Work plan > class guide work plan

National Primary and Secondary School Class Work Plan

A new semester began in a blink of an eye, and today is the Teacher's Day. On Teacher's Day, I received a lot of gifts from students. Although most of them are greeting cards, these are the students' minds. I am very touched. As a class leader , I am really pleased to be able to get such a concern. I have taught so many good students. In the new semester that has already begun, I believe that I can achieve better results.

The busy and fulfilling education and teaching began again. During this semester, I received the education and teaching work of the sixth grade and the second class. In recent years, I have been working as a graduating class. I still know a lot about the characteristics of the students in the graduating class. Even so, the pressure is great, because the class is a student’s academic performance or behavioral habits. The parallel classes are relatively poor. But I still believe that this year I will do a good job in this class of education and teaching. This plan was developed to ensure that the desired goals are achieved.

First, class analysis:

The class changed teachers in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades to teach. Therefore, the students' behavior habits are not very good. At the end of the last semester, the grades, numbers, and English are counted down. It can be seen that the students' learning habits have not yet been developed. This semester I will focus on the development of students' daily behavioral norms and study habits.

Second, the job requirements

1. Class discipline

Discipline between classes.

Classroom is a time for students to rest easily, and good interdisciplinary discipline will bring an active and relaxed atmosphere to the entire campus. However, the colorful inter-class activities are the magic weapon to solve the disciplinary disorder between classes. I will carry out activities such as “jumping, playing games, and taking the ball” in accordance with the age characteristics of the students, so that the students can be both healthy and educated, and also enhance the feelings between teachers and students and expand communication. At the same time, at any time, remind students to pay attention to the dangerous activities and venues, and entertain.

,Class rules.

First of all, teachers and students work together to develop class rules and regulations, and formulate corresponding "rewards and punishments." This way students are both fun and motivated, and they can observe discipline without knowing it. Because the children are self-developed, the passive requirements are active behaviors that help students internalize words into behaviors. The purpose of our class is to "speak to be done."

2. Health.

Paying attention to hygiene is very important. As the saying goes: "The disaster comes from the mouth, and the disease comes from the mouth." Packing up the health can not only make the body healthy, but also develop good habits and create a good learning environment. Personal hygiene: Requires neat and tidy clothes, do a good job of "three diligences", clear the table, work hard, and do diligently. Class Health: Every day, in the morning, in the middle and in the evening, the value is distributed daily, and the health supervision post is set up for inspection and supervision. Reward for students or groups who are active and timely cleaning.

1. Make full use of class meetings and morning meetings to strengthen students' moral education and behavior development education.

In the classroom teaching, we teach students patriotism through various subjects such as Chinese, so that students love their country. But using the morning party to educate students about patriotism is both an excellent opportunity and a supplement to classroom teaching. Students' study habits and behavioral habits of daily life are very important. Affecting the student's life, in the morning meeting, the teacher told the students about this story and educated the students. Introduce students to ways to develop good habits. In the event, let the well-being students introduce their own experience and experience methods. In this way, students will have an invisible motivation, consciously want to learn well, and develop good behavior habits. In the morning meeting, we also have to criticize and correct some bad behavior habits, so that students can be self-stained and educated in both positive and negative ways. Enable them to distinguish between right and wrong and develop good behavior habits.

2. Training of class cadres:

A good class cadre is a good assistant to the class leader . A group of good class cadres will bring great convenience to the class guidance work. It also improves the management ability of students. At the beginning of the school, the first democratic cadre class will be given. The class cadres will be given specific requirements, and they will be taught some experience and methods of class management, and promptly point out the mistakes in their work. In the middle of the semester, they will also be democratized for them, and the incompetent class cadres should be replaced in time. At the end of the semester, we must open a good cadre experience summary meeting to find out their own gains and losses. Thereby producing a group of excellent class cadres.

3. Poor education:

The class leader should clearly define the significance of the transformation work of the backward students, and realize that transforming a backward student is as important as cultivating a good student. At the beginning of the school, the class guide should check out the undergraduates in the class and pay more attention to them. In the students' life, thoughts and emotions, all-round care for students, motivate students to work hard, so that they build self-esteem, self-confidence, and restore the desire to seek knowledge. The class leader should educate the students from the front, care for the students, think about the students in the future, and be enthusiastic and caring, follow the guidance and encouragement, help them solve the practical difficulties, and ignite the hope of success. Establish a post-entry file, track the conversion effect, and carry out the transformation education work from the actual target.

Third, specific measures:

1. Grasp the daily routine of the class, put an end to the phenomenon of late class absenteeism, do a good job of self-study discipline, and improve efficiency.

2. Make full use of the “Learning Garden” to create a good learning atmosphere and build a good class culture.

3. Use various forms and channels to educate students, give play to students' subjective initiative, and motivate students.

4. Organize class activities to cultivate students' collective ideas and enhance class cohesion.

5. Conduct regular learning activities to develop students' good learning attitudes and methods.

6. Carry out beneficial cultural and sports activities to promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.

7. Organize students to actively participate in various activities of the school and strive to achieve good results in various activities.

8. Regularly communicate with students to understand the students' ideological dynamics and promptly solve problems for students.

Fourth, the main activities of the class


Registration is registered on August 31st.


Clean up the campus environment; develop class work plans; educate students on the "rules", "norms", "ceremonial routine" and school rules and regulations; establish poor management files, formulate conversion measures; carry out "traffic publicity month" activities; The 5th National Children's Letters and Cultural Activities; organized the "Song of the Patriotic Songs" singing event.


Out of the National Day special issue; to carry out the celebration of the Young Pioneers Team Memorial Day; organize students to participate in the city's autumn track and field games; conduct home visits. Class cadre meeting

Mid-term quality inspection; the opening of the quality inspection theme class meeting; selection of excellent composition, submission of "Morning Campus" for home visits.


Conduct home visits.


New Year's Day special issue; open review mobilization meeting, formulate review plan; hold class cadre meeting
The above is my plan for the semester class guide . I will do my best to do a good job in the study of the students, do a good job in the daily management of the students, and strive to make no mistakes in this semester. Make my class a class with a strong style and a strong learning style! I believe that as long as I keep working hard and make my contribution to the work of the class, I will give the students a better future. This is what I have been fighting for. It is not difficult to be a teacher and to be a class leader , but it is very difficult to keep going. In the years to come, I will continue to work hard. The future of our great motherland depends on our current efforts and our future efforts. To educate our students is to lay the foundation for the future of our motherland. We believe that our great motherland will be more prosperous and strong!

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