Work Plan > Rural Agricultural Work Plan

Village committee development ideas and work plans

First, the development ideas of Datang Village:

Based on the line, guidelines and policies of the party's rural grassroots work, the basic requirements of the new rural construction are taken as the standard, and the "six sentences" of the provincial party committee organization department for the selection of cadres and the ministers of the Tongcheng Municipal Committee and Minister Zhang. The spirit of speech is the guide, and the development ideas of Datang Village are:

1. Grasp the construction of supporting organizations with the construction of the village party branch as the core.

We must do a good job in building the party branch and the village committee. By strengthening education, organizing learning, and improving the ideological construction and quality improvement of the leadership of the two committees; improving the system, improving the deliberation and decision-making procedures, and rationalizing the working mechanism; and improving the quality of party members and party spirit through organizing activities; Through the "five major carriers" activities, we will give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

We must do a good job in the construction of organizations such as the Youth League, Women's Federation, Militia Camp, and Family Planning Association. Through education and training, we will improve the working abilities and levels of the comrades responsible for the Youth League, women's federations, militia battalions, family planning associations, etc., and urge them to carry out their creative work and organize a variety of activities, which will indeed make these organizations revitalized and energetic.

Therefore, through the leadership of the supporting organizations with the party general branch as the core, all the tasks of the superior arrangement are fully completed.

2. Grasp the economic development.

Drive the development with industry. By increasing the yield of tea, improving the quality of tea, improving processing efficiency and level, expanding sales channels, and increasing the efficiency of the tea industry. Mobilize more villagers to engage in rational processing, improve their technological level through exchanges and observations, strengthen management and improve efficiency, thereby expanding the scale of the industry and further developing and strengthening the processing industry. Encourage more villagers to carry out Chinese herbal medicine cultivation, organize them to conduct technical learning and training, and do a good job in related services.

Promote development with projects. Through the launch of the 50,000 yuan special fund project, it plays its yeast role. Through land development and reclamation, construction land replacement, and the pursuit of projects and investment promotion at all levels to drive development.

And the development of labor services to drive development. Improve vocational skills of migrant workers through vocational skills training. And strengthen communication and contact with employers, so that villagers have better places to find employment, and have higher income.

3. Grasp the infrastructure and various social undertakings.

Through the improvement of rural drinking water projects, the implementation of village group road construction, rural biogas projects, restoration of farmland water conservancy and other infrastructure construction, further improvement of rural production conditions and improvement of farmers' living standards. In accordance with the requirements of the higher authorities, we will build standardized village-level health clinics, strive for fitness equipment to enter the village, coordinate and organize cultural activities, and comprehensively strengthen social undertakings.

4. Grasp the comprehensive management of democratic politics and social security.

Through the open village affairs and the openness of party affairs, the villagers will have the right to know and supervise the village-level affairs, so that they can solicit opinions from the villagers on major issues in the village, accept the criticism and supervision of the villagers humbly, and organize the election of the village committees at the end of the year. Ensure the realization of the villagers' right to vote and the right to be elected. Timely resolve various contradictions, guide the establishment of good folk customs, implement comprehensive social security management, and promote rural social harmony.

Second, the 2019 work plan:

1. Do a good job in the investigation of the village situation before April, so that you have a foundation, ideas, and plans.

2. In April, we will do a good job in the production, processing and sales of spring tea, and strive to improve its output value and efficiency.

3. Before mid-April, work plans for the whole process of serving the people in 2019, the pioneering project of "double training and double belts", the appointment of unemployed party members, the "two-way driving of mobile party members", and the commitment system of party members.

4. Organize well-made spring farming and do a good job in related services.

5. Do a good job in the reconstruction of the small state of Datang and strive to complete the work before May 1st.

6. Implement the new rural construction project in Wangshiling as soon as possible, and strive to start construction before June.

7. Implement land reclamation and construction land replacement projects as soon as possible, and strive to start construction before July.

8. Implement one-on-one discussion, do a good job in the whole village promotion project, and strive to start construction before August, and complete the work before the end of the year.

9. Arrange the preliminary work for the rural biogas project.

10. Before October, organize the implementation of a special fund project of 50,000 yuan.

11. Complete other tasks assigned by the superior.

A few days ago, the town government held a rural work conference. The leaders of the town government and the chairman of the district CPPCC attended and delivered important speeches. They made important arrangements around the 2019 work plan of Cuihuangkou Town. The topics of the conference mainly include: the development and construction of carpet industry park, the five-year plan of Cuihuangkou, the environmental transformation of Cuihuangkou Township and the construction of new countryside . The meeting called for villages and streets to implement the overall layout of the development of the town and effectively promote the construction of new villages in villages and streets.

Wu’anying Village has worked out the 2019 work plan on the actual situation of the village and on the three aspects of infrastructure, party democracy and spiritual civilization:

I. Infrastructure construction

In order to enrich the amateur cultural activities of the majority of villagers and improve the quality of life of the majority of villagers, our village initially planned to build a village fitness square in the village center, and purchase corresponding fitness equipment, and arrange special personnel to be responsible for the maintenance of sanitation and equipment. In addition, in response to the requirements of the new rural construction of clean and ecological greening, the puddles abandoned as garbage spots in the east and west of our village will be rectified. In line with the principle of "small investment, great effect", it has been turned into a viewing pond according to local conditions. Through planting lotus roots, raising koi, and setting up lanterns, the environmental quality of the two places has been thoroughly improved, and the village appearance of our village has been comprehensively improved.

Second, the building of party democracy

In 2019, the party branch of our village plans to develop two party members among the young villagers with ideological progress and innovative spirit, thus injecting fresh blood into the party committee of our village and enhancing the team's ability to work. At the same time, the establishment of advanced models by the development of party members will help to enhance the party's authority in the people.

Third, the construction of spiritual civilization

In the current year, my village plans to give full play to the resource advantages of the farmer's bookstores and village literary and art backbones, further improve the corresponding management measures, and effectively enable each villager to enjoy the achievements of spiritual civilization construction, thereby enhancing the spiritual civilization of the entire village and working hard. To achieve the requirements of the new rural construction of rural civilization.

Through the formulation of work objectives, the work direction has been clarified, work responsibilities have been refined, and village work has become more targeted and pragmatic, which has helped to improve the efficiency of rural work. In view of the specific conditions of our village and the feasibility of the project, the Wuanying two committees have the confidence and ability to complete the work plan.

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