Work Plan > Youth League Committee Work Plan

Youth League work plan

Time flies, unconsciously, we have already passed the first year of the university, and the development of my team branch is also beginning to bear fruit. This mainly depends on the cooperation and support of the youth of the whole team in the whole class. In the freshman year, it is full of challenges for us. Some things and problems are the first time we face, but as a small group, unity is our magic weapon, and we face the storm together. In order to build a better branch and better serve the students, the semester work plan formulated by the Youth League is as follows:

First, the purpose of the work:

As a group secretary, he shoulders the important responsibility of grasping the direction of the whole class. Ideological construction will drive the construction of "three winds"; with the "three winds" construction to promote ideological construction. The two promote each other and develop each other. And we must continue to encourage students to actively move closer to the party organization.

Second, the activity plan:

The construction of the Youth League Branch not only requires theoretical education, but more importantly, it affects classmates, educate classmates, and serve classmates through activities. The activities carried out by the team plan of my class this semester are announced as follows:

The whole team branch concentrates all the power to build a blog that belongs to our class. Then, we manage the blog wholeheartedly and promote the communication of our class through the blog.

This semester is doing a good job in the remaining group organization activities. The form can be rich and varied, and the content is arranged according to the situation. Let the students get the sublimation of their thoughts in the activity.

In the semester, while doing a good job in the group building work, in line with the arrangement of the college, actively develop the party activists, the group promotion work and the party recommendation work. Train more activists for society.

Actively echo the work arrangements and activities arranged by the General Branch of the College and the Youth League Committee .

Third, the work outline:


In terms of activities, we must improve the quality, effectiveness and impact of our activities. In terms of the impact of the activities, not only the impact on the classmates, but also the influence of the class in the college and even in the school is possible. It is necessary to highlight the purpose and significance of the activities, and focus on several activities to make the team branch have a certain influence and appeal. Also be serious about other activities to ensure the quality of the event. In the event, the responsibilities should be clear, so that the students can understand the purpose of the event and the cohesiveness of the class. In the activity, the thoughts are sublimated and the students' ideological and political qualities are improved.

Regular work;

In terms of routine work, we must do a good job in the activities arranged by the colleges and departments. Pay attention to the exchange of experience with other league branches . At the same time, we must also pay attention to the work exchange with teachers and counselors. Second, we must strengthen communication and exchanges with our classmates, and care for, care for, and care for our classmates. Third, do a good job of "crowding the team". At the beginning of the semester, we must do a good job in class cadre and scholarship winners. The work of "group promotion" should be carried out in strict accordance with relevant regulations on the premise of openness, fairness and impartiality.

Fourth, the conclusion:

The ideological construction of a class will undoubtedly affect the overall appearance of this class, which puts higher demands on me and the Communist Youth League . However, we believe that with the strong support and encouragement of teachers and students, we are confident that our branch team will be built into an excellent group branch with "excellent comprehensive quality in all aspects". We are also working hard towards this goal. I hope that in the semester, under the cooperation of the team branch and the class committee, the q0831 class will show a good appearance.

One. guiding ideology
Under the leadership of the higher-level Youth League Committee and the school party committee, with the primary education as the main line, the school moral education work and teaching work as the axis, carefully and meticulously carry out the work of the members, develop their own characteristics and advantages, and combine the characteristics of our youth. Carry out the learning and activities of various groups suitable for them, actively explore the effective ways and means of the Communist Youth League to serve young people, and wholeheartedly serve the youth, so that they can more actively take advantage of the group organization and strive to create a new situation for the work of the Communist Youth League.

Second, work ideas
1. Strengthen theoretical study and strengthen ideals and beliefs. Create a good learning atmosphere and encourage young people, especially party members, to carry out self-study, exchanges and exchanges with each other, and constantly improve their own quality, and lay a solid foundation for better completion of the group work.
2. Strengthen organizational construction, enhance the awareness of group members, give play to the exemplary role of youth members, vigorously promote civilized culture, establish a sense of service for young members of the youth, and awareness of environmental protection to create a harmonious campus.
3, do a good job in the construction of campus culture, and strive to create a good cultural environment, campus culture is an ideology deposited on the campus, is a school's characteristics, reflecting the school's educational philosophy. In 2008, in the Olympic year, the General League will use this as an opportunity to carry out various cultural activities in a variety of ways, while at the same time embodying its own characteristics and creating a coastal brand.
4. Implement “three major projects” to enhance students' practical ability, so that students can understand the meaning of the theme activities in practice and make the activities achieve good results.

Third, the main activities
1. In March, the students were educated on the “grateful gratitude” and asked the ministries and organizations of the Communist Youth League to carry out the “3rd Five-Year” learning of Lei Feng activities, and to understand the dedication of Comrade Lei Feng’s wholehearted service to the people, such as holding public welfare activities, etc. For Women's Day, the General Support Team will hold an auction for the public works of various classes to contribute to the poverty alleviation work of our hospital.

2, April's various activities will be "the main theme - the red classic" as the theme, remembering the martyrs to a revolutionary education for contemporary college students, learning the martyrs are not afraid to sacrifice the spirit of sacrifice for the national interest, cherish the hard-won happiness life. Organize students to read red books, each person can write a post-reading feeling, translate and select outstanding works for exhibition or recommendation to school newspapers or organize speech contests or invite the old revolution to tell their touching stories. A spiritual baptism for the students. Cooperate with various ministries to visit the History Museum, learn about heroic deeds, strengthen patriotic education, and firmly believe in the struggle for the rejuvenation of China.

3, May will promote the humanistic spirit and create a strong academic atmosphere. Celebrity biographies have a good guiding role in the students' value orientation and behavior, and therefore organize students to read various celebrity biographies, search for celebrity epigrams, and conduct commentary activities. Guide students to learn the successful methods of celebrities, and find their own methods in combination with their own reality, so that students can achieve twice the result with half the effort in the future.

4. In the June Olympic Games, fully prepare for the Olympics. Collect the manuscripts, Olympic slogans, photos, poetry readings or knowledge contests to enhance the classmates with the theme of “Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, and Humanistic Olympics”. Their Olympic knowledge will enable them to better understand the Olympics and appreciate the essence of the Olympic spirit. The Propaganda Department will do a good job in the newspaper propaganda work, so that the Olympic spirit will penetrate all parts of student life, and let the students feel that the Olympics are everywhere, speak civilization, and create a new style. With full enthusiasm and good spirit, we will welcome the Olympics.

5, the end of the work in July, an objective and comprehensive summary of the work of the entire semester

08 is a special year for China. China has ushered in the long-awaited Olympics. The passion of the entire nation is burning. It is trying to contribute to the Olympics. It is also a brand new for the College of Education. At the beginning, the new chapter of the School of Economics and Management was opened. I believe that the Propaganda Department of the General Administration of Economics and Management of the School of Economics and Management will emancipate the mind in the new semester and keep up with the times. With the joint efforts of all, we will continue to make progress and create greater glories!

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