Work Plan > Winter Holiday Plan

Teach you to develop a winter vacation study plan

We are talking about making plans, mainly to formulate individual student learning plans, for example, competition catch up with plans, a certain supplementary plan, holiday self-study plan, pre-test review plan, extracurricular reading plan, social survey plan. , daily activity plans, and so on. With these plans, it is not only conducive to the realization of learning objectives, but also helps to temper their will and develop good study habits in the process of implementing the learning plan.
The development of a personal learning plan does not require a lengthy discussion. It should be concise and concise, easy to implement and contrast. It generally includes the following three points:
1. The plan must have a clear purpose.
Or plan according to the purpose. For example, if someone has a poor mathematics foundation, he will formulate a math review plan with the aim of strengthening the mathematics foundation and improving teaching achievements. If someone doesn't remember the English words, he has to develop a review dictation plan that aims to master the words. The purpose of the plan is based on each individual's own learning situation.
2. There must be learning content and completion time, that is, what you want to do in a certain period of time. For example, in a mathematics review plan, someone stipulates that he should review the mathematics of the elementary school and the mathematics of the first year in the summer vacation of the first day of the first day of the second day of the first day of the second year of the first year of the second year of the first year of the first year of the second year of the first year The time is also sequenced, and then the two sequences are combined into a review schedule.

3. There are ways and means to ensure that the learning tasks are completed.
For example, how to ensure the use of time and energy, how to avoid interference and overcome difficulties, and so on. If you want to order a good plan, you should also pay attention to the following questions.
Individual study plans should be subject to major plans for schools and classes.
The purpose of the two plans is the same, there may be contradictions in the timing, and the personal plan activities can only be arranged outside the time of the group activities.
Resolutely guarantee regular study time and make full use of free time.
The regular study time is mainly used to complete the learning tasks arranged by the teacher on the same day, and “digest” the new knowledge learned on the day. In this part, due to the task drive, the average classmate can basically guarantee the completion of the task. The free study time is Refers to the study time left after the completion of the teacher's assigned learning tasks. In free learning time, you can generally do two things: make up classes and improve. Complementing the lesson means making up for the shortcomings in your own study; improving means referring to the in-depth study and development of the advantages and specialties of your own learning. For students with poor learning, there is almost no or very little time to start free learning. As the level of learning increases, the regular study time will gradually decrease, and the free study time will gradually increase. Since the free learning time at the beginning is relatively small, it is often difficult for students to grasp it, which is why they are difficult to change in the passive situation. Once they grasp and appreciate the benefits of free learning time for learning, they will strive to improve the efficiency of regular learning time, increase free learning time, and let them master the initiative of learning.
Long plans and short arrangements.
Since the actual learning life is ever-changing and often difficult to predict, the long-term plan cannot be set too specific. It is impossible to list everything that will be done every month next month. However, what major problems should be solved in the next month of learning, there should be a number in mind. And what problems to solve in the first week of this month, what to do every day in the first week, should be more specific. After this arrangement, when I study every day, my heart will understand the status of today's learning tasks in the overall situation of learning. With specific short arrangements, the tasks in the long-term plan can be gradually realized; with the long-term plan, Have a clear learning purpose when completing specific learning tasks.
Make plans to start from reality.
Don't leave the actual situation of learning when making a plan. Many students are full of enthusiasm when making plans, often ignoring the actual situation, and the results are nervous and difficult to implement. What is the reality of learning? The first is your own knowledge base. If the foundation is good, it is necessary to broaden and deepen further improvement. If the foundation is poor, it is necessary to check and fill the gap to consolidate the foundation. Second is their ability to accept. To what extent can it be achieved, the task can not be too much, the requirements can not be too high, and should be done with the utmost. The third is the reality of time. At each stage, how much time can be provided for free learning. The fourth is to be combined with the teacher's teaching progress. Many students' individual learning plans are “bankrupt” because they do not understand the actual progress of the teacher's teaching, and the learning tasks they arrange are not too tight or too loose. The content of the self-scheduled learning content and the teacher's teaching content are out of touch.

There is room for planning.
The content and timing of the program's activities often do not exactly match the actual reality. For example, at some stage, some subjects are difficult and have many homework, so the regular study time in the plan will increase, and the free study time will decrease. The learning tasks in the project may not be completed. For another example, sometimes collective activities are more estimated than planned, taking up more time, and affecting the implementation of learning plans. Therefore, in order to ensure the realization of the plan, there must be room for the plan. Otherwise, when the impact is affected during the implementation process, the plan will be lost due to no adjustment. After a long time, there will be doubts about the necessity of the plan and no plans, and it will become unplanned.
Regularly adjust and adjust in time.
After the plan is booked, it should be posted in a conspicuous place, and often check and check your execution. If the task is completed easily and the room is large, you can consider the progress to speed up a bit. If you do not complete the task according to the plan, you should analyze what is the reason, take the right medicine, and take measures. If necessary, adjust the plan, lower the standard, slow down the speed, make the plan feasible, and serve the learning.

Principle of time management

There are also some basic principles for developing a timetable for learning. Here are some general principles that apply to all study schedules:
Eliminate the time of doing nothing.
Every hour is turned into a productive time unit, and some of the most important lessons in our lives are often learned in less than an hour. Take advantage of daytime hours. The results of the study prove that learning one hour during the day is equivalent to learning one and a half hours at night.
Recitation courses are reviewed before class.

A course that asks for reciting or discussion will have great benefits in reviewing before class. By doing so, you can remember what you have learned. Lecture-based courses can be reviewed after class. For a lecture class, reviewing the notes right away can help you deepen your understanding and remember the lecture content.
According to the importance of the matter.
Putting the top priority in the first place, you can definitely do the most important things on time. Avoid too much detail. It is a waste of time to put too much detail into the schedule of the week.
There are two reasons:
First, the time taken to develop such a timetable is not as good as learning a subject directly;
Second, it is unlikely that you will work and study according to this timetable.
Figure out when you need to sleep.
We have a cycle of drowsiness and sobriety every day. If your work, curriculum, and circumstances permit, sleep when you are sleepy and learn when you are naturally awake.
Find out how long you should learn.
You should review two hours in the last hour of class. This rough statistic is at best only instructive in general. Study time is actually subject to change depending on the course and the different students. But you can start from the hour of class review for two hours, after you figure out how long it takes to complete each job, then adjust the time according to your actual situation.
Schedule the time.

With one hour of each session, you will get the highest efficiency; you can learn in fifty minutes and rest in ten minutes.
Have enough sleep time.

Medical research has confirmed that everyone must have eight hours of sleep a day. We should be aware of the fact that the quality of learning depends on whether there is enough sleep.
To balance the meal. Eat three meals a while, eat well. In general, eating greasy or other low-protein foods most of the time is not good for the body and the brain. Insufficient diet can lead to irritability and fatigue, resulting in lack of motivation.
Double the estimated time, time-consuming things have to be done ahead of time.

Most people underestimate the time required for work. In order to avoid the last night of your homework, you finally found that you can't find a 1,500-word article within three hours, you should start writing as early as possible, so that ice will have more time.

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