Work Plan > Winter Holiday Plan

My 2012 winter vacation plan

Time flies so fast, and it’s another year. In the morning, the school started to take a winter vacation . As in the past, I always set a practical plan on the first day of the holiday, in order to make myself more fulfilling and happy during the holidays, and to learn more. Off-campus knowledge, joy and joy for a year.

I want to cultivate my interests and hobbies. I want to practice calligraphy with my father. When I grow up, I can write good words. Watch the news on TV and learn about society. I have to exercise more and stay healthy.

I must insist on writing diaries and compositions. In the past, the diary I wrote "dry" was mainly due to lack of observation. In the future, I plan to read 30 minutes of extracurricular books every day, record some of what I have seen and heard during the winter vacation , and have some meaningful people or things. Write an article. Look at some excellent compositions and learn from others' writing strengths. Find good articles written online and learn from others. In addition, I would like to have a booklet called "Diary Diary Material". I have to pay attention to it when I have a little thing to do. I will record some wonderful things. That is a good material for writing articles. When I have to write something, then It doesn't mean "nothing to write"!

Visit friends and relatives, be civilized and polite, respect the elders, introduce their learning to relatives and friends, and exchange learning experiences with their peers.

This is my winter vacation plan. Not only do I have to strengthen my studies, but I also need to do more for my parents. How do you feel about my winter vacation plan?

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