Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of the township old age committee and the old sports association in 2019

Under the guidance of the Party Committee of the town, the government's in charge of the leadership center, and the district's old age committee and the old sports association, the town's old age committee and the old sports association will conscientiously implement the "17" spirit and the important idea of ​​"xxxx". The Party's various lines, guidelines, and policies are advancing with the times, pioneering and innovating, adhering to both activities and construction, focusing on the working principles of construction, building a large number of middle-aged and elderly people, continuously enhancing the quality of the middle-aged and elderly people, and adhering to the old age. The work of the association is the main body, striving to achieve the "six old service goals", and adhering to the old-age service fitness system of the old-age cause and the coordinated development of the economy and society of the whole town. The following work has been done mainly in the past six months:
First, earnestly do a good job in propaganda and education work, conscientiously implement the requirements of "completely establishing a fitness system" proposed by xx, and continuously implement the "Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving Sports Work in the New Period" and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights of the Elderly "The Regulations on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly in Yunnan Province" and the opinions of the party committees and governments at all levels, the Hongta District Aging Committee and the National Fitness Leading Group, combined with the actual situation of our town, to build a national fitness system for the majority of the elderly, to promote Education will continuously improve the understanding of the middle-aged and elderly people on "life is well-off, the body needs health" and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly.
Second, the establishment of a sound organization closely around the theme of "life is a well-off, the body should be healthy", and strive to embody "the old have some, the old doctor, the old, the old, the old, the old The goal of “Le Le” is to further improve and perfect the organization of the Old Age Committee and the Old Sports Association.
1. Strengthen leadership, do its part, seek political responsibilities, and do things.
2. Adjusted the responsible persons of the old-age committee and the old-age cooperation team at the grassroots level, enriched and strengthened the leadership team of the old-age committee and the old sports association. On the basis of last year's adjustment, this year, the Dongqian village committee was fully adjusted and old. The leadership team of the Association has laid a solid foundation for the cause of the elderly.
III. Carrying out good activities The 13 village committees in the town have a total of 85 activity center rooms, 79 art studios and 78 old art and art teams. More than 5,100 middle-aged and elderly people participated in fitness activities, accounting for 65.2% of the elderly. The Lianchi Village Committee invested more than 800,000 yuan last year. The Wangqi Village Committee invested more than 200,000 yuan to build an activity center for the elderly, which is now in use. It has laid a solid foundation for the elderly to have a good time. The Lotus Pond Village Committee also organized lanterns, song and dance fitness Yangge competitions during the Spring Festival this year. There were 22 teams and 268 people participated in the performances and competitions, with 44 performances and more than 2,500 visitors. A total of 2 first prizes, 1,000 yuan, 4 second prizes, 1800 yuan, 6 third prizes, 1800 yuan, 10 prizes, 3,000 yuan, and 110,000 yuan. Another example is that the ** neighborhood committee has more than 300 people in the Gaogu Building and the Senior Activity Center every morning and evening. The activities of the ** neighborhood are: Tai Chi, medical exercises, middle-aged health exercises, fitness balls, soft balls. Tai Chi Sword, Wushu Fan, Hand Box Dance, Flower Stick, Fitness Yangko, Lantern, Dance, etc. During the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, they also organized more than 200 dragon lanterns and drum teams to the main street to pay tribute to the people of the town. In the April 3rd Science and Technology and the Anti-Drug Day in May, we also organized more than 120 literary and art teams to perform lanterns, dance xxxx and other programs in Gaogu Building, which was highly praised by superior leaders and audiences. In May of this year, the town organized a total of more than 30 people from the Lotus Lake, **, and Daying teams to participate in the 7th Township Seniors Games held by the Hongta District Aging Committee and the Old Sports Association. The second prize of the group was rewarded with recognition. The older the older the older, the more open-eyed and smiled.
Fourth, carry out a good holiday condolence activity to visit the elderly who are very sleepy, and solve the problem for the elderly with special difficulties. From January to December this year, the whole town had a total of 9054 condolences to the elderly. The expenditure condolences are 849,033 yuan. The town party committee secretary, Sun Zhenchang and other team leaders personally consoled the five-guarantee elderly, the extremely sleepy old man and the centenarian Ma Yunzhen in the Kangtai apartment town welfare home, and sent a 1,100 yuan condolences and condolences to promote The family virtues of respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly, loving the elderly and supporting the elderly fully reflect the care and love of the leaders of the party committee and government at all levels.
V. Disbursement of pensions and subsidies The town's pension subsidies are **, Lianchi 2 village committees, and the number of people receiving pension subsidies is 2012. The annual pension is 1.26 million yuan, and the monthly average is 200 yuan, the lowest is 40 yuan. Among them: ** 1193 pensions are issued, and the annual pension is 800,000 yuan; the lotus pond is 819, and the annual pension is 460,000 yuan. It has become one of the village committees in the town's first wholesale pension subsidy. The town has issued 1,109 old-age subsidies for the elderly over the age of 1 to December, with a total amount of 707,850 yuan.
Sixth, earnestly do a good job in the renewal of the elderly citizenship certificate
In the whole year of XX, a total of 491 preferential treatment certificates for people over the age of 60 were renewed, and they were enthusiastic about doing good things for the elderly and doing practical things, which was well received by the elderly.
Seventh, earnestly do other work for a year, a total of 19 newspapers, 17 briefings, 19 columns, 536 slogans, 83 broadcasts, 17 news reports, 49 mediation disputes, 105 person-times, handling He sent 30 letters and 65 visits, and actively completed the tasks of the town party committee, the town government, the leaders and the center.
Eight, existing problems and deficiencies
**The work of the town aging committee and the old sports association in the past year, under the guidance and help of the ** town party committee, government, in charge of leadership, district aging committee, and the old sports association, did some work and achieved certain results, but also There are still gaps. We are determined to work hard and work hard in the next year's work, and work hard to create a new situation in the old age of the town and the old sports association.

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