Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of organization work in townships and towns in 2019

Organizational work is an important part of the work of the township committee, which is related to the efficiency of government work and the harmony and stability of society. In XX, under the concern of Zhang Shuji and Gui Zhenchang, we overcame the difficulties of the town's organizational system with few people and thin forces, and earnestly completed the tasks assigned by the city and district organizations. In addition to strictly completing the daily work of the organization department, it has completed the implementation of the reform of township institutions and related stabilization work, the construction of four villages, and the promotion of distance education.
The reform of township institutions is an important part of the organization work of this district this year. The district committee and district government and the district organization department attach great importance to it. They have set up a township and township organization reform work guidance group with the head of the district governor Li, and the leaders of the ministries and commissions have participated in it. The significance of this work and the difficulties that need to be overcome are arduous. Minister Zhu Lei of the Organization Department of the District served as the leader of the guiding group of our town. Yin Lanfeng and Comrade Wang Yidong were members of the guiding group of our town. With the strong support of the superiors, we feel that the responsibility for work is great, and how to implement the measures for the reform of township institutions, making this reform an important measure to improve the government's functions and improve administrative efficiency in our district, and to be effective, is a front in front of us. The difficulty, on the one hand, also strengthens the confidence to complete this problem. Re-examine the staff of the public institutions, sign the identity replacement agreement, implement the contract system, and issue the status replacement gold. Most of the work is brand new. How can we strictly implement the measures and reduce the fluctuation of the reform, so we need to work. Do fine and deep. We have personally coped with the comrades who have not passed the exam, explained the significance of this reform, appeased their emotions, encouraged them to build confidence, correctly faced this reform, and signed an identity replacement agreement in strict accordance with the policy. Comrades, try to find through multiple channels and do their best. At the same time, patiently explain the reform measures of the contract system and encourage everyone to change their mindset. Implement the three-decision plan of the five major departments to ensure that everyone can be assigned a position to be appointed.

Along with the reform of township institutions, it is a major shift in the town. There are a lot of people transferred to and transferred, and there are still many former recruits who have been employed. Therefore, strengthening the management of civil servants and public institutions has become an urgent and necessary task. In particular, the personnel of the institution experienced this institutional reform, and the institutional setting and staffing configuration changed a lot. We strictly follow the "Interim Provisions on the Management of Cadres in Cebu City" and the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Staff in Sub-City Units", strictly appoint personnel, select procedures, standardize the mechanism for selecting and employing people, and strengthen the supervision and management of cadres to ensure the cadres Appointment can be made transparent and useful.

The construction of grassroots party and group service centers is also the focus of this year's organization. This year, there are four villages in Qiuzhuang Village, Liangzhuang Village, Huli Village and Chenye Neighborhood Committee. The township government of the township government attaches great importance to this work and requires the completion of quality on time. From the bidding, structural design, to the final construction completion, all members of the organization, Comrade Zhang Lei, supervised and participated. During the construction period, Zhang members regularly visited the construction site to inspect the construction progress and supervise the construction quality. After entering the “Starting Construction Competition Month” in September, it was even more a day to ask, and one day, I urged the contractor to complete the warranty period. Now the four villages in my town have been completed in accordance with the standard area and design quality.

This year, a total of Han Liang, Xie Yongqing, Tang Ruiyang, three university student village officials were assigned to our town, serving as deputy secretary of the Jinshan Village branch, assistant to the director of the ** neighborhood committee and assistant to the director of Taiping Village. In accordance with the standard, our town provided them with single-person dormitory, free broadband, cable TV and other daily necessities to solve their living difficulties, and organized committee member Zhang Lei was responsible for their training and guidance. The township committee arranged for the three university student village officials to be responsible for the poverty alleviation project of the town, and to provide a platform for the growth of university student village officials. Secretary Zhang of the Party Committee is very concerned about the work and life of university student village officials. He has talked with them many times and raised ardent hopes for them. They are required to go to the grassroots level, work hard in rural areas, and arrange for them to conduct research on rural financial situation. The official work provided ideas, which made the three village officials deeply feel the concern of the town government.
In terms of distance education work, our town overcomes the difficulties of poor conditions and serious shortage of professionals. In the “Academics and Villages” of the “Agricultural Bank” organized by Suqian City, the “study ratio” mobilized resources to ensure 12 towns. A total of 1,200 people attended the test at the receiving site. During the test, the majority of party members were made aware of the benefits and advantages of distance education, and the examination was an important task to promote the work of distance education in our town.
Of course, there are still many shortcomings and problems in the organization of this town. For example, the distance education work is still very weak. Because there are many migrant workers in the town, many of the left-behind people have relatively lower cultural level, and even a village is hard to find a person to operate the computer. On the one hand, we asked some comrades and university student village officials in the town to help, on the one hand, strengthen the training of administrators, and strive to change the backward situation of distance education in our town.
In general, in the past year, with the leadership and help of the town leaders and superior departments, we have to work hard to lead the cadres, to strive for the past work, to strictly perform organizational duties, and actively participate in work training and improve With its own business and political quality, we strive to push the organization of our town to a new level.

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