Work Plan > Youth League Committee Work Plan

Youth League 2019 Annual Work Plan

As the most active, active and lively part of the society, youth should always be at the forefront of reform, construction and development. The youth agent should become a pioneer and model for studying the important thinking of "xxxx" and building a well-off society in an all-round way. The guiding ideology of my school group work is: Adhere to the spirit of Deng Xiaoping Theory, xx comrade "xxxx" and "xx big" as the guide, earnestly study the xx spirit of the regiment, unite and lead the youth of the whole group, grasp the overall situation, Recognize the situation, combine the working ideas of kindergartens, and focus on the work objectives and tasks put forward by the bureau and the town league committee, boldly explore, advance with the times, and reflect the vanguard and exemplary role of youth members.

First, a series of creation activities carried out around the construction of kindergartens as a carrier, efforts to establish and improve the organizational system of the Communist Youth League, strengthen and standardize the management of grassroots organizations, improve and improve various systems, and lay a solid organization for the development of the work of the Youth League. basis.

Second, guided by the important thinking of "xxxx", strengthen the youth of the group members to learn the basic knowledge of the party, help the members to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, carry out colorful group activities, enrich the amateur life of the members, and improve Cohesiveness makes the members become assistants to the party and assistants to the administration.

Third, combined with post study, post education, theoretical study to guide social practice, social practice to promote theoretical learning, improve the political theory and moral cultivation of youth members. Learn the truth of "being a person" and improve their quality of doing things for others. Understand the purpose and significance of "Bao Xian" education, and lay the foundation for the next "preservation" activities.

Fourth, strengthen the study and activities of the party constitution team, train young teachers to actively move closer to the party organizations; do a good job in promoting and cultivating the work, and choose to join the party with the hard-working youth members.

5. Grasping the theme gathering activities such as “May 4th” and “10·1”, combined with the actual situation, focus on the educational theme, and carry out educational activities with rich content, various forms and characteristics that meet the characteristics of young members of the Youth League in a hierarchical, phased and step-by-step manner. . Further guide the youth of the Communist Youth League to reinforce the conviction of Marxism and socialism, enhance the confidence of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, enhance the trust of the party and the government, and make the party's cross-century grand goal become the common pursuit of the majority of youth.

Sixth, each teacher first establishes his own research direction according to his own characteristics, and coordinates with the class teachers to establish class characteristics. Then, the garden side will provide opportunities for teachers to go out for training and study, and ask relevant psychological education experts to come to the park for guidance. She is good at discovering the highlights and shortcomings of the team leader and key teachers in cultivating children's mental health education, and working with them to jointly propose measures and response strategies to improve children's psychological quality.

7. Give full play to the role of youth members in education reform, actively explore effective teaching methods, explore the construction of garden-based curriculum, improve the efficiency of teaching and research, and promote the development of children's subjective inquiry ability. Improve the professional level of youth members.

8. Continue to take volunteer service activities as an opportunity to combine the characteristics of early childhood education with parents and young children as the characteristics of our volunteer service to further expand the service field.

Author: wpx1118

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