priority.

3. Regularly organize the study and study.

4, in the teacher business assessment or in the excellent, first, model selection and title evaluation, under the same conditions, priority, and at the same time as the main basis for the selection of higher honors.

6. The backbone teachers are appointed for three years. At the end of the three years, the school teacher training and assessment team is responsible for the specific material collection and arrangement assessment. If the assessment is qualified, the applicant will continue to use the first phase. If the assessment is unqualified, the corresponding honorary title and allowance will be cancelled.

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