High school inspirational

What should a senior three parents do for their children?

What should a senior three parents do for their children?

The children's college entrance examination, for a family and society, everyone knows that it is a big event. In June and July of each year, it is an unusual day for families with children or relatives to take the college entrance examination. It can be said that the college entrance examination is a major event involving thousands of families, and it is also a major event in the education sector and society. So, what should be done for parents who have children who will take part in the college entrance examination? After the end of the college entrance examination every year, many parents will feel a lot of emotions, some regret, some happy; some can hardly say a lot of feelings, and some can almost say that for the children's college entrance examination, they have almost become an education expert, and I am very happy to pass on my experience to my relatives, friends... But before this, the vast majority of parents who are only children are only relying on their own groping, or the experience of relatives and friends to walk with their children. The third year of high school. Therefore, after the child enters the third year, the parents have a full preparation, can provide help for the child, and guide the child scientifically and reasonably, so that the child can play the normal level in the college entrance examination and smoothly enter the higher education. I think this should be a concern of many parents. Here I would like to talk about some superficial views and hope to have some help for parents.

First, as a parent, the child should be mentally prepared during the summer vacation before the child enters the third year of high school. After the children have passed the study life of high school and high school, the knowledge has already accumulated. But after all, it is only the study of staged knowledge. The child's grades only represent his stage of learning and do not fully predict his future development. That is to say, after entering the third year of high school, in addition to further study of the third year of the curriculum, it is necessary to carry out in-depth study of the various knowledge systems in the middle school. This is not only to test the child's ability to learn knowledge in stages, but more importantly, to test the child's ability to comprehensively profile knowledge. This is unprecedented in both the knowledge requirements and the ability requirements. It also has certain difficulties. Therefore, parents should also have such a psychological preparation, that is, can not link the child's past achievements with his complete transition to the third-grade study. Ideas that are too optimistic or pessimistic are unwise and unscientific. The child's current situation, including knowledge and ability, should be objectively analyzed. This often leads to two situations. First, when the child is in high school and high school, the results are not bad. However, after entering the third year of high school, the scores have shown a big decline, and parents have a nervous mentality. Because of psychological tension, I think that the child's grades are too bad, I immediately contacted the college entrance examination. I feel that the child has no hope, and the temper becomes irritable and arrogant. I will reprimand the child when I am not moving. Even in words, I don’t care too much about it. Inadvertently giving the child a lot of harm, which hurts the child's enthusiasm for learning. In the second case, the child has no good grades in the first year of high school and high school. When he is in the third year of high school, there is no hope, so he sighs all day long. Riluo, the result will be a good time for some children who would like to study hard in the third year of high school, and the children will become disheartened and break the cans. Therefore, for parents, regardless of their children's past performance, they should have a good attitude. I believe that in the last year of high school life, as long as he works hard, the situation must be better than now. What's more, once there is a change in ups and downs, you shouldn't be impatient. Instead, you should get in touch with the teacher and adopt a more calm and objective approach to make the child go smoothly into the third year. I think this is the key first step.

Second, as children enter the third year, their study is tense day by day, and the learning pressure will increase day by day. What parents should be able to do at this time? That is to care about them from life. Regardless of diet or sleep, you should observe, ask, understand, do some food that your child likes to eat, or change the recipe frequently, so that the child has a happy mood in the diet, good appetite, and physical Get a fundamental guarantee. After the child has passed a small test, the conditional can also reward the children to go out for a snack in the restaurant, so that the child can get mental relaxation and emotional release. But remember, the concern in life is not exactly the same as the arrangement or coercion. Some parents are very concerned about the child's concern, asking the child to eat according to the parents' wishes, to eat the dishes he does not want to eat, even how much to eat, how to eat There are strict requirements, and I think that it is a concern for children, but it is often counterproductive. The children not only do not appreciate, but also awkward with their parents. As a result, sometimes they are not happy, and even some reluctant children leave home... Therefore, care is not equal to arrangement, care is not equal to coercion, and everything must be based on respecting the child's wishes. Because high school students already have their own wishes and ideas, and have their own interests and hobbies. At the same time, as a parent, after the child enters the third year, he should pay special attention to the child's sleep. Because the quality of sleep often affects the child's learning efficiency, but also more or less reflects the child's psychological emotions. Caring for their sleep is about caring about their psychological emotions. Once a child has insomnia, ask patiently, and use psychological counseling to talk to the child, relieve their emotions, or use their own experience in treating insomnia to help them treat insomnia, or even go to the hospital to ask. Doctors. There was once a parent who had a child in the night before the college entrance examination, because she was nervous and woke up in the middle of the night and could not sleep. The parent patiently chatted with the child and told her that she could not sleep alone this night, many students also If you can't sleep, you are nervous, others will be nervous, don't be afraid. Under the comfort of her mother, the child finally fell asleep slowly. The mother stayed at the child's bed for one night. The child was encouraged by the mother once and went to the examination room. Finally, she played well and successfully entered her ideal. School. It can be said that behind every successful child, there is a successful parent.

Third, as the parents of high school students, it should be understood that the importance of the family environment for a person to become talented, especially after the child enters the third grade, the environment is more important for the child's learning. The story of the "Mengmu three move" in ancient China is enough to show that Mencius' mother has understood the importance of the environment for a child to learn and become talented. What about living in the rapid development of modern civilization? It is very important to care for your child's learning. It is to provide a good learning environment for your child. One teacher used a Saturday night to visit a student's home. He found that the student's home was full of people playing mahjong. The family was smouldering. After the teacher saw the teacher's visit, he asked the teacher to sit for a while and wait for himself to finish. Chat again in this game. When the teacher saw this scene, he was very disappointed. The parent's child, a key class student, finally indulged himself because of his unsupervised teaching. The college entrance examination was dropped.

So, as a parent of a high school student, can't you have your own entertainment? That is not necessarily the case. I think this depends on the specific circumstances of the child. Some children, he has developed a good study habit since he was a child. In the high school stage, he has not needed the intervention and supervision of the parents. He has been able to learn consciously and his academic performance is relatively stable, so the parents of the children, of course. Not too much, as long as the remote control is OK. However, for some students who are usually less self-conscious or have poor academic performance, parents will have to work harder. On the one hand, they should provide a good learning environment for their children. Usually, they should reduce the number of invitations to friends and family to come to the house. Time, to keep the home quiet, is conducive to children's learning; on the other hand, parents at home, as long as the children are learning, you should reduce the time to watch TV, or put the TV sound a little smaller; the third aspect, reduce their own entertainment The number and time, leaving more time to supervise and educate children at home. I think that as long as the parents are graduating, they will pay more attention to them and teach them. They will also slowly change their bad habits and put their energy into study. Learning will gradually improve.

4. As a parent, after the child enters the third grade, he should actively participate in the parent meeting of the school or class organization, and should listen carefully. If there is any doubt, please communicate with the teacher and communicate with the class teacher or teacher. Keep abreast of your child's learning and thoughts, and learn about the college entrance examinations in recent years and years.

As a third-grade parent, you should know that the school attaches great importance to the work of the third grade, because it is the work of the graduating class. From the beginning of the school, to the semester plan, to the specific arrangement of the entire graduation grade, it should be There is a very detailed arrangement. Therefore, it is necessary for the parents of the graduating class to understand the arrangements of the school so that parents can carry out their own work and coordinate the education of the children according to the child's learning process. Usually, there are cases where some parents pay more attention to the report of the class teacher in the class of the child. The speech of the school leader’s representative is not very important, because he thinks that this may not be very close to his child’s situation, but a general speech. Only. In fact, the speech of the school representative is a huge situation. Only after the situation of the giant view is grasped, can we guide our children to carry out a series of work such as the college entrance examination from a small aspect, so parents should listen carefully. In addition to the report of the class teacher, we must also pay attention to the opinions of the school. At the same time, attending the parent conference, not to look at the scores of their children, but also to understand the learning situation of the same classmates, the test situation of other children, but also to understand the development of their children's academic performance. Only in this way can we fully understand the position of the child in the class and school, and truthfully determine the position of the child, in order to objectively and scientifically guide the children to take the college entrance examination, and finally fill in the volunteers and choose the profession. This can be said to be "knowing ourselves and knowing each other.

5. After the child enters the third year, parents should pay attention to the dynamics of the college entrance examination, care about the children's interests, understand the child's ideals, and gradually communicate with the children as time progresses, and then choose the child's interest according to the child's actual level. With the ideal university, let the children read the colleges they like and the majors they like.

Some parents are very concerned about their children's learning situation. They not only keep abreast of their children's academic performance and thoughts, but also know how to study the dynamics of the college entrance examination, college admissions, and the learning status of each major on the eve of the college entrance examination. These parents often buy some manuals for introducing colleges and universities. They also check online and the admissions of higher education institutions in the past year, and keep abreast of the dynamics of the college entrance examination. In this way, they can have a bottom in mind and finally guide their children to choose schools and majors. Can be handy, so that children do not leave regrets. Therefore, as a parent of a high school student, you cannot pin all your hopes on the teacher. To be honest, at the last moment of the college entrance examination, the teacher still has to respect the opinions of the parents and the students themselves. The opinions of the parents and the students are the main ones. The teachers cannot arrange and replace the parents.

6. After the parents have done a series of preparatory work, they must take care of the first point in front of them. In addition to psychological preparation, they should also be prepared for the economy. Because the current colleges and universities are all paying for school, it is not easy for children to successfully enter their ideal university after more than ten years of hard work. Parents should have a long-term economic plan for their children. Further preparations for further study. This point, I don't have to rumor here.

In short, parents should be a smart parent. As a smart parent, it is important to guide and guide the child on the road, to provide timely help when the child needs it, so that they feel that the parents are the most trustworthy, the person who can understand them the most, is psychologically Friends, parents and they only have differences in age, but they are equal in status and spiritually connected. For children, parents are not only protectors and caregivers, parents are also a living person, an example, a hero they can see and feel. For this reason, smart parents are very focused on their own image and lead by example. They believe that you must educate your children and enjoy their innocence when you need them. If you have children, you must enjoy the responsibility and happiness of being a parent. Many successful parents have spent a lot of time with their children to play, communicate and communicate, especially when children need it, give them scientific and objective guidance when they are critical to their children's life, and experience the wind with their children. The rain and rain, they think this is the most important part of family life, one day the child grows up and leave you, this experience will never come back. Therefore, we hope that we can be a smart parent, cultivate intelligent children, and make due contributions to society and the country.

The child is a senior, parents are you ready?

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