Work plan > class guide work plan

Fourth grade class work plan

In the current academic year, I took the class of the four classes , and the first semester of the 2002 school year has already begun. In order to carry out the work better, the work plan for the semester is now drawn up. [1] The basic situation and achievements of the students in this class. There are 43 students in the class, including 23 boys and 20 girls. There are 12 good student unions and 2 excellent students. At the end of the third grade examination, the average scores of Chinese and mathematics were more and more graduated. The discipline and consciousness of students' learning was relatively poor, which was a poor class in the whole school. After a school year's efforts, the students' style of study and class style improved significantly. In the final exam, the language department made great progress, jumping from the 13th to the 6th. Received praise from the school leadership. [two] basic measures and practices. 1. Understand the students' ideological status. Understanding and researching students is a prerequisite for doing a good job. I have been taking over the class for a year, and I can say something about the student's situation. But the inner world of the students, I still dare not say completely mastered. In order to understand the students' mental state in depth, I mainly take the following ways: (1) Talk to the students. It is planned to use class meetings and ideological and moral classes to talk with students. By holding middle and lower class symposiums and holding class cadre meetings, students can understand the situation and increase the relationship between teachers and students to eliminate the gap between students and teachers. jobs. (2) Check the student's homework irregularly. Through the usual observation and inspection of students' written assignments, to understand the students' attitudes and progress, students should be encouraged and praised in a timely manner. When students' performances are greatly degraded, they should investigate the causes and reverse the situation. (3) Conducting family visits and holding parent conferences. Through the dialogue with the parents of the national students, we can understand the performance of the national students in the family and society. Strive for parents to cooperate with the school work. 2. Grasp the daily work of the class leader . (1) Organize students to participate in flag raising and exercise. Organizing students to participate in the promotion of the national flag every week is a specific patriotic education for students. Through this form, students can love the Chinese Communist Party, love the socialist motherland and the People’s Liberation Army, and further study and live with their motherland. The future and destiny are linked. Organizing and guiding students' inter-class exercises is an important measure to ensure that the national students often exercise. To do the inter-class exercises, the class guide insists on following the instructions of the class , and asks the students to be full of spirit, correct posture, and the movements conform to the rhythm. After the exercise, listen to the passwords and organize the team, and then return to the classroom. (2) Check the value of the students in this class. The value-for-time system of the class is an important way to cultivate the good moral quality and self-governing ability of the national students. At present, the proportion of only children in the school is getting bigger and bigger, and they will inevitably have the weakness of their only child in their personality. Schools have important practical significance through class-based work, caring for others, caring for the collective, loving labor, and training labor habits. (3) Organize the school after school. Organizing school is a work that the class guide cannot ignore. After a half-day or all-day intense study, Guo Xiaosheng is excited when he leaves school, and his behavior is also easy to get out of control. He will chase each other on his way back home. If you do not obey the traffic rules, in order to prevent accidents, the class leader must Pay attention to the education of this part of the school. After playing the school bell, the class guides the classroom to organize the student team and proposes the discipline to the students when they return home. 3. Organize and train class groups. The class group is the object of class instruction education, and it is also the educational power that class guidance work depends on. The class group is not formed naturally, and it requires the class leader to carry out long-term work, organization and training. (1) Establish a common goal and cultivate a good class style. The common goal is the motivation for the formation and development of the class. On the basis of understanding and researching students, the class guides set clear goals for the whole class and formulate effective measures to encourage the whole class to strive to achieve the goal of struggle. The realization of a goal can consolidate the class. And development. An excellent class should also have a good class style and correct public opinion. This class style and public opinion have a great educational effect on students. To this end, the class leader must cultivate a good class style, and the training class should start with the correct public opinion. There is a correct paradox in the class. If bad things are not supported in the class, they will be stopped soon. The style of study and class style can achieve the goal of consolidation. (2) Select, train and use class cadres. After I took the class guide , I first paid attention to selecting and cultivating class activists, identifying class cadres, and forming a class committee to let students learn to manage themselves. In the process of use, they constantly point out their shortcomings, give timely training and education, and educate students to have a democratic concept. Regular rotation of class cadres allows more students to have the opportunity to exercise, while also cultivating the ability of students to be both leaders and leaders. Practice has proved that the class cadres are good assistants to the class , and the correct selection, training and use of class cadres is conducive to the class guidance to do a good job in the class. 4. Do an education job for individual students. While organizing students to carry out group activities, class guides should pay attention to individual education work for students. There are always some special students in the class, they are either poorly studied, or are unsociable, or naughty. Class guides must do the education of these special students. The specific approach is as follows: For the education of individual students, the class leader should hold the correct attitude, do not discriminate in thinking, do not hate in feelings, and be rude in attitude. For the undergraduates, they must be divided into two. They are good at discovering the positive factors of the backward students. In particular, they should pay attention to cultivating the self-esteem and self-confidence of the students, and they should be more emotional, deeper than the parents, and reasonable. wire. For the education of individual students, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine. Individual students should first find out where the individual students are special. Some students have unsatisfactory academic results, have a strong sense of inferiority, and cause unsociable and unsociable. Some are over-excited, people are very smart, and class life is very unsatisfactory to him, and in the absence of proper guidance, a "prank" will be created. In short, for individual students can not be generalized as poor students, to be treated differently, to prescribe the right medicine, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Class management is an art. Class guides should strive to absorb new experiences in their work, give full play to the educational role of class guides , and guide students to grow up healthily.

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