High school inspirational

Excellent quality for high school students: strong, persistent, and tough

Excellent quality for high school students: strong, persistent, and tough

The starting stage of the third year has passed, and it is not important where we are now. What really matters is how we face the monotonous, boring en route. Anyone who has had a long-distance running experience can experience the hardships and hardships on the way. Only by this hurdle, the road ahead will be bright and flat.

If you compare the study life of the third year of high school to a long-distance race, the time of the year can be divided into September-October as the starting phase, and November-March is the in-transit phase, April-6. The month is the final sprint. Each stage has its own characteristics. Only by mastering these characteristics, the study of the third year will be targeted, and the life of the third year will be orderly.

The starting stage of the third year has passed, and it is not important where we are now. What really matters is how we face the monotonous, boring en route. Anyone who has had a long-distance running experience can experience the hardships and hardships on the way. Only by this hurdle, the road ahead will be bright and flat.

What are the characteristics of the "can" in the middle of the third year? I think there are at least the following aspects:

First, it will face a physical challenge. The long-term lack of sleep caused by the night battle will be insufficient. At this time, the student's body tends to be fatigued, and after fatigue, the next step is the decline of the body's resistance and the brain's lack of access. Effective energy supplementation and nutritional support are not efficient. Moderate physical exercise, adequate sleep and proper nutritional supplements can alleviate a kind of fatigue on the body.

Second, it will face a psychological suffering, especially mentality and emotional changes, like the mercury column in the thermometer suddenly ups and downs, ups and downs, this time if there is no strong psychological quality, it is difficult to pass this hurdle. This experience, the students are very memorable, many years later, when students recall high school life, most of the clips are some scenes of the third year. Because of this, the life history of high school students is the history of growth and development of their spiritual world.

Third, it may face multiple defeats and blows. High school students always have a high expectation for themselves. Such an expectation, he wants to turn into a reality through his actual actions. But in fact, the reality that is finally faced is often that they do not want to see it. Such a sense of frustration will seriously dampen students' self-confidence. Many times, a topic has been done many times, and the outcome is still wrong. However, when others are doing their best to help you, as a protagonist, you must not give up at such a time, because miracles often lie in the moment you stick to the end.

Fourth, it will also face a plateau period of capacity improvement. The third year of learning, to a certain extent, is to systematically sort out the previously learned knowledge, form a holistic framework and network, and then intensive training on some key points and difficulties, in order to obtain a breakthrough and improvement. However, after reviewing to a certain extent, it is difficult to improve the scores. The scores are not high, and people may also have an impatient mood. This is the so-called "plateau period."

In such a high school "running on the way", how should students respond? At this point, I think of a sentence attached to the wall of our high school class, I changed it to "strong, persistent and tenacious." Such a sentence may be instructive for the third year students who are running on the way.

The so-called strong, means that in the predicament, always have to grit your teeth, even if it is facing the danger of life. Just as the famous British saying, “There is a strong will to have a great life.” I share this story with everyone, saying that there are three people who, when passing by a corner, saw the same scene, that is, a little spider Climbing to the wall, crawling and crawling in front of a damp rain, then as soon as it climbed into the damp place, he fell, and then the spider climbed from the corner and climbed to the rain. The wet place fell again, so it went back and forth over and over again. After these three people saw it, everyone thought of their own life. The first person thought, saying that I saw this spider, I saw myself, and that my life has been inactive. I have been working hard all the time. I am doing this kind of effort in vain. In fact, it is the same as this spider, so I climbed up and fell again. . Then the second person thought about it and said that I saw the spider crawling like this, only to know that there are many misunderstandings in life. We only saw it in front of us, thinking that there is only one road. In fact, the wet place is not big, if this spider can cross Climbing, bypassing the piece of moisture, it can quickly climb to a higher place along the dry wall, so I want to make my life smarter, and sometimes life needs to go around. After the third person saw the spider, he was deeply touched. He said that a spider can still be so indomitable. How many miracles a person should have in his life, so the energy of my life is The image of this spider is motivated. In fact, this is a different conclusion drawn by a small image in different people's minds.

The so-called persistence means that the Qingshan Mountain is not relaxed. "As long as the kungfu is deep and the iron smashed into a needle," it is to endure loneliness and focus on one thing, as the biologist Pasteur said, "Tell you to make My mystery of reaching the goal, my only strength is my persistence! How much magic does one insist on? How much miracle can a seemingly simple repetition produce? Below a little story, we may be inspired. Give you a piece of paper that is big enough, all you have to do is repeat the action: fold in half, keep folding in half. My question is, what is the thickness achieved when you fold the paper 51 times? A freezer is so thick, or as thick as two floors. Is this probably the maximum you can think of? Through computer simulations, this thickness is close to the distance between the Earth and the Sun. That's right, it's such a simple action. Does it make you feel like a miracle? Why do you see that there are no separate repetitions, and there are such amazing results? In other words, what is the root of this seemingly “sudden” success? It is persistence, it is repetition.

The so-called toughness does not only mean a kind of hardness, but more importantly, a kind of toughness. Such a kind of toughness can be used in the softness of the four-two-pound, and is the highest level of strength and persistence. Just as gold is the most extensible metal in nature, 38 grams of gold can be drawn from Beijing to Shanghai. . And 50,000 gold foils are only 1 mm thick, maybe this is the best interpretation of toughness. A strong person can overcome the temporary suffering, but it is not necessarily able to cope with the challenges of the world. A persistent person can understand that repetition is power, and persistence is victory, but often does not know how to make better adjustments. A tough person is not only a powerful inner world, but also able to rely on wisdom, courage and will to better cope with the complex and ever-changing environment. As Darwin said, the species that can survive are not the smartest species, nor the strongest ones, but those that respond quickly to the environment. Just as an article by Lao Yu, "From Conscious Volunteer to Perseverance." He said that anyone who wants to achieve great achievements, perhaps from voluntariness to perseverance, is the only way for you. Maybe only when you are moved by your own efforts, your life can be called beautiful life. .

Only with the strength, persistence and tenacity of the third year can we better understand the tolerance, endurance and enjoyment of the third year. Let us embrace the third year and enjoy the third year!

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