Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of township farmers

Since the beginning of XX, the town party committee has conscientiously implemented the archives spirit of the “Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Construction of Rural Grassroots Organizations in the County” in the construction of rural grassroots organizations in the whole town, and combined with practical ideas to determine measures, highlights, and implement It effectively promoted the smooth development of the agricultural group work in the whole town and achieved remarkable results.
First, attach great importance to strengthening the leadership and implementation to promote the rural grassroots organization construction process and accelerate the pace of rural social and economic development. The town party committee has always adopted the "scientific development concept" and the party's xx, The spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the xx session was guided by the spirit of maintaining the long-term mechanism of the advanced nature of the Communist Party members, with the goal of “reaching norms, creating characteristics, and strengthening the team”, strengthening leadership and implementation, and enriching and adjusting the work of the township group. The leading group further refined the party and government leadership team members' contact with the party building responsibility system, and clarified the duties of the party secretary and the first secretary and secretary of the village party branch to perform the direct responsible person and the specific responsible person, thus creating the party committee secretary personally. In charge of the secretary, the organization committee, the party branch secretary, the specific grasp, the full-time organizers and the agricultural organization staff to assist in the strong atmosphere, to ensure the solid development of the town's agricultural work.
Second, strengthen self-construction, the party organization's cohesiveness and combat effectiveness are significantly enhanced
1. The agricultural group creation activities were carried out in depth. Conscientiously implement the "Opinions on the "Three-level Joint Innovation" Activities of the Central Party Office", and jointly formulated the annual creation plan in conjunction with the Zhenqing Town Party Committee, and strive to strengthen the creation of the township and village party organizations, and continuously strengthen Create awareness, do everything possible to solve the difficult problems in the establishment of key villages and agricultural key villages, so that the town's "three-level joint creation" activities have a strong atmosphere, solid action, and comprehensive improvement in the level of creation. After careful self-examination, six of the 20 village party organizations in the town have reached the standards of the “five good” village party organizations. The party committee has basically met the conditions of the “five good” township party committees and met the requirements for creating goals.
2. The construction of the township party organization has been strengthened. In the self-construction of the party committee, we further standardized and perfected the rules and regulations such as the party committee and the party committee's enlarged meeting with democratic centralism as the main body, so that the level of democratic decision-making and scientific decision-making of the leading group is continuously improved, and the party committee's theoretical center group learning system and democratic life meeting The system and financial supervision and management system, the target responsibility system of the party and government team members have been standardized, and the network of agency systems for the people's affairs has been formed. The village-level agent for the whole affairs of the people has basically reached the standardization. In the whole year, there are 1,123 agents for the whole process. It was supported by the people and effectively promoted the standardization of the town party committee. Strengthening the implementation of the provisions of the "Working Rules of the "Two Committees of Anhui Province Villages", so that the core role of the village party organizations in various organizations and work at the village level is fully exerted, which not only ensures the coordination and work of the "two committees" of the village. The operation of the norm has promoted the coordinated development of the village-level society and economy and achieved the goal of common progress. According to the deployment requirements of rural organizational structure adjustment, the status quo of 18 rural party organizations was adjusted in time for the organizational structure of the 5 small Chinese party branches.
3. The construction of the position is standardized and the quality of the activities is improved. In view of the uneven construction of the party positions in our town in the past, some village party members have no bad conditions in their activities. In order to effectively build their positions, this year’s town party committee clearly requires the towns and villages to The construction of Zijinniu in the position is listed as a special expense, and it is impossible to build the party. The town financed nearly 20,000 yuan to strengthen the standardization of the agricultural group office, which not only effectively improved the working conditions of the agricultural group, but also improved the work efficiency and ensured the smooth development of the agricultural group. At the same time, the investment of nearly 100,000 yuan standardized the construction of 16 village party organization activity rooms in accordance with the unified standards, unified mode and unified requirements, thus making the appearance of the town and village party organization positions completely new, fully demonstrating the spiritual outlook of the grassroots party organizations. .
Third, strengthen the building of party members and cadres, and give full play to the role of party members and cadres.
1. Do a good job in the development of party members and the task of setting up posts for rural unemployed party members. In the work of developing party members, we must conscientiously adhere to the whole process of joint recommendation system, develop the party member publicity system and strictly follow the 16-word policy of “adhering to standards, ensuring quality, improving structure, and developing with care”, focusing on rural science and technology leaders, development experts, and Participants in the rural educated youth, veterans and women, and pay attention to recruiting party members from the new social class and migrant workers. After a year of active and cautious training, the town has developed 42 party members, including 5 female party members. In order to comprehensively improve the quality of the party members in the town, the town party committee has held two training sessions for party members, and successively conducted training on the party's theoretical knowledge, market economy knowledge, modern management and agricultural practical science and technology, rural policies, and laws and regulations; The management of party members, especially the basic regulation of the management of migrant party members, the landing party committee members, the party group leader paired alliances, the village party organization regular letter contact and the mobile party members regularly report and other measures, so that each out Mobile party members are able to maintain contact with their hometown party organizations and receive education. Actively promote the quality project of party members, and 724 peasant party members participated in education and training. The task of setting up posts for rural unemployed party members has been fully implemented. Taking the village party organization as the unit, combined with the village conditions and public opinion, a total of 87 posts were set up, so that the 357 capable rural unemployed party members in the town have the responsibility to give full play to the exemplary role of the party members.
2. The construction of grassroots cadres has been strengthened. Solidly carry out the activities of “entrepreneurial” village cadres, so that 143 village and street cadres in the town will consciously form a strong atmosphere of competition. More than 60% of village cadres take the lead in running enterprises and economic entities to take the lead in adjusting the agricultural structure. The goal of becoming rich first is to become the leader of economic development. The establishment of a village-level reserve cadre training and selection and use mechanism has ensured that each village has 2-3 reserve cadre constants, effectively solving the problem that village cadres can not stand, can not pick up, and do not work well; In the form of group, select comrades with certain organization and work ability to station in key management villages, help guide the work, bring the cadre team, effectively change the appearance of the rural group to manage the village; strengthen the training of cadres, relying on the town amateur party school In two batches, the general cadres of the town and the "two committees" of the village were trained to make the political theory and business skills of the township cadres generally improved; the supervision and management of the cadres and the incentive mechanism were strengthened, and the inspection and evaluation and democracy were adhered to and improved. A set of effective work systems, such as appraisal and target management, ensured the healthy growth of the cadres and played a leading role in the construction of the “three civilizations” in rural areas.
Fourth, strengthen the construction of the demonstration service base of the agricultural group, and carry out the "Shuangpei and Double Belt" Pioneer Project in a solid way. In the construction of the agricultural group demonstration service base and the implementation of the "double training and double belt" work, we will follow the current situation, focus on the long-term, adapt to local conditions, and do a good demonstration. The overall goal requirements are based on a "build" character, building a typical base tree; holding a "peace" word, and cultivating a strong "double belt"; strengthening a "band" word, party members and cadres taking the lead to become rich, leading the people The enthusiasm for common prosperity has been increasing, and the demonstration service base of the agricultural group has also expanded and expanded. After the demonstration training of the agricultural group, the pioneer project of “Double Training and Double Belt” in the town was solid and effective. There are 456 rural party members and village cadres under the age of 55 who have mastered more than one practical technology in the town. 376 rural party members and village cadres have become rich leaders, helping and promoting 3,954 households. There are 34 development experts who have joined the party, and 36 development experts have become village leaders and reserve cadres. Through the radiation driving of the agricultural group demonstration service base and the pioneering project of “Double Training and Double Belt”, the pace of farmers becoming rich and running well is effectively promoted.
V. Strict management, and the selection of work sees the effectiveness of the town party committee to conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the county party committee to consolidate and improve the work, strengthen the management leadership of the selection work, and include an important agenda for the work of the party committee. After the joint efforts of the party committee and the selected cadres, the second batch of three selected villages has a new look, among them? ? Waiting for the second batch of selected villages to basically meet the target requirements of Hongqi Village and the Economic Development Model Village, and they are supported and supported by the people.
In short, in the past year, although the work of the agricultural group in our town has done a certain job and achieved some results, there is still a certain gap with the requirements of the county party committee and the county party organization department. We are determined to conscientiously implement the scientific development concept in the future work. With the goal of "strengthening party building and building a new socialist countryside", we will further strengthen the work of building grassroots organizations in rural areas, give full play to the core leadership role of party organizations in the construction of "three civilizations", advance with the times, and work hard to ensure the town's various Under the strong leadership of the party committee, the work achieved tangible results.

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