Work Plan > Winter Holiday Plan

Community winter vacation youth education program

The annual winter vacation has arrived. In order to further improve the ideological and moral education of young people in winter holidays , my xx community will work together with the community cadres of the next generation working group in accordance with the community and education departments. Winter education for young people:

First, in order to further deepen the implementation of youth patriotism, ideological and moral education activities, we organized community youths to carry out security patrols and pick up white garbage to beautify their homes, so as to achieve good hygiene habits for young people in the community.

Second, according to the call of the state, together with the community concerned about the next generation of leading groups, we use the winter vacation to organize young people, and sing our great motherland as the theme to carry out the singing and singing activities.

Third, organize young people to carry out safety education, educate young people during the Spring Festival, when setting off firecrackers, pay attention to safety, to go to the open space to discharge.

Fourth, organize young people to visit and sympathize with the elderly, disabled, and overseas Chinese in the community. Through this activity, young people understand that the disadvantaged groups in society need the care and help of all of us.

The above is a winter vacation youth activity program, we will work hard to do a good job in the ideological and moral education of young people, so that they can improve their own quality, healthier and happy growth.

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