Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of urban and rural environmental comprehensive management into family activities in 2019

In the past year, in accordance with the decision-making arrangements of the provinces and municipalities for the comprehensive management of urban and rural environment and the spirit of the county party committee and county government to carry out the “seven-entry” activities of urban and rural environmental comprehensive management in the county, the county women’s federation has built the goal of “China’s happy homeland” around Luojiang. We continued to promote the in-depth development of urban and rural environmental comprehensive management into family activities and received good results.
I. Advocating publicity and raising health awareness Women's organizations at all levels make full use of the "March 8" festival, Mother's Day, and the Tree Planting Festival to carry out publicity activities such as greening the motherland, beautifying the environment, and cleaning the family. The group and the women’s team advised the team to go to the streets and go to the countryside to distribute paintings and propaganda materials in the market. They went deep into the village group to persuade some villagers with weak awareness to develop good hygiene habits. By setting an example, they kept their homes clean and tidy, and they helped others to develop health habits. . Actively participate in public health cleaning. The county's women's federations at all levels, all levels of the Ministry of Civilization, issued a total of more than 10,000 publicity materials, set up 15 volunteers and volunteer service teams, the towns make full use of the women's cultural performance team to promote urban and rural environmental comprehensive management into family activities. For example, Yanjia Town uses the scorpion song and dance troupe to arrange essays, singing and dancing to promote the “family into the family” activities, mobilizing the majority of women to take the initiative; the old-aged literary arts team in the towns of Yuanyuan, Huijue, Yuying, and the sister dance team in Wan’an Town The public likes to see the way to promote the "family into the family" activities, they not only have their own happiness in the self-produced cultural programs, but also nourish many people's spiritual homes. .
Second, formulate measures and pay close attention to implementation First, the women's federations at all levels combined with the actual situation of the town and the unit, formulated the activity plan, established the urban and rural environmental comprehensive management into the family work leading group, signed the target responsibility book at various levels, around the party committee, The government's special governance work has established a system of evaluation and long-term rewards and punishments, such as: Wan'an, Xiaolong, Baimaguan, Tiaoyuan and other towns have carried out the selection activities of happy families and star-rated civilized households. Second, in the women's federation system's in-depth "Party and Party Building, Innovation and Excellence" activities, women's cadres and women's people at all levels of the county took active actions to take the initiative to participate in family environmental sanitation and towns. Public health rectification of the village group. In order to make the activities go smoothly and achieve practical results, and create a good environment for the construction of China's happy homes, the County Women's Federation organized some volunteers to go deep into the farmer's home in the new rural demonstration site to carry out remediation of family health on-site guidance. The leaders of the County Women's Federation also personally conducted on-the-spot demonstration guidance on how to clean up the living room and surrounding environment, and educated and guided farmers to develop good hygiene habits and continuously improve their own civilization. At the same time, the towns are required to select 1-2 demonstration sites, organize a group of well-trained towns and village women's federation cadres, and use social work professional methods to carry out various public participation activities to beautify the living environment and develop good health habits, and in some towns and villages. Conduct on-the-spot training activities for the public. The town and village women cadres and the public will give lectures on training activities. The people who have done well in the “family-in-home” activities will guide the surrounding women to clean the room hygiene and how to clean up the “three piles” and “six chaos”. The people influence the people, the people drive the people, the people supervise the people, make the activities deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and let the people really accept the "family-in" activities from the heart, change the health awareness, and develop good health habits, so as to obtain the practical results. The third is to create a “fifty thousand beautiful environment county towns” in our county, and call on and guide women in the county, especially urban women, women volunteers, environmental supervision female supervisors, and civilized persuaders. Starting from a small family, we will contribute to changing and beautifying the appearance of the county. The County Women's Federation also regularly cleans, inspects and supervises the key areas of responsibility of the unit in the county, and promotes environmental protection for the local traders, residents and passing pedestrians.
Third, grasp training, improve the quality of citizens In accordance with the basic requirements of "strengthen organization, striving for advanced, improving quality, and serving women", I will extend the sense of touch to the community, the family, and the community as a service platform, and carry out personal hygiene and courtyard at the grassroots level. Improve the living environment of the living room; improve the training of citizens' quality in public places, and promote and actively promote the work at the grassroots level, and continuously promote the development of the first-class competition. Under the leadership of Chairman Feng Yongfang, the County Women's Federation cadres went deep into the pilgrimage and wealthy communities of Wan'an Town, and combined with the construction of China's happy homes, comprehensive urban and rural environmental management, public social etiquette and how to manage their families. The way, the community residents have been patient, meticulous, vivid and humorous. She hopes that the majority of community residents will actively participate in the creation activities of “Five Good Civilized Family”, “Integrity Family”, “Safe Family” and “Green Family”. Through training, the enthusiasm and initiative of the self-management, self-service and self-development of the majority of women in the community and the enthusiasm and initiative of the “Jiemei Family Demonstration Household” have been further stimulated. The residents’ awareness of participation has been further enhanced, and the women in the community have been enhanced. Responsibility and urgency to create a civilized community and share a better life.
Fourth, strengthen exchanges and study activities to promote activities in the process of urban and rural environmental comprehensive management into the family activities, in order to let the county's family activities carry out distinctive, bright, deep and lasting development, I will pay special attention to all parties The exchange of learning, first, the towns and units within the county have strengthened the exchange of learning into the activities of family activities. The second is to strengthen communication activities with other Mianzhu City Women's Federation and other counties and cities. Mianzhu City and the leaders of the county women's federations went to the county to enter the family demonstration site for on-site visits, and how to play a grassroots women's organization in our county. The role, promote the in-depth development of the pioneering activities, and guide the majority of women to participate in the external environment improvement, family health remediation measures and achievements and innovations in working methods and other exchanges and discussions. Third, in August this year, Zhou Xiaojun, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Women's Federation, led the reporters of Sichuan Daily, Spiritual Civilization, China Business Daily, Sichuan News Network and Sichuan Radio Station, accompanied by Yin Yan, Vice Chairman of the Women's Federation of the City, and Yin Daihui, Vice Chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation, to the county. Investigated on exploring innovative social management and vigorously serving social construction. Our county has introduced how to innovate social management in the work of integrating urban and rural environmental management into the family and building ecological Luojiang, find the right entry point, give play to the organizational advantages of the Women's Federation, and introduce the situation of building a happy home in China. The delegation also visited and interviewed the comprehensive urban and rural environmental management of Baimaguan Bay, and the classification of ecological waste in Mangjiang Village of Wan'an Town. The director of the Women's Congress of Xiangying Village of Yuying Town used the social work expertise learned to mobilize the people to participate actively. Renovation of the family and surrounding environment. The research team has fully affirmed the work and achievements of the county's innovative social management and service grassroots women, and hopes that we will continue to sum up experience, increase publicity, and better serve the happy home.
V. Make persistent efforts to create new achievements Since the implementation of the self-improvement family activities, our county has closely focused on the construction of “China's Happy Homeland” and carried out in-depth competition for excellence. In combination with the new citizen quality training and the creation of “fifty thousand beautiful environment county towns”, we will continue to explore innovative ways to integrate urban and rural environmental management into family methods. Through publicity and mobilization, establishment of regulations, implementation of work responsibilities and measures, and public participation, the health awareness of women has been significantly enhanced, and the health of the family and surrounding environment has been significantly improved. The phenomenon of “three piles” and “six chaos” has clearly improved. Due to the good results of the activities in our county, this year, our county continued to be the honorary title of the integration of urban and rural environment of the Provincial Women's Federation into the family advanced collective. At the same time, I will write a research article on "Garbage Ecological Treatment and Construction of Ecological Luojiang", and won the "third prize" in the Sichuan Women's Theory Research Achievements Essay Competition.

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