Work Plan > Youth League Committee Work Plan

Secondary school group branch work plan

First, the guiding ideology:
The guiding ideology of the work of the Communist Youth League this year is: guided by the party's ideological line and Deng Xiaoping Theory, conscientiously study and implement the spirit of xx, combine the spirit of the bureau's instructions and the work requirements of the school, and work closely around school education. Improve the quality of students, promote the construction of branches as the goal of struggle, give full play to the exemplary role of the cadres and party members, carry out a variety of activities, mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, form a good learning atmosphere, and work together to promote the continuous development of the branch work. .
Second, the main points of work:
1. Constantly strengthen theoretical study and strive to improve the level of education;
2. Each class should conscientiously study and implement the new Code of Conduct and Standards for secondary school students;
3. To stabilize the melody, implement all-round, socialized education, and create a harmonious environment for teaching and educating people;
4. Further understand the people-oriented concept, establish all the concepts for the students, and establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship;
5, attach importance to the establishment of students' integrity personality education, carry forward and cultivate the national spirit; enhance students' legal awareness and honesty consciousness, improve the awareness of law-abiding and compliance, firmly establish a moral concept of being trustworthy, dishonored and shameful, and sincerely doing credit, Ethical people, let students have a healthy personality;
6. Carry out versatile educational activities with patriotic education as the main line, and carry out adolescent psychological and physical health education according to the actual situation of students;
7. A positive campus culture life enables students to be edified and infected in a good environment. Therefore, we must strengthen the construction of campus culture, create a positive and uplifting humanistic atmosphere, and make the campus see moral education everywhere;
8. Grasp the work of various inspections and appraisals, promote the implementation of various routine tasks, and standardize the students' words and deeds so that they can develop good living and study habits;
9. Adhere to positive education and guidance, do a good job of helping poor students, and transform students into backward students;
10. Broaden the space for the socialization of moral education work, strengthen the connection with coaches and families, and form a comprehensive moral education complex for schools, families and coaches. 3. Work and measures:
Do a good job in behavioral norms education, and pay attention to the cultivation of students' good habits. Implement the provisions of the "One Day Practice for Students of Nanxu Middle School"; implement the responsibility system for the work of the class teacher, the daily value of the health value, the health inspection system, and adhere to the daily routine inspection. At the beginning of the school, each class should use the class meeting to organize students to conscientiously study and implement the "Nanxu Middle School Students' Daily Behavioral Norms" and the school rules and regulations, and to timely detect feedback, often check the students' behavior habits, and find problems in time to criticize education. .
We will use publicity windows such as publicity windows, class blackboard newspapers, and off-campus practice activities bases to praise the advanced teachers around us, highlight the touching stories of students, promote the righteousness, and carry out life outlook, values, civilized habits, law-abiding and other aspects of students. Education; comprehensive education for students, truly no small things in the school, educating people in everything, no leisure in the school, educating people everywhere.
Grasp the flag-raising ceremony. Under the national flag, we must plan, become a system, carry forward the education of the main theme of patriotism, strictly implement the "Flag Law", strengthen the national anthem and national flag education, and play the role of the speech under the national flag;
Strengthen the education and transformation of the undergraduates. The transformation work of the backward students is to have plans, measures, diligence, implementation, and evaluation. Teachers are required to patiently and meticulously do a good job in the ideological education of the undergraduates, so as not to overdo it, not to buckle big hats, less criticism, more encouragement, less accusation, more help, and strict control of student loss;
Legal education is firmly in place, focusing on education and prevention. Make full use of the legal education report meeting, political class, class meeting, school meeting, speech under the national flag, etc., to promote legal awareness and legal concept, so that students can know the law, understand the law, abide by the law, and use legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests. . In this semester, teachers should be organized to study in depth the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, and the off-campus counselors should come to the school to make legal education reports, and regularly educate and transform the problem students.
Do a good job in the activities of the Youth League, strengthen the group's knowledge learning, XX major theoretical study, guide students to move closer to the group organization, and regularly carry out activities to cultivate students' lofty ideals and firm communist beliefs;
Whether the campus is clean, elegant, quiet, comfortable, and whether the campus is clean and tidy will have a great impact on the school's education and affect the effectiveness of moral education. To this end, our school regards the creation of a good campus culture as an important task, providing students with a clean and elegant, quiet and comfortable study and living conditions, and a clear school discipline, school spirit, school motto, and regular students. Education, accumulate a good style and habits over time;
Organize a variety of cultural and sports activities to enrich students' after-school life, such as essay competitions, three-person basketball games, singing competitions and other activities. Show the style of the students, so that every student has a round of applause;
Fourth, XX annual school group branch work activities:
February: Students in the last semester summed up the work; formulated the work plan of the Youth League branch and the student behavior norms of Nanxu Middle School; the layout and inspection of the window and board report.
March: "Enthusic Olympics, Sunshine Campus" reading essay activities; carrying out learning Lei Feng, learning normative activities; "prohibition of snacks into class" theme education activities; project group experience paper exchange meeting; safety education series activities; legal lectures; subscription parents school Read this book; Blackboard News "Learn from Lei Feng";
April: Implementing issues related to parents' schools; lectures on mental health knowledge; watching patriotic films and adolescent educational films; conducting revolutionary traditional education and patriotic education for students; summing up the half-semester work of class teachers; blackboard patriotic topic;
May: Olympic knowledge contest; carry out health and epidemic prevention publicity, launch a three-person basketball game; blackboard newspaper "May 4 Youth";
June: Legal Lecture; Student Moral Education Assessment; Final Exam; Holiday Safety Education; Issue of Parent Notice;

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