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Sports meeting 400 meters broadcast

Games 400 meters broadcast draft Fan Wenyi: no regrets choice

Whether the ending is good or bad
No regrets is our choice
Whenever the athletes are on the 400m runway
We bless you for your cheers
Never give up your faith until the last moment.
Also became our faith
Fly! Wings belong to you

Sports Games 400 meters broadcast draft Fan Wen 2:

400 meters runway,
It may be a bit far from you,
But behind you, yes
The sweat you used to practice,
Behind you,
There are students with a pair of supporting eyes,
This way,
You won't be lonely,
Don't worry,
Don't be upset,
Taking your own pace,
Strive to move forward,
The sky will be more blue because of you.
The sun will be more brilliant because of you.
Chinese athletes,
You are the best, come on!

Sports Games 400 meters broadcast draft essay three:

On the 400-meter runway,
You are flying,
Facing such a distant road,
You may have numb legs and feet.
You may be a bit confused.
But you know,
Behind you, there are students who are looking forward to the eyes;
Behind you is the sweat you practiced every day.
Be brave!
For the collective honor, for the motherland's tomorrow!

Sports Games 400 meters broadcast draft essay four:

Still the blue sky,
Still golden sunshine,
Still a green meadow,
Still a red runway,
Still you, brave you,
Strong you.
the difference is,
The sky is more blue and the sun is brighter.
The grass is more like jade,
The runway is more vivid,
And you will be more confident,
Your achievements will be more brilliant.

Sports Games 400 meters broadcast draft essay five: four hundred meters mental journey

The first 100 meters: I am anxious, and I will be beaten when I am behind.
One hundred meters: I am uncertain, should I walk away quietly?
Another hundred meters: psychological struggle, survival is still dead.
The last 100 meters: the heart is not enough, and it is not easy to say "sprint".

Sports Games 400 meters broadcast draft essay six:

Still the blue sky, still the golden sunshine,
Still green grass, still a red runway,
Still you, brave you, strong you.
The difference is that the sky is more blue, the sun is more brilliant, the grass is more like jade, and the runway is more vivid.
And you will be more confident, your achievements will be more brilliant.

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