Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Lesson study plan

Part 1: Lessons and training programs

The majority of the students, the current national training program has entered the practice stage of the post, the students should take the school preparation group as a unit, carry out case study and training, and combine with the network training exchange guidance. This phase totals 30 hours, compared to the previous 50 hours, totaling 80 hours. If you relax your study at this stage, it may cause the students' national training to be unqualified, and hope to attract the attention of each student. Below I will send you the process of class training, first discuss, and then implement:

One. Preparation Phase

1. The class administrator organizes the student's on-line learning and counseling report to understand the requirements of the class study phase;

2. Formulate a preliminary implementation plan;

3. Coordinate and negotiate with relevant departments to improve the implementation plan.

Second, release the implementation plan

1. Announce the implementation plan of the case study on the Internet;

2. Solicit the specific implementation plan of the school where the student is located;

3. Coordinate with QQ group to deal with various problems;

4. Hold the meeting of the principals and the heads of the teaching and research groups in charge of the national training of each school. Implement implementation plans for each school and coordinate issues.

Third, the stage of reflection before class

1. The individual study of the course standard, the case study and training report, the relevant materials, research materials, and analysis of the academic situation;

2. Forming an individual's instructional design;

3. Collective lessons. It is recommended to use the school's regional network electronic preparation room or multimedia classroom to carry out this activity, assign someone to make a record, preferably with a video;

4. Combine the knowledge acquired in the national training course, learn from the collective preparations, and learn from each other; the students reflect;

5. Individuals form a new teaching design.

Fourth, the implementation of teaching design

1. Select a student to implement the instructional design; there is no need to choose the teacher with the best teaching quality to attend the class, and choose the ordinary teacher. In doing so, it can play the role of mutual strengths and weaknesses, and has a strong representativeness. When reviewing lectures, discover highlights, find problems, and be more effective.

2. Designate a special person to make a video tape.

V. Collective class discussion

1. Organize class evaluations and lectures;

2. Schools with conditions can invite relevant experts to participate in the class discussion; the experts mentioned here refer to the teaching and research staff, the autonomous region level, the Wuzhong city level, the backbone teachers of Qingtongxia city level, and the famous teachers of Wuzhong City.

3. Organizational testing, questionnaires;

4. Select special personnel to organize the video, test results, questionnaire analysis, and lecture materials.

5. The lectures are mainly from the following aspects. 1 The implementation of the new curriculum concept, 2 the completion of the teaching tasks, the grasp of the 3 academic conditions, the advantages and disadvantages of the 4 teaching strategies, the advantages and disadvantages of the 5 scenarios, the situation of the 6 methods, and the operation of multimedia The basic skills of the main teacher, the embodiment of the core value of mathematics, etc. According to the situation of the teachers participating in the class discussion and the presence of the experts, it is best to do a proper division of labor in advance.

Sixth, after-school reflection stage

1. The student repeatedly watches the finished materials;

2. Rethink the highlights and problems of this lesson;

3. Initially form a new teaching design.

Seven, network teaching and research to further improve teaching design

1. Publish the new teaching design and finishing training materials initially formed by the students to the training network;

2. Organize all the trainees and instructors to discuss;

3. After extensively listening to the opinions and suggestions of various parties, improve the teaching design, form a case study report or feel the experience;

4. The school summarizes the training experience of the class. To provide experience for the next phase of national training, and more importantly, to promote this good practice to the usual teaching and research activities.

Eight, my suggestion

1. It is hoped that each school will put the class, class and class activities into normal teaching and research activities, and minimize the workload of teachers.

2. The lectures and lectures are carried out in the form of the teaching and research activities that we often engage in. In order to play a role in brainstorming.

3. The subject of the case study and training is unified within the scope of Qingtongxia City, and it is used to learn the equivalent of the same class that is often carried out in order to improve the effectiveness of the case study. I suggest to use the final review, and we will prepare the review class for the eighth grade "One Function" as the carrier of this class study.

4. Before the class preparation, it is recommended that the students upload their teaching design to the training network in the form of a log, and set it to be completely open, so that everyone can see that other teachers can use their relatively convenient time to browse everyone in advance. The teaching design can improve efficiency when preparing for class.

5, other teachers' "one-time function" review class is best to delay a day or two to go, can absorb the wisdom of collective lesson preparation, play the role of national training, improve the quality of teaching. At the same time, students can experience the training process, improve the level of perception, and lay a solid foundation for the successful completion of the case study report.

6. In the process of class and training, teachers should collect and organize the first-hand materials in time to improve the quality of training and leave material for the evaluation of Guopei.

7. Because the same class is selected by each school, the comparability is very strong. When selecting the advanced school of Guopei, this is a very important reference factor, and I hope that the school leaders will pay enough attention.

8. The school with conditions can make the whole process of the case study into a video file, and the training network selects excellent video files and plays it on the Chinese education station.

9. The student questionnaire and the teacher questionnaire have been sent to the training network. If you feel that there is no problem, you can refer to it.

10 process grooming: the individual preparation of the class - collective help to prepare lessons - students reflect on the changes - students do classes - collective view class - students reflect again - students write reports.

Part 2: Lesson Study Program

First, the demand survey

Questionnaire method; conversation method.

Investigate two groups of teachers and students.

Second, training objectives and content

Taking the subject teaching and research group as the unit, it is the first to implement the “high-efficiency classroom construction case study in the implementation of the grading teaching in the shift system” in the first grade;

Prepare specific implementation plans for implementing layered teaching;

Summarize the specific practices of all aspects of the stratified teaching of the shift system;

Form a set of classroom teaching plans for layered teaching;

Construct an operative and efficient classroom teaching model for layered teaching.

Third, training resources

1. Theoretical training: In the "Teaching and Development" theory of Zankov, the principle of "making all students get general development", Broome's mastery of learning theory, and our traditional "teaching students according to their aptitude", and so on.

2, existing experience and case support: Shanghai Jianping Middle School on mathematics and foreign language "a textbook, three progress" curriculum reform experiment, Jiangsu Nanjing Normal University High School on "compulsory course layered teaching" experimental research, northeast of Changchun City, Liaoning Province The reform experiment of the "high-level curriculum stratified teaching" in the middle school of the National Taiwan Normal University.

3. Consult the Changsha Institute of Education's famous resource library, identify training experts, and conduct special lectures on “effective teaching strategies”, “guide books” and “group cooperation learning”.

4. Determine the monitoring and control of variables; launch the inquiry-based, group-cooperative learning-type teaching case.

Fourth, the determination of the object of training

All teachers in the four subjects of language, mathematics, English and physics.

V. Training start-up phase schedule

1. Research time: The questionnaire will be issued on May 26, 20XX.

2. On June 12, 20XX, according to the questionnaire survey and expert communication training topics.

3. Intensive training time: July 12th to July 15th.

Sixth, the implementation organization of the case study

A, the implementation program

Liuyang Second Middle School Teacher's Course

One lesson plan

Lecture once

Second lesson plan

Trial teaching

Key teachers and subjects

Group teacher review class

Three lesson plans

Secondary lecture

B. Selection of training methods:

Hybrid training under the guidance of the subject

Focusing on the construction of “teacher's individual self-transcendence” and “collective collective learning culture”, we will vigorously promote the combination of school-based teaching and research and online learning environment. On the one hand, we make full use of school-based resources to carry out teaching and research; on the other hand, we use network advantages to strengthen information exchange and resource sharing, and promote teachers to change from passive to active in school-based research, breaking through the limitations of time and space, and proactively under the network platform. Studying, discussing, and communicating, through the "school teaching and research blog circle", "teaching and research QQ group", "school teaching and research special website" and other forms, actively explore and implement the secondary school this training in the network environment. Therefore, effectively reducing and suppressing the “Bodun effect” of teachers in rural schools with low prestige or in remote areas, inhibiting their creativity and enthusiasm, improving the efficiency of teaching and research, and enabling teachers to strengthen their business and ability And thereby promote the sustainable development of the school.

Summarize some effective strategies for “efficient classroom construction in the implementation of layered teaching”.

Further deepen the classroom teaching reform measures, sum up good experiences and practices in a timely manner, and improve the system of this school's research and training under the network environment.

Submit the professional growth files and cases of teachers, the results of the papers of this reform experiment, and the experimental reports.

C, implementation guarantee
Funding guarantee

The teacher training and project research funds will be included in the budget, and the school-based research workload calculation plan will be formulated.

2. Implementation environment protection

Our school has a steady and continuous growth in teaching and research and teacher training. It has become one of the advanced teaching and research units in Liuyang City and the 100 school demonstration schools in Changsha. It has a good teaching and research tradition and a good teaching style, and is the first in Liuyang City. Create a network teaching and research pioneer unit in the school teaching and research blog circle.

3. Management guarantee

The first impetus for the enthusiasm of business learning and the improvement of business ability in the competition and coordination of teachers is the first impetus.

Adhere to the principle of “low starting point, small slope, hierarchical, strict requirements”, effectively infiltrating and supervising the teachers in all disciplines and levels participating in the project.

Eight, training effect evaluation

1. On-campus and in-class classroom supervision teams and expert groups investigate and listen to lectures.

2. Find feedback from students.

3. Statistical analysis of the results of the four-study students' staged tests.

4. Leaders and experts of provincial and municipal research groups and project teams supervise and evaluate.

Part 3: Lesson Study Program

First, refine the problem

How to cultivate students' ability to question and dispel doubts in the teaching of Chinese language reading.

Second, the case design

"Thoughts are always started by questions." Learning is also the same. "Learning from thinking, thinking is rooted in doubt." Students constantly discover problems during the learning process, and they are interested in learning before they take the initiative. Seeking desires. If a student or even a class of students never ask questions, it is reflected that they are not good at thinking and not diligent. Many times, teachers in the teaching problems themselves to design problems, and then students to think, to answer, in the long run, students will form a habit of lazy questioning. Worth pondering. I feel that teachers should use the existing knowledge of students to induce difficult problems, solve problems, and make students progress, inspire their minds, stimulate students' enthusiasm, and further develop students' self-learning ability.

Suhomlinski pointed out: "Getting knowledge - this means discovering the truth and answering questions. You should try to make your students see, feel, touch what they don't understand, and make questions in front of them. If you can do this, things will be done in half.” Pupils are rich in imagination, sensitive to new things, and actively guide students to question and dispel doubts in reading, which is of great significance for Chinese teaching. So how to develop students' ability in this aspect, I think we can explore from the following aspects:

Teacher attitude

1. Advocate

2, encourage

3. Guide: train students to be "good at" questions

How to deal with the questions raised by students

1. It has nothing to do with the text - it is not appropriate to answer one by one, and keep it for after-school processing.

2, not on the point - selectively answer and guide

3. Ask on the main points - organize discussions and think in a timely manner

How to cooperate with teaching materials to cultivate students' ability to question and dispel doubts

1. Start with the subject

The subject is the "eye" of the article, and the "eye" is the "window of the soul." Therefore, it is difficult to question the title of the article, often opening the "window" of the analysis article.

Topic: The teacher inspires students to ask questions about this topic and to lay the groundwork for learning new lessons.

Lesson: such as "My comrades Qiu Shaoyun"

2, grasp the keyword language questioning, dispelling doubts

In the process of reading teaching, sometimes it is difficult to grasp some key words and conduct in-depth questions. It is often a breakthrough to understand an article.

Such as grasping the characters' movements, emotional keywords, keywords about the text center.

3. Do not question or dispel doubts

Sentence teaching is an important part of reading teaching. The sentence is explained in order to let students deeply understand the ideological and Chinese artistic nature of the text. Highlighting the key points and grasping difficult questions is difficult to understand the content of the text.

Lesson: According to the sentence in "My comrade-in-arms Qiu Shaoyun": "Qiu Shaoyun is like a huge stone, and he is motionless in the fire." Inducing students to ask why they use "thousands of stones" to compare Qiu Shaoyun.

4. Grasp the key paragraphs to question and dispel doubts

The paragraph is the shelf and bone of the article. Grasp the key and typical passages to question and dispel doubts, and help analyze, understand, and understand the passages.

Lesson: The natural paragraphs of the sixth, seventh, and eighth paragraphs in the article "My comrades Qiu Shaoyun" are the key sections. The teacher instructs the students to read the text carefully, and then raises the questions they want to understand based on the content of the text.

5. The main methods of questioning and dispelling doubts

A, organize student discussion

B, guide students to contact context

C, teacher inspiration

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