High school inspirational

High triple test slogan

High triple test slogan

To the famous school to march into the hundred smelting into steel to sing youth without regrets;
The dream of a life is ruined by a hundred days.

I’m so excited to watch my youth’s dream in June;
Fenghua Zhengmao Yunfan hangs to make that beautiful life Ming Dynasty cast.

The joint examination of the 100-day sprint and invigorating spirit will be able to win with confidence and hard work;
A few times in life, fighting hard and fighting, doing everything you can, will definitely win.

Ten years of hard work in the cold window for a hundred days;
A passionate and passionate generation of my talents won the championship.

Ten years of grinding the sword to compete for the second place;
At this time, you are racing to chase me to break through the waves.

Go all out and change your life with diligence;
Never give up, and persist in achieving the future.

Ten years of grinding swords and life chapters;
Hundreds of sprints show the students heroic.

Fighting hard together from this time;
The storm has been a success or failure this year.

Struggle makes the process more perfect;
Struggle makes the ending not regret.

Ten years of cold windows, looking forward to the future;
A hundred days of hard work, vowed to be the title of the gold medal.

All the way to the wind and the future will sharpen the will;
Hundreds of bittersweet together to create brilliant.

Ten years of refining the sword;
A hundred days to study the brilliant.

The sea is wide open by the fish;
Tian Gao Ren Bird Fei Peng Cheng Wanli.

Use action to make youth have no regrets;
To fight for future glory.

The miracle is always after hard work;
Success lies in progress.

Sparkling, no regrets, youth;
Challenge the ultimate life dream.

A hundred days of sprinting hard work three or four five;
I am looking for a smile and I am welcoming.

Bailiancheng Steel entered the famous school;
Struggle for a hundred days of life dreams.

Fear to June to jump to the Dragon Gate;
Aspirations in the hundred days of thinking and pen.

100-day sprint battle test;
A bulge and glory.

Aura of courage and enthusiasm
Confidence is determined by the heart and mind.

One hundred days vows to report to the mother;
Thank you for your test in June.

Dripping through the stone warfare joint test;
There should be no regrets such as the song years.

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