Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

National Small Moral Lecture Implementation Plan

Part 1: Implementation of the National Small Moral Lecture Hall

In order to further promote the construction of the socialist core value system, we will continuously improve the ideological and moral cultivation of all teachers and students, the level of social civilization and the level of civilized urban construction, enhance the attraction and appeal of citizens' ideological and moral construction, and guide the majority of teachers and students to actively participate in moral practice. Activities, according to the "Wujin District Education Bureau on the construction of "school moral lectures" work opinions", the following special plans.

I. Guiding ideology and work objectives

Guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific development concept, we thoroughly implemented the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizens' Moral Construction" and advocated that teachers and students "make filial piety for their elders at home and send them to their companions at school." Caring for the love of others in society, contributing to the society, improving their own fashion, and striving to achieve "a generation of education, guiding two generations, affecting three generations." Building a "moral lecture hall", actively adapting to the new needs of economic and social development, building a new carrier for the moral construction of teachers and students, promoting the creation of all teachers as the main body of moral construction, and by "people around you talk about things around you, people around you talk about their own affairs, and around you "People" constantly improve the moral cultivation and civilization of teachers and students, and provide ideological and moral protection for deepening the construction of a national civilized city and building a national first-class education city.

Second, the "school moral lecture hall" working principle

1. The principle of practicality and effectiveness. The main methods are to practice, participate in activities and experience learning, and to carry out work through various activities such as publicity activities and opening activities classes and special lectures; activities should be interesting, targeted and effective.

2. The principle of integration and complementarity. The “School Ethics Lecture Hall” complements various educational activities of the school, complements the family and social education, integrates the long-term experience of implementing practical education and experiencing educational activities, and comprehensively utilizes various existing positions to integrate and add The combined approach is gradually pushed away.

3. The principle of totality and subjectivity. We will carry out activities for teachers and students throughout the school to cultivate healthy psychological quality and sound personality; respect the main status of teachers and students, encourage teachers and students to participate actively, think independently, self-reliance and self-reliance, and promote the formation of the overall atmosphere of teacher-student health education.

Third, the "moral lecture" object:

Hutangqiao Experimental National Primary School teachers and students

Fourth, the organization and implementation of "school moral lecture hall"

Establish a work leading group to effectively strengthen leadership and management. The specific division of labor is as follows:

Leader of the School Morality Lecture: Lu Jianwei

Deputy Team Leader: Gao Wenhui Zhang Hongbo Zhu Hongbo Wang Xiaoguo

Core group members: Gong Lina Liu Xiaoyan Zhou Jianfang Zhang Caihong Jiang Ruiping Zhuang Hejuan Wu Jianchun

Ye Xiuqin Jiang Yanping Sun Juanxin

Group member: all teachers and students

Establish a fixed "ethics lecture hall". The Teacher Ethics Hall uses the teacher's conference room to establish a special “school moral lecture hall”. The front of the site produces a special background, LOGO logo, and the use of text, pictures and other forms on both sides to create a strong moral construction atmosphere. Students can use the existing classrooms and Miao Miao TV to establish a special moral lecture hall to carry out related activities on a regular basis.

Activity section: The activity will be divided into two sections according to the unique group of the school to carry out related activities. The teachers will focus on the “Teacher's Lecture Hall” activities, and the students will carry out the “Ethical Lecture Hall” activities.

The first section: Teacher "Shide Lecture Hall"

1. The selection of the teacher's morality. Closely integrated with the actual situation of the school, with the selection of teachers, ethics, teachers, morality, individuality, and advanced team of teachers and ethics as the carrier, we will focus on selecting trees and cultivating a group of advanced individuals and advanced representatives of our teachers. Forming a typical style of learning teachers, advocating the typicality of teachers, typical of caring for teachers, and arguing for the typical style of teachers.

2. Cultivate the preaching team. In accordance with the standards of "self-cultivation, high morality, and good culture," a team of "teachers' lectures" with a combination of full-time and part-time work will be built. Party members and cadres should take the lead in preaching, organize lecturers, and teach typical teachers. The teacher said that by telling others, telling yourself, and telling the story of the teacher's morality around them, everyone becomes the practical subject of the "teacher's lecture hall."

3. Create a variety of carriers. Make full use of the learning day, the central group learning and other carriers, and regularly build the "Shide Lecture Hall" through centralized learning, special lectures, watching videos, and online learning. Each single Tuesday is a centralized publicity day, each stage. Take turns to arrange teachers to talk about their own or the teacher's morals around them. At the end of the semester, our school will collect and write typical cases about teachers' social morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and personal morality, so that the promotion of teacher morality becomes the conscious action of teachers.

4. Reflecting the characteristics of practice. Taking "I listen, I see, I speak, I discuss, I choose, I do" as the main mode, fully respect the pioneering spirit of frontline teachers, design forms, means and methods with diverse forms, rich connotations and remarkable results, and guide Teachers participate in the practice of teacher morality and realize self-education, self-management, self-evaluation and self-improvement in the practice of teacher's morality.

5. Regular exchanges and discussions. We will carry out the "Teacher's Demonstration Hall" construction exchange seminar, and listen to the advanced experience of other "industry moral lecture halls", communicate with the brothers and schools on the spot, timely report the progress of construction, absorb the successful experience of the mirror, share the construction results, and further broaden the construction ideas. Improve construction results.

6, pay attention to assessment and evaluation. Combine the construction of the "Teacher's Demonstration Hall" with the team evaluation and annual assessment. Regularly select and commend the "Ye De Lecture Hall" to build an advanced team and "excellent teacher's lecture hall".

The second section: the student "moral lecture hall"

1. I choose - through the pre-registration, organize students to select a group of advanced students who practice morality, fix a group of professional moral narrators, and constantly enrich the people who have the desire to tell, to create a sacred, clear, harmonious environment.

2, I listen - organize all students to listen to the moral story preaching activities. Using a series of main positions, such as class meetings, evening classes, speeches under the national flag, and Nantian TV, students can listen carefully to the moral stories of the people around them and use their role models to move themselves.

3. I will talk about the use of the position of the moral lecture hall, the class meeting, the evening meeting, the national flag, and the Nantian TV station telling a typical example of the national traditional virtue, the excellent revolutionary morality and the spirit of the times. According to the theme of the moral lecture hall, select a group of stories with clear themes and true meanings, and separate the students and teachers into a book.

4, I discuss - after listening to the moral story, comment on good people around you, telling the feelings of the heart, understanding the moral power, sublimating its own realm.

5, I sing - learn to sing a song of morality and civilization. Before each ethics lecture, I will sing a theme song of moral hall. Learn to read a section of Chinese traditional classic quotations or civic morality.

6. Our Bank - In-depth development of "quiet love", party members, members, and team members help students to learn, so that all students can consciously practice morality, be a moral person, and show the results of the first stage lectures.

7. I see - around the theme, organize a short film to watch the deeds of advanced figures in moral construction.

A set of detailed, standardized and orderly materials was formed during the event. It is necessary to have plans, plans, activities, and summaries for each activity. Attention should be paid to collecting photos and videos, etc., to reflect the effectiveness of the activities.

Chapter 2: Implementation Plan of the National Small Moral Lecture Hall

To further implement the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction", further promote the construction of the socialist core value system, continuously improve the ideological and moral cultivation of all teachers and students, build the level of social civilization, enhance the attraction and appeal of teachers and students' ideological and moral construction, and guide The majority of teachers and students of our school actively participate in moral practice activities. According to the requirements of the “Ethical Lecture Hall Construction Implementation Plan” of the County Education Bureau, the following programs are formulated.

I. Guiding ideology and work objectives

Guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, we will thoroughly implement the "Implementation Outline for Citizens' Moral Construction" and advocate that teachers and students "make filial piety for their elders at home, care for their peers at school, and show love for others in society." Contribute to the society, enhance the fashion of the times, and strive to reach "a generation of education, guide two generations, affect three generations." Building a "moral lecture hall", actively adapting to the new needs of economic and social development, building a new carrier for the moral construction of teachers and students, promoting the creation of all teachers as the main body of moral construction, and by "people around you talk about things around you, people around you talk about their own affairs, and around you "People" constantly improve the moral cultivation and civilization of teachers and students, and provide ideological and moral protection for the strong schools.

Second, the "school moral lecture hall" working principle

1. The principle of practicality and effectiveness. The main methods are to practice, participate in activities and experience learning, and to carry out work through various activities such as publicity activities and opening activities classes and special lectures; activities should be interesting, targeted and effective.

2. The principle of integration and complementarity. The “School Ethics Lecture Hall” complements various educational activities of the school, complements the family and social education, integrates the long-term experience of implementing practical education and experiencing educational activities, and comprehensively utilizes various existing positions to integrate and add The combined approach is gradually pushed away.

3. The principle of totality and subjectivity. We will carry out activities for teachers and students throughout the school to cultivate healthy psychological quality and sound personality; respect the main status of teachers and students, encourage teachers and students to participate actively, think independently, self-reliance and self-reliance, and promote the formation of the overall atmosphere of teacher-student health education.

Third, the target task

The main objectives of the "School Morality Lecture Hall" are: to enhance students' ideological and moral cultivation and civilization as the core, and to strengthen the "four virtues" construction of social morality, professional ethics, family virtues and personal morality, and strengthen publicity and education. Guide the country's small students to "accumulate small good for great good" and "accumulate small virtues for great morality" and consciously become a communicator and practitioner of morality.

The specific goal of building a "school morality lecture hall" is to form a social consensus of "good people and good news" and promote the moral practice of "integration of knowledge and action." Promoting transformation as the primary purpose of building a "school morality lecture hall", internalizing advanced moral concepts into group consciousness, and shifting from "heteronomy" to "self-discipline" in behavior, guiding students to perfect themselves and improve their quality in practice. Create a strong atmosphere of "Chongde is good". Taking the education guidance of the key groups of the school as a breakthrough point, the students will be cognizant, sensible, accepting and improving in the participation, and everyone will strive to be the participants and pioneers of moral construction, so that “thinking morality and doing good people” will become a common practice.

Fourth, the main content of the construction of "school moral lecture hall"

The "Ethical Lecture Hall" is mainly focused on strengthening the construction of "four virtues" such as social morality, professional ethics, family virtues and personal qualities.

1. The construction of social morality mainly includes: civility and courtesy, helping others, protecting public property, protecting the environment and obeying the law, etc., with "rituality" as the core.

2. The construction of professional ethics mainly includes: honesty and trustworthiness, dedication, dedication, fair service, dedication to society, etc., with "integrity" as the core.

3. The construction of family virtues mainly includes: husband and wife, filial piety, caring for children, unity in the neighborhood, diligence and housekeeping, etc., with "harmony" as the core.

4. The construction of personal morality mainly includes: friendly mutual assistance, integrity and tolerance, courtesy and trustworthiness, enthusiasm and sincerity, self-reliance and self-reliance, etc., with "friendly" as the core.

V. Ways and means

1. The team must be enriched. It is necessary to set up a part-time and combined teaching team. First, we must give play to the leading role of the school's key teachers, excellent class guides, and subject teachers. Second, we must integrate family and village resources, and invite outstanding representatives to participate in school education and form education. Heli; the third is to pay special attention to launching all levels of virtues, five good boys, outstanding young pioneers, and three good students as preachers, to play the role of good people around them, invite them to come out and talk with others.

2. Forms should be diversified. With "I listen, I see, I speak, I discuss, I choose, I do" as the main mode, design diversified preaching styles, so that students are easy to participate and willing to participate. First, "I listen": in the form of training reports, tour lectures, etc., listen to moral stories and realize excellent quality; second, "I see": visualize and concreteize typical deeds and qualities in the form of deductive display, learning discovery, etc. To make it more amiable and trustworthy, and to learn; the third is "I speak": in the form of self-recommendation, self-proclamation, etc., to tell the students themselves and the moral stories around them; the fourth is "I discuss": to discuss and comment on the debate Summarize and other forms, review the stories of good people around you, tap the spiritual essence, and constantly sublimate their own moral realm; Fifth, "I choose": in the form of student selection, menu-style presentation, etc., students select advanced characters, and students choose each presentation. Characters, themes, and time; Sixth is “I am”: aiming at the transformation of practice and upgrading of zegens, guiding students to understand and optimize the quality of advanced people.

3. Time should be regularized. It is necessary to conduct preaching on a regular and irregular basis, use the speeches under the national flag to conduct centralized publicity, and carry out activities in conjunction with the national spirit month; it is necessary to use the "moral lecture hall" as an important part of student moral education in the future.

4. Carry out the “Five Ones” activity.

Sing a song: Every time the moral lecture is opened, you will sing a theme song of the moral hall.

Watch a short film: Organize a short film about the deeds of advanced figures in moral construction around the theme.

Tell a story: tell a typical example of a nation's traditional virtues, excellent revolutionary morality and the spirit of the times.

Make a comment: Comment on the good deeds around you, tell the feelings in your heart, understand the moral power, and sublimate your own realm.

Sixth, organization and implementation

1. Raise awareness and carefully deploy. All schools must fully understand the importance and urgency of building a "school moral lecture hall", set up a special work leading group to effectively strengthen leadership and management; and work out the task, combine the actual work, formulate the implementation plan, and build the "school moral lecture hall" "Combined with the work of the school center, carefully deployed, and vigorously implement, to ensure that all work of the "school moral lecture hall" is comprehensively promoted. It is necessary to pay attention to collecting information, compiling special information briefings, and regularly report the development of “Ethical Lecture Hall” to the Central School before the 10th and 20th of each month.

2. Strengthen measures and focus on effectiveness. All schools should regard the construction of "school moral lecture hall" as an important carrier to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of minors, persist in doing practical things for the minors, and do good deeds, earnestly take responsibility, expand work ideas, improve work measures, and raise work standards. Strengthen cooperation and cooperation to form a joint effort to ensure the effectiveness of the ideological and moral construction of minors in our school.

3. Propaganda feedback, effective promotion. All schools must establish a system for feedback on the construction of “school moral lecture halls”, and timely submit good practices, achievements, and experiences in carrying out this work. At the same time, it is necessary to increase publicity efforts through school newspapers, newspapers, windows, and broadcasts. And other carriers, effectively publicize the effectiveness of work, and constantly expand the propaganda and influence of ideological and moral education for minors.

4. Evaluate assessment and expand impact. The central school will organize the supervision of the construction of the “school moral lecture hall” in the form of field audits, student questionnaires, and viewing accounts, and combine the construction of the “school moral lecture hall” with the “three winds” construction activities. Name a group of excellent lecturers and excellent moral lecture halls, and create a group of demonstration halls with outstanding features and obvious results to create a harmonious and standardized environment.

Part 3: Implementation of the National Small Moral Lecture Hall

In order to better implement the requirements of the establishment of the moral hall of the Suihua City Spiritual Civilization Construction Office, we will solidly promote the construction of the socialist core value system, and guide the teachers and students to “small and good for the good” and “the small virtue for the great virtue”. Become a communicator and practitioner of morality. Through the research and approval of the president's office meeting, it is decided to organize and carry out the activity of moral lectures with the main content of “learning and implementing school training and telling your own story”. Now combined with the actual situation of the school, the following implementation plan is formulated.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, with the goal of educating people, moral education as the first principle, taking the ideological and moral construction of students as the main body, thoroughly implementing the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen Moral Construction", dissemination The ethical moral story promotes the moral concept into the brain, builds a new ideological and moral construction platform, and promotes the construction of the socialist core value system in a form of “speaking its own story”, widely popularizing the core values ​​of socialism and creating “ The strong atmosphere of morality, good people, and new winds will promote the construction of spiritual civilization in schools to a new level.

Second, the work objectives

Taking the improvement of teachers' and students' ideological and moral cultivation and civilization as the foundation, focusing on strengthening the construction of "social morality, professional ethics, family virtues and personal morality", the construction of "four virtues" is an important carrier of ideological and political education for master students. The noble character of "integration of knowing and doing, uplifting, civilized and harmonious, honesty and friendliness" is the code of conduct for teachers and students to self-education. Through the construction of the “Ethical Lecture Hall”, we will carry out targeted moral education activities throughout the school, guide the teachers and students to consciously raise their ideological and moral standards, and strive to achieve the goal of “striving for the provincial civilized units”.

Third, organizational leadership

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the construction of the “Ethical Lecture Hall” of our school, we will strive to open the lecture “Ethical Lecture Hall” as soon as possible, so that the school moral lecture hall will become another main position of the ideological and political education work of the master students, and the establishment of the “Ethical Lecture Hall” of the Peace State. Leading group:

Team leader: Cui Fenghua

Deputy leader: Li Yiming

Member: 栾 Day

Tian Wenyu

Zhao Chunhua

Group leader

"Ethical Hall" Construction Office

Director: Li Yiming

Deputy Director: 栾天

Member: Leader of each year group

Fourth, the main content and form

Take "learning and implementing school instruction and telling your own story" as the main content and form. Do a good job in the following aspects of education.

The construction of social morality with "rituality" as the core mainly includes: civility and courtesy, helping others, protecting public property, protecting the environment and obeying the law.

The construction of professional ethics with "integrity" as the core mainly includes: honesty and trustworthiness, dedication and dedication, fairness, enthusiasm and service, and dedication to society.

The construction of family virtues with "Heyi" as the core mainly includes: husband and wife, filial piety, caring for children, unity in the neighborhood, and diligent housekeeping.

The construction of personal morality with "friendly" as the core mainly includes: friendly mutual assistance, integrity and tolerance, courtesy and trustworthiness, enthusiasm and sincerity, self-reliance and self-reliance.

V. Lecture building

Location of the lecture hall: Multi-functional meeting room on the first floor of the school

The layout of the lecture hall: The layout of the "Ethical Lecture Hall" should emphasize the simple and heavy main style. In the prominent position outside the lecture hall, there is a "moral lecture hall" name brand. According to the requirements of the Municipal Civilization Office, the podium of the lecture hall has a background, a propaganda platform, a banner, etc. The table and chairs are arranged neatly under the stage, and the propaganda and calligraphy of the lecture hall management system, rules and contents are arranged on the wall to create a strong moral construction atmosphere.

Forming a team: In accordance with the standards of “self-cultivation, high morality, and good culture,” a team of “ethics lecture halls” will be built. One is the head of the school, the whole class leader, and the backbone teachers. The second is the invitation. The outstanding representatives of society and family participate in various activities carried out by the school's "Ethical Lecture Hall"; the third is to launch all kinds of three good students and excellent class cadres at all levels as the propagandists, so that everyone becomes the practice subject of "moral lecture hall".

Activity carrier: With the various channels such as class, team activities, special lectures, and social practice as the carrier, we will continuously improve the ideological and moral cultivation of teachers and students.

Activity form: With "I listen, I see, I speak, I discuss, I choose, I do" as the main mode, design diversified preaching forms, so that teachers and students are easy to participate and willing to participate. First, "I listen": in the form of training reports, tour lectures, etc., listen to moral stories and realize excellent quality; second, "I see": visualize and demonize typical deeds and qualities in the form of deductive display, learning discovery, etc. To make it more amiable and trustworthy, and to learn; the third is "I speak": in the form of self-recommendation, self-promotion, etc., to teach the teachers and students themselves and the moral stories around them; the fourth is "I am discussing": to debate, Review and summary forms, review the stories of good people around you, tap the essence of the spirit, and constantly sublimate their own moral realm; Fifth, "I choose": in the form of teacher-student selection, menu-style presentation, etc., the selection of advanced figures by teachers and students, selected by teachers and students The characters, themes and time of each preaching; the sixth is “I am”: aiming at the transformation of practice and upgrading of zegens, guiding teachers and students to recognize and accept the excellent qualities of advanced figures. excellent.

Sixth, the event arrangement

Regular "ethics lectures" are held. Each lecture hall must set up a propaganda theme to clarify moral classics. Identify the moderator and the speaker.

In the school network to open a "moral lecture" column.

Organize the "five ones" theme class team activities, namely: learn to sing a theme song of the moral lecture hall; watch a short story of advanced characters in moral construction; read a section of Chinese classic quotations, era theory maxims or moral quotes; A touching story around the teachers and students; participate in a "Green Ribbon" volunteer service.

Part 4: Implementation of the National Small Moral Lecture Hall

In accordance with the "Notice on the Implementation of the "Ethical Lecture Hall" Activities in the District" and the "Notice on Printing and Implementing the Implementation Plan for the Construction of the School Morality Hall in Zhuhai City", the Municipal Education Bureau will strengthen the ideological and moral education of the Chinese students and promote it in a solid manner. The construction of the socialist core value system, to improve the civic moral cultivation and the level of civilized city construction, specially formulated this implementation plan.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", we thoroughly implemented the scientific development concept, implemented the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Party, and implemented the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction" and practiced "Gold Yu De The spirit of Guangdong in the new era of "being sincere and trusting in the line" is centered on improving students' ideological and moral cultivation and civilization, and focusing on strengthening the construction of "three virtues" such as social morality, family virtue and personal morality. The construction of the lecture hall establishes an ideological and moral education platform based on schools, classes and classes, popularizes moral concepts, tells moral stories, promotes moral spirit, demonstrates moral strength, guides students to carry out self-cultivation activities, and purifies their own souls. Constantly improve the morality of students, enhance the level of campus civilization, and make due contributions to the construction of a moral city in Zhuhai and the establishment of a national civilized city.

Second, the target task

Through the activities of “Ethical Lecture Hall”, we will build a new platform for the ideological and moral construction of Chinese students, and guide the students to advocate moral models and moral models in the form of “people around us, things around them, people around us, and people around us”. Strive to be a moral model, cultivate noble sentiments, carry forward the new style, strive to be the model practitioner of the socialist core value system, and be an active promoter of good social trends, and create a "cultivation of morality, ceremonies, civilization, and trees in the whole school." The good trend of the "new wind" has promoted the in-depth development of spiritual civilization in the whole region and established a national civilized city for Zhuhai to consolidate the ideological and moral foundation.

Third, the content form

Based on the principle of being close to reality and close to life, the ideological and moral education is the core content, supplemented by the concept of civilized etiquette, mental health, character development, scientific study, artistic accomplishment and the popularization of knowledge, and comprehensively improve the quality of Chinese small-born civilization.

"Three Germans" activities.

1. Social morality construction: It mainly includes civilized courtesy, helping people, protecting public property, protecting the environment and obeying the law. It is centered on "civilization".

2, the construction of family virtues: mainly include filial piety, unity in the neighborhood, diligent housework, etc., with "filial piety" as the core.

3, personal morality construction: friendly mutual assistance, good faith and trustworthiness, enthusiasm and sincerity, self-reliance and self-reliance, hard work, etc., with "friendly" as the core.

"Six me" activity mode.

1. I listened to - listening to moral models, good people around me and other advanced models to tell advanced deeds.

2, I see - organize students to watch ethical propaganda short films, sitcom shows and so on.

3. I am speaking - self-recommendation by the students and self-proclamation of the moral stories that occur around them.

4, I discuss - by the students debate, discuss moral phenomena, ethics, and evaluate the stories of good people around them.

5, I choose - the selection of advanced characters by students, selection, recommendation of preaching characters and reading topics.

6, my line - to guide students to recognize, accept the excellent quality of moral figures, learn to follow the example of exemplary deeds.

"Six one" activity process.

1. "Sing a song" - Before each lecture, organize a song about the theme of moral construction.

2, "Look at a short film" - around the theme, organize students to watch a short film of the moral character of advanced characters.

3, "诵 a classic" - organize students to read a section of Chinese traditional classic quotations and moral maxims.

4, "learn a little etiquette" - each time teach a little civilized etiquette and traditional Chinese etiquette knowledge.

5, "tell a story" - tells a typical example of the national traditional virtue, excellent revolutionary morality and the spirit of the times.

6. “Make a comment” – comment on the good deeds around you, tell the feelings in your heart, understand the moral power, and sublimate your own realm.

"Six one" construction specifications.

1. Set up a suitable venue for activities. Schools with conditions can make full use of lecture halls, conference rooms, etc. to set up lecture halls; if there are no indoor venues available, lecture halls can be set up in school squares, use fields, and other suitable places.

2. Form a set of management mechanism with standardized and orderly operation. Formulate a “Ethical Lecture Hall” activity plan and establish a sound management system.

3. Form a popular and well-respected preaching team. Schools can select lecturers among the faculty and staff and parents, give full play to the leading role of school party and government work group leaders, moral education cadres, excellent class guides, etc., and organize virtues, outstanding members, outstanding young pioneers, and good students. As a preacher.

4. Compile a compilation of moral stories. According to the theme of the moral lecture hall, each school should select a group of moral stories with clear themes and touching stories to be compiled into a book.

5. Create a complete lecture archive. All schools must collect and organize data accounts, and have activity plans, plans and summaries. There are written records, picture images or video materials for each activity.

Fourth, safeguard measures

1. Strengthen organizational leadership. It is necessary to fully realize the importance of carrying out the "Ethical Lecture Hall" activities to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of non-adults, and to incorporate the construction of "moral lectures" into the important agenda of school moral education, as the basic project and "creation" to promote the ideological and moral construction of Chinese small students. The key tasks are to grasp, set up leading organizations, formulate implementation plans, arrange special personnel to be responsible, establish and improve mechanisms, and conscientiously organize implementation.

2. Strengthen routine management. It is necessary to combine the learning of Lei Feng’s “Be a Moral Man” theme activity and the “Chinese Classics Reading” activity, and jointly carry out the commemoration of traditional festival activities and team day activities, and comprehensively carry out the “Ethical Lecture Hall” activities, and at least one “Ethical Lecture Hall” will be held every academic year. Activities; reported to the 2 National Civilized City Survey and Inspection Centers of the Central Civilization Office, and at least one “Ethical Lecture Hall” activity per semester; schools that intend to declare various advanced units for spiritual civilization construction must establish a “ethics lecture hall” before filing "And carry out activities normally. The District Education Bureau will hold the launching ceremony of the China Small “Ethical Lecture Hall” in Doumen District in October.

3. Strengthen public opinion propaganda. It is necessary to make full use of publicity positions such as campus bulletin boards, blackboard newspapers, radio stations and websites, and comprehensively report on the new measures and new achievements of the “Ethical Lecture Hall” in a timely manner, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care, support and participate in moral construction.

4. Strengthen supervision and guidance. It is necessary to combine the construction of the "Ethical Lecture Hall" with the establishment of a national civilized city, and incorporate it into the evaluation index system of the moral education model school. It is necessary to strengthen the guidance and inspection of the "Ethical Lecture Hall" activities, and timely check, supervise and feedback the work situation through on-the-spot audition, questionnaire survey, and viewing of accounts, and continuously discover and cultivate advanced models.

Chapter 5: Implementation Plan of the National Small Moral Lecture Hall

In order to thoroughly implement the "Implementation Outline for Citizens' Moral Construction", we will promote the construction of the school's socialist core value system, enhance the attraction and affinity of the ideological and moral construction of minors, attract students to actively participate in moral practice activities, and continuously improve students' ideological and moral cultivation and The degree of civilization. According to the spirit of the "Implementation Opinions on the Implementation of the "Ethical Lecture Hall" in the Region), the research and decision was made to carry out the construction of the "School Ethics Hall" in the whole region of China, and the following implementation plans were formulated.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the scientific outlook on development, and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we thoroughly implemented the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizens' Moral Construction" to build quality education, foster the "four haves" newcomers, and strengthen the "four virtues" "Education, disseminate the moral stories of mortal people around the world, promote advanced moral concepts into the mind, externalize in the line, create a strong atmosphere of "telling morality, doing good people, building new winds", and comprehensively improve the morality of Chinese primary school students in our district.

Second, the target requirements

1. Form a social consensus of “good people and good news”. Vigorously preach the excellent deeds and lofty qualities of moral advanced figures, study and formulate measures to protect and support advanced moral figures, and give practical support in politics, life, and work, and strive to form a social consensus of "good people and good news."

2. Promote the moral practice of "integration of knowing and doing". Promoting transformation as the primary purpose of building a "school morality lecture hall", internalizing advanced moral concepts into group consciousness, and shifting from "heteronomy" to "self-discipline" in behavior, guiding students to perfect themselves and improve their quality in practice.

3. Create a strong atmosphere of “Chongde is still good”. Taking the education guidance of the key groups of the school as a breakthrough point, the students will be cognizant, sensible, accepting and improving in the participation, and everyone will strive to be the participants and pioneers of moral construction, so that “thinking morality and doing good people” will become a common practice.

Third, the construction standards

1. Carry out the construction of “school moral lecture hall” around the four main contents.

The four main contents are: social morality, professional ethics, family virtues, personal qualities

The construction of social morality mainly includes: civility and courtesy, helping others, protecting public property, protecting the environment and obeying the law, etc., with "rituality" as the core.

The construction of professional ethics mainly includes: honesty and trustworthiness, dedication, dedication, fair service, dedication to society, etc., with "integrity" as the core.

The construction of family virtues mainly includes: husband and wife, filial piety, caring for children, unity in the neighborhood, diligence and family, etc., with "harmony" as the core.

The construction of personal morality mainly includes: friendship and mutual assistance, integrity and tolerance, courtesy and trustworthiness, enthusiasm and sincerity, self-reliance and self-reliance, etc., with "friendship" as the core.

2, according to the standard, in accordance with the "six one" standard "school moral lecture hall" construction.

Standardize the layout. The "Ethical Lecture Hall" must have a fixed place, which can be used in conjunction with the party member activity room or school meeting room, or other indoor venues. It is necessary to hang the "Ethical Hall" plaque at the door, and configure the necessary equipment such as desks and chairs, podiums, and computers and projectors if necessary. Use a unified "moral lecture" background board.

Process normalization. The “School Ethics Lecture Hall” teaches “5+N” mode.

"5" is a prescribed action, that is, singing a moral song, watching a moral short film, telling a moral story, reading a classic, making a comment.

"N" is an optional action. On the basis of completing the prescribed actions, some links can be appropriately added to enrich the educational content and form of the "school moral lecture hall". For example, playing a moral stage play or sketch, reading a piece of moral poetry, holding a moral knowledge contest, and conducting a moral aesthetic appreciation.

Object classification. The main object of building a “school moral lecture hall” is the students at school. With the promotion of "three-hearted education", "dedication to society, and promotion of self" as the main content, through the ideological and moral education of students in school, attracting and stimulating the participation of schools, families and members of society in moral construction, and strive to achieve "education generation" To guide the two generations, affecting the goals of three generations.

The team is socialized. With the "self-cultivation, high morality, and good culture" as the standard, a socialized publicity team with a combination of part-time and professional work will be established. It is mainly divided into three levels: the lecturer speaks, organizes a special team of lecturers, makes full use of various materials, and conducts lectures among the students in the school. Advanced model theory, organizational moral model, good people around, virtues and other advanced models as a preacher, invite them to come out and convey morality. The people around us said that they organize "moral people to talk about morality" and attract the general public to talk about themselves, to talk about others, to talk about the moral stories around them, and to make the people become the masters of the "school moral lecture hall."

Diversified forms. With "I sing, I see, I listen, I am, I speak, I discuss, I choose, I do" as the main mode, fully respect the students' wishes and design a variety of presentation styles, so that students are easy to participate and willing to participate.

I listened: in the form of training reports, speech contests, etc., listening to the people's moral stories, and understanding the excellent quality of the model.

I think: in the form of deductive display, learning discovery, etc., the typical deeds and quality are visualized and embodied, making it more amiable and trustworthy.

I said: in the form of self-recommendation, self-promotion, etc., tell the students themselves and the moral stories around them, show moral wisdom, and spread moral power.

I discuss: in the form of debates and discussions, summing up comments, etc., to evaluate the stories of good people around us, to explore the essence of the spirit, and to constantly sublimate their own moral realm.

I choose: in the form of student selection, menu-style presentations, etc., students select advanced characters and preaching topics.

Our Bank: With the goal of practical transformation and promotion of vegan, we will guide students to follow suit and transform behaviors after they have recognized and accepted the excellent qualities of advanced people.

Time is regular. The "School Ethics Lecture Hall" should establish and improve the daily management system of organizational leadership, student management, information disclosure, data retention, assessment and incentives, and be organized, planned, active, and effective. It is necessary to scientifically formulate the annual activity plan, carefully plan the content and form before each event, announce the event information in advance, and finish the data compilation and archiving at the end, and include the individual participation in the moral lectures in all kinds of evaluations. All schools should make overall arrangements for the content and time of the “school moral lecture hall”.

V. Safeguard measures

1. Establish a systematic leadership responsibility system. The District Education Bureau set up a leading group for the construction of the “School Ethics Lecture Hall” to regularly study, deploy, supervise and inspect the construction of the “School Ethics Lecture Hall”. All schools must establish corresponding institutions, clearly define leaders and liaison officers, and form an organizational structure in which the main leaders bear the overall responsibility, in charge of the leadership, and the responsible departments. And establish and improve the "school moral lecture hall" management system and other rules and regulations, conscientiously do a good job of activity planning and activity records, for each event there are text reports, picture images or video materials, the account book is complete.

2. Establish a scientific assessment and incentive method. Regularly conduct on-the-spot audits, questionnaires, and check accounts to organize investigations and investigations on the construction of “school moral lecture halls” throughout the district. The "school moral lecture hall" construction situation is combined with the establishment of civilized units, combined with the school spiritual civilization establishment activities, and combined with the "civilization degree index evaluation". The District Civilization Office will appoint a group of advanced collectives of “excellent moral lecture halls”, “excellent propaganda lecturers” and “moral lecture halls” in due course.

3. Establish a regular promotion and promotion mechanism. All Chinese small schools should open special columns, timely report on the construction of “school moral lecture halls”, vigorously publicize the excellent deeds of all kinds of moral advanced figures, and create a strong atmosphere of “telling morality and doing good people”. All schools should promptly discover the successful practices and advanced models that emerged during the construction process, and promote them in a timely manner to form a good effect of “lighting up a lamp and illuminating a large piece”.

4. Establish a standardized model of position construction. In the construction standards of China's small "school moral lecture hall", we must do "six ones": form a set of standardized and orderly, easy-to-operate management mechanisms, and compile a series of handwritten lectures with clear themes and true stories. A serious and responsible, well-educated propaganda team, selected a group of advanced figures from students and deeds to create a sacred, harmonious, harmonious environment, and create a group of demonstration halls with outstanding characteristics and obvious results. All schools should follow the actual situation and follow the "six ones" standard and do a good job.

All schools shall promptly report the implementation plan and construction of the “School Ethics Hall” to the Basic Education Section of the District Education Bureau. The District Education Bureau will regularly report on the work.

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