Work Plan > Department Work Plan

National Small Broadcasting Station Work Plan

At the beginning of the new semester, the school's work has been fully carried out. In order to make the radio station better cooperate with the school for propaganda and reporting, to play the role of the campus civilization window, and to provide a more exquisite spiritual food for the teachers and students, the following plans are formulated:

First, the guiding ideology:

The Red Scarf Broadcasting is an important position for the Young Pioneers. With the continuous updating of school equipment, the use of this team's own propaganda position can play its role in self-education and active after-school life.

Second, the activity content:

1, vertical and horizontal five thousand years

Opening words: magical world, colorful life, a story is a note. I don't know, life is wonderful. Here is a story about the fresh or ancient of every corner of the planet.

2, news bag pants

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