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Summary of AIDS awareness campaigns

Summary of AIDS awareness campaigns

In order to enable people to understand AIDS, face AIDS, pay attention to AIDS, care for AIDS patients, make people familiar with AIDS related knowledge and understand certain AIDS prevention knowledge, our school group work committee student association and South Campus School Hospital on December 1st At the entrance of the old campus of the South Campus and the Central Street of Xuxiwan Village, a large-scale publicity campaign on World AIDS Day was held with the theme of “containing AIDS and fulfilling commitments”. The event was organized and organized by the Social Practice Department of the Communist Youth League Working Committee. The publicity photo was displayed. The main form was the production of red ribbons, wish boxes, distribution of promotional materials, on-site signatures and questionnaires. Ma Shushang, deputy secretary of the school party committee, Zhang Ying, director of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee, Gao Baoshan, Chairman of the School Committee, Huang Dongliang, Director of the Logistics Department, Zhao Aiqun, President of the School Hospital, Qu Ningning, Vice President, School and Hospital Staff, and Secretary of the Working Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xie Xin Part of the cadres of the Student Union of the League Working Committee, all members of the Practice Department and all students of Level 05 participated in the event. Yangling TV station reported on the event and received good results in the society!

Do more work in full swing, work closely with each other, and carry forward teamwork

The event will be held at the entrance of Xilin Old School and the central street of Xuxiwan Village at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The 70 volunteers of Zhicheng were divided into two groups. Under the unified organization of the Practice Department of the Working Committee of the Communist Youth League, the work was carried out in an orderly manner. The smooth progress of this activity not only further improved our practical ability, but also the team spirit of unity and cooperation has been further promoted.

Hard work, work first

Because of the wide range of activities and the number of publicity points, going back and forth has increased the difficulty of our work! In order to cooperate with the work, the volunteers walked back and forth, and the weather was extremely cold during this event, many students were flushed with hands, but All the students who participated in this activity in the hospital adhered to the belief of “work first”, resisted the cold, rushed back and forth, started work on time, and insisted on the end of work. Wang Hanzhou, Guo Wenhao, Cai Jianping, Chen Ying, Fu Zhenxing, Zhang Zhenhua and other students were active in the event.

Work hard and practical, well received

Many students don't know much about AIDS. After the patient experts and classmates patiently explained and publicized the pictures, the students got a better understanding of AIDS. We mainly go deep into the student-intensive areas, stand in the student stream that is out of school, and distribute the promotional materials one by one. In the organization of signature activities, volunteers always smile and treat people with courtesy. There is also Xuxiwan Village. We not only set up consultation points, distribute promotional materials, wish boxes, but also publicize the defensive knowledge of AIDS through village radio.

Throughout the work, we have added the characteristics to the welcome review, and the activities are both correct.

This year is the evaluation year of our school. The school is responsible for the construction of the style of study. We make full use of the students' spare time to organize this activity, and strive to make the activities go smoothly and never miss the class. 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Normal class has no class, we will organize students to carry out activities during this time. Both hands must be hard, though both hands are hard! Although the individual’s rest time is gone, but through the activities, I have exercised myself and made the “World AIDS Day” publicity deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that our teachers and students, people from all walks of life and the surrounding people will be more Understand AIDS, face AIDS, care for AIDS patients, make people familiar with AIDS knowledge and have certain knowledge of AIDS prevention.

The form of activity is novel and the work team is capable

In this activity, we broke the routine of distributing promotional materials, consultations, and signatures, especially adding two forms of making red ribbons and wishing boxes by people, making the activities more attractive and inspiring students to participate in the activities. Enthusiasm, won the praise of the majority of students and the public! In the previous activities, the number of participants was too much, and the formalization was serious. In this event, we fully selected the participants, and we strongly supported the students who are serious and practical in their work. Participate in this event! Strive to make a big impact and a large scale with a small number of participants. The event was based on practicality and was implemented conscientiously throughout the event.

The event was generally very successful, and we were well received by relevant leaders and students. However, there are also shortcomings, such as the lack of scale of publicity and the lack of work experience, which are all aspects that we should strive to improve in our future work.

The Adult Education Institute’s “Stop the AIDS, Fulfilling Commitment” signature, thousands of people making red ribbons, wishing boxes, distributing promotional materials, and consulting activities not only make the majority of students and the public understand AIDS, face AIDS, and care for AIDS patients. We also used our actions to defend against AIDS. We distributed more than 20,000 promotional materials at the entrance of the old campus of the South Campus and the Central Street of Xuxiwan Village. We collected more than 1,000 questionnaires and collected more than 2,000 wishes. More than 10,000 people. The event achieved good results, and was highly praised by the school's Youth League Committee and the leaders of the school. At the same time, it received strong support and praise from the school hospital leaders. It also caused great repercussions among the students! It has achieved remarkable results.

Summary of AIDS awareness campaigns

On December 1st, the 27th "World AIDS Day" was organized by the Qinglong Sub-district Office. Community workers conducted the "World AIDS Day" publicity campaign at the waiting hall on the 2nd floor of the Zhaojue Temple Bus Station. This year's theme is "Action, move toward 'zero' AIDS", and the subtitle is "Comprehensive Prevention, Active Treatment, Elimination of Discrimination". On the morning of the same day, Qinglong Street Office cooperated with various communities to carry out publicity and education activities on AIDS prevention and treatment.

AIDS is a major disease that seriously endangers people's health and safety. In the publicity activities, a total of 1000 brochures were distributed, 800 brochures were spread, 30 posters were posted, 200 boxes of condoms, and 400 brochures were distributed, except for the distribution of promotional materials. More than 100 people have consulted.

The AIDS Day publicity campaign will spread knowledge on AIDS prevention and treatment to the public through knowledge display boards, dissemination of publicity materials, and consultation on AIDS prevention and treatment, improve people's awareness of prevention and prevention, foster healthy lifestyles, and eliminate fears of AIDS patients. Discrimination. People in the past have said that they should remember the basic knowledge of preventing AIDS, strengthen self-protection, and cherish life. In response to this situation, on the occasion of the "World AIDS Day", through the banner, the production of publicity boards, the distribution of promotional materials and leaflets, and through the real examples, to introduce the causes of AIDS to the general public in the community, Relevant knowledge of routes of transmission, clinical symptoms, hazards and prevention methods. In addition, community workers also widely publicize the habits of the residents, pay attention to the details in life, and do everything possible to resist the invasion of AIDS.

Through this publicity campaign, the general public in the community fully realized the harm caused by AIDS to the human body, and clearly realized that AIDS will not spread through daily contact, effectively eliminating the public's panic about AIDS, and guiding everyone to establish A correct understanding, do not discriminate against AIDS patients, on the contrary should give them more care, so that the atmosphere of harmony and love extends in the community.

Summary of AIDS awareness campaigns

December 1st, 2019 is the 23rd World AIDS Day. The theme of this year is still "to curb AIDS and fulfill commitments." AIDS has become a major disease under key control in China. China has entered a period of rapid growth of AIDS. According to experts' estimates, there are 840,000 people infected with HIV in China. At present, there is still no cure for AIDS, and there is no effective vaccine. The control measures for AIDS are mainly prevention, so publicity and education are essential. To this end, under the leadership of the Youth League Committee, we took the World AIDS Day as an opportunity to conduct an AIDS awareness campaign on the campus under the slogan of this year's AIDS Day. In order to do a good job in the AIDS Prevention and Awareness Week, school leaders attach great importance to this work and combine the prevention of AIDS health education with anti-drug education and adolescent education. The work is summarized as follows:

First, school leaders attach importance to health education work

For the prevention and treatment of AIDS health education in our school, the school leaders attached great importance to it, formulated a work plan and plan for the prevention and treatment of AIDS, and established a publicity and education group to curb and prevent AIDS. The school leaders personally took the lead, defined their responsibilities, coordinated various forces, and seized Implementation, to achieve the leadership in place, the investment in place, the guarantee in place, the measures in place, the AIDS prevention work is carried out in a down-to-earth manner, the activities have truly achieved leadership, planning, organization, and purpose.

Second, the content and method

1. Carry out publicity and education activities on prevention and treatment of AIDS among teachers and students throughout the school;

2. Organizing prevention and AIDS board exhibition activities;

Third, the main work

1. In order to carry out the prevention and control of AIDS health education activities with purpose, education and scientific research, according to the requirements of the higher level, formulate specific implementation plans, 19 teaching classes throughout the school, and the Political and Education Department and the Academic Affairs Office will arrange the courses in a unified manner. The health education teacher trains the class teacher and then explains the part of the class teacher who needs to complete the health education this school year. Schedule 0.5 lessons per week for health education classes.

2. In order to improve the basic knowledge of AIDS among school faculty and students and enhance students' self-protection ability, a total of 2 lectures on relevant knowledge were included, including:

The prevalence of AIDS and the universality, long-term and devastating effects on humans.

Basic knowledge of AIDS: Highlights AIDS is a form of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome caused by human immunodeficiency virus; the route of transmission of AIDS; the difference between AIDS and HIV-infected patients; the clinical manifestations of AIDS; the in vitro disinfection method of HIV.

The principle of AIDS prevention: self-love, refusing drugs, and enhancing self-protection.

Sympathize with AIDS patients and HIV-infected people; inform students that the current enemy of all human beings is AIDS, not AIDS patients and HIV-infected people; we should care about them, and if it discriminates, it will only accelerate the spread of AIDS.

3. Organize and carry out various forms of educational activities.

Students are provided with adolescent sex education, prevention of drug use and prevention of AIDS through radio, board, exhibitions, lectures and dissemination of promotional materials. And teach them some basic life skills in schools, learn how to listen, promote the exchange process of students, respect others, learn how to get along with others, learn how to reject bad temptations from all aspects of society, improve self-esteem, and integrate their knowledge into prevention. Going to AIDS. In order to give students a deep understanding, the school organized the screening of videos, films including "AIDS Basic Knowledge", "Approaching Chinese People's AIDS", "Rejecting Drugs, Cherishing Life" and so on.

In short, carrying out the national education centered on school health education is the most effective means to prevent the spread of AIDS in China, and is also an important method to prevent AIDS. Through the activities, teachers and students clarified some vague understandings and knew that HIV-infected and AIDS patients should not be discriminated against, and the awareness rate of AIDS knowledge is over 95%. In the future, our school will increase publicity efforts, establish a long-term mechanism for AIDS prevention work, continue to explore and practice, and strive to make greater contributions to the prevention and treatment of AIDS.

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