Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Rural credit union work summary

> ** County Credit Union has earnestly implemented the xxxx important thoughts, the "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Important Issues Concerning the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization" and the spirit of the Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the XX Session since the establishment of provincial-level civilized units in 1997. Adhere to the goal of high starting point, high specification and high standard, deepen reform as the driving force, serve the three rural areas as the purpose, and take innovation as the feature, and create the civilized unit as a new person, a new style and a system for development. The project has been carried out to achieve a win-win situation in civilized construction and business operations.
First, grasp the team to strengthen leadership, and consolidate the establishment of the basic county association party committee to closely integrate business operations, carefully summarize the new experience of creating work, improve management mechanisms, effectively strengthen the team building, and ensure the solid development of civilized units. The first is to grasp the leadership of the team. According to the changes of the staff of the association, the establishment of the leading group of the enriched civilized units, the establishment of the leadership of the director of the association, the director, the chairman of the board of supervisors, the deputy director as the deputy head, the head of the department as the member of the creation of the work leading group, the grassroots credit The society also set up a leading group to effectively strengthen the leadership of civilized construction. The second is to raise awareness. The leaders of the association fully realized the importance and necessity of strengthening the construction of the three civilizations. According to the ideas of the county party committee squad leader, the team, the team, and the team to promote development, the overall quality of the team was improved. The council, the board of supervisors, and the management team were divided. Clear, united and collaborative, decent style, pioneering and innovative, and promoting democracy, carried out in the first education activities - the satisfaction rate of evaluation reached 95%. The third is strict assessment. The County Association has put forward specific requirements and assessment methods for civilized construction every year, and deploys, inspects and evaluates with business operations; implements two-way review of civilized and health units at all levels of grassroots credit cooperatives, that is, party and government review, internal system review. The internal review and self-examination were combined with the members of the Leading Group of the Civilization Construction of the Association. The civilized units of the County Credit Union maintained their original honorary titles through the review of the Associated Press.
Second, grasp the education people-oriented, improve the quality of the team The County Association to grasp the creation of civilized units as a carrier, strengthen the education and training of employees, and provide human resources and intellectual support for the construction of civilized units.
Strengthen learning and education and create a learning team. The affiliated agency introduced the weekly meeting system, insisted on holding a staff meeting every morning, summing up the work last week, deploying the next week's tasks, clarifying the work objectives, and realizing the week's work. The credit union organizes a central study every month. Credit bureaus are not less than one employee per week. The staff of the organization carefully studied the spirit of the Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the XX Session, the Outline of the Implementation of Citizens' Moral Construction, strengthened the basic moral education of the employees of the two crosses, and continuously improved the political and ideological quality and theoretical level of the employees. The county credit cooperatives have carried out in-depth educational systems, academic archives, implementation, development and rectification, and efficiency improvement. The staff of all walks of life have achieved the participation of everyone, and combined their own ideas to write their respective hearts. Through the study of 658 articles, through the development of learning and various activities, the political and ideological quality of all employees has been continuously improved, the sense of ownership has been continuously enhanced, and a good idea of ​​dedication, hard work, serving the people and selfless dedication has been established.

Strengthen team building and improve two qualities. The first is to catch training. Last year, it held 6 training sessions on credit asset management, computer equipment maintenance and maintenance, computer door cabinet business system operation, cashier knowledge, online banking business, and central bank special bills. The number of participants reached more than 200. The second is to carry out educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members in the associations and grassroots credit cooperatives. According to the requirements of the “Implementation Opinions of the CPC Committee of the Communist Party of China on Carrying out the Important Activities of the Xxxx in the County to Maintain the Advanced Nature of the Communist Party Members”, the County Association has formulated the implementation plan and arrangement in light of the actual situation of the rural credit cooperatives. Opinions, in accordance with the study of mobilization, analysis and evaluation, rectification and improvement, phased organization and implementation, grasp the point of strength, seize the point of integration, and do both hands, both correct. Ensuring that the educational activities of Baoding have achieved remarkable results and enhanced the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the party organizations. Played the leading role of party members as a pioneer. Third, the County Association organized the business technology training competition activities of seven projects last year. Three units of Zhuyang, Shizi and the sales department won the top three groups, and 25 employees received the top three items. Through the training and technical training strategy, the party members and employees' business skills have been improved, which laid a solid foundation for the stable operation of rural credit cooperatives.

Third, grasp the rich and colorful activities, create a creating atmosphere

Enrich cultural life and cultivate the sentiments of employees. The County Association has extensively carried out the creation activities in accordance with the idea of ​​consolidating, improving and extending the creation work. First, to enrich the cultural life of employees, the association has invested more than 3,000 yuan, added Chinese tables to the union activities room, equipped with air-conditioning, set up an honorary certificate storage column, and collected various books and magazines for more than XX volumes. Each credit cooperative has established a staff activity room to enrich the staff's amateur cultural life. The second is to carry out healthy and beneficial activities and cultivate the sentiments of employees. The county credit cooperatives make full use of the three, eight, five, one, five, four, eight, one, National Day and other major festivals to organize staff discussions, and carry out fishing, Chinese cards, guessing and other competitions and love to fight to win essay activities. The love of the county credit unions Huang Zuohua and Zhou Jiayan will win the essay and the county association will forward the credit unions, which will greatly inspire the staff. The third is to carry out civilized and high-quality service activities. The association takes the agency as the grassroots, the leadership as the employee, and the whole staff as the carrier for the customer service. In the business window, the customer manager service cross rule was introduced, and the three-hearted and five-hearted, five-like, standardized civilized language and service behavior; the associations and sales department employees set up consulting service points on the streets to promote anti-counterfeiting, anti-washing black ~ Two times, 10,000 copies of promotional materials were distributed. The fourth is to carry out voluntary blood donation activities. 42 employees in the county actively participated in voluntary blood donation, completed the assignment task, and were commended by the county party committee as an advanced unit of voluntary blood donation. The fifth is to seriously carry out the service star selection campaign, encourage employees to work hard and strive for first-class, the county selected a total of 56 service stars last year, creating an atmosphere of eagerness to create excellence and health.

Carry out warm-up activities and make love for the people. First, for the employees to do good things, do practical things, in the conditions of Zhou Jia, Yang Jia, Wen Xing, Gao points and other 10 credit cooperatives to start a small group of workers. The Gaoxue Credit Union built an electric bathroom. In particular, a group of food associations in the associations are well-organized and well-served, and 80% of the employees of the organs are dining in a group of food groups, ensuring that employees feel stable and work on time. Care for the health of workers. Last year, the affiliated research project spent more than 60,000 yuan on the physical education of the retired workers, retired employees and on-the-job employees of the county credit union, reflecting the organization's care and gentleness. The second is to carry out warm-up activities. During the Jiujiu Chongyang Festival, a retired staff and old workers' symposium was organized. When the employees were hospitalized and died, the association administration and the trade union sent people to visit and visited the staff for more than 20 hospitalizations throughout the year; Especially in the continuous high temperature weather in August last year, the county association took a deep affection to do practical things, with family members to solve the problem, squeezed out more than 20,000 yuan from the tight labor union funds, purchased Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid, Fengyoujing Anti-virus granules and other anti-heating and cooling drugs were sent to the hands of the employees. In September last year, the leaders of the county associations went deep into the grassroots inspection work and found that Huang Zunli, a retired party member of Dongliu Credit Union, was very poor because of the family economy. Liu Zuoqing, a retired employee of Lianyin Credit Union The house was devastated by the storm and the family was in difficulty. The son of Lin Min, the credit bureau of Sichuan, suffered from bone cancer. The total cost of the family was more than 100,000 yuan. The family life was extremely difficult. In this regard, the county association extorted 4000 yuan from the tense expenses. Three difficult employees fully reflected the warmth of the organization. The third is to carry out the poverty-stricken students' aiding activities. The party members and cadres of the county's credit cooperatives have continuously improved their work style and reached the urgent needs of the poor students. By the end of the year, the student loans were 2.97 million yuan, which was a college dream for 213 poor students.

Fourth, focus on highlighting features and improve the level of creation

The Party Committee of the County Association, the administration combines the actual work of rural credit cooperatives, establishes the key points of creation, highlights the characteristics of the industry, starts with reforms, strong services, and strict supervision, continuously innovates the content and form of the three civilized constructions of rural credit cooperatives, and strives to improve the construction of civilized units. Level.

Grasping reforms and earnestly performing their duties. In order to give full play to the functions of the guidance, management, coordination and service of the county association, the county association implements the monthly council system. According to the overall requirements of the corporate governance structure, the three-party system is constantly regulated. The board of directors actively adjusts the management and service functions and implements a monthly system of discussion, that is, organizes a board meeting of members at the beginning of each month to study and formulate and improve rules and regulations. The monthly work plan prints the work tasks in a list and submits them to the management team for implementation. At the same time, the Board of Directors authorized the management team, the Board of Directors gave clear authorization to the management team on major issues, and issued a power of attorney to mobilize the enthusiasm of the management team and enhance the sense of responsibility through entrusted authorization, so that the management team can work boldly. . It effectively defines the division of power between the decision-making level and the management level, and greatly strengthens the internal control in the corporate governance structure and prevents the occurrence of risks. Second, actively organize the issuance of the central bank's special bills. Taking comprehensive measures to improve corporate governance structure, increase capital adequacy ratio, and reduce non-performing loans, in September last year, it successfully obtained 57.9 million yuan of special bill support funds, and achieved remarkable results in supporting policies.

Strong service, support the three rural areas to promote development. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of farmers' loan difficulties and complicated procedures, the County Association has created a rural credit environment with the aim of promoting farmers' income increase and rural economic development, and has established rural credit credit towns, credit villages and credit users in the county. The project has launched a new initiative to support agriculture. The first is to promote small-scale credit loans for farmers. Take a verification, use the loan, balance control, and the credit management method used for turnover, and simplify the loan procedures as much as possible. For the two good and the two non-farmers, they can go to the local rural credit cooperatives to go through the production and living loans within the approved quota at any time with the "loan certificate", ID card and seal. No need to mortgage or apply for approval; In addition, the activities of supporting agriculture services in Sixia Village were carried out in depth, and loans for farmers were 66.20 million yuan. It is welcomed and praised by the majority of farmers. The second is to establish a farmer's electronic credit file and implement a scientific farmer credit dynamic management. The farmer's electronic credit file is to record the basic situation of the farmers in the jurisdiction into the electronic credit file management system. When the farmers borrow or repay the loan, they can transfer the electronic credit file with the loan certificate; the county credit cooperatives invest a total of 180,000 yuan. Freely issued 187,700 loan certificates for farmers, and the credit status of 245,000 farmers has been recorded in computer system management, which has improved the efficiency of services for the three rural areas. The creation of the county's rural credit project has been well received by provincial and municipal people's banks, associations and local party and government. The third is to improve service facilities and improve service quality. The county invested 880,000 yuan to purchase 80 sets of computers and ancillary equipment, which realized the electronicization of door cabinet business and improved service quality and work efficiency.

Strict supervision and binding of people with strict systems. The first is to arrest the auditing nuclear audit. The County Association has always strengthened the audit supervision and security work as the top priority for preventing and defusing financial risks. It has successively formulated 20 internal management systems, standardized business practices, and has rules to follow, often unremitting. Ensure that the county credit cooperatives have no theft, no robbery, no fire, no gambling gambling, no xx, no economic and criminal six no cases and absolute security of people, finances and things, and municipal-level social security comprehensive governance model units Review compliance. The second is to pay attention to integrity and self-discipline. In response to the hot issues of public concern, the Associated Press has intensified the supervision of employees. On the one hand, it has implemented a publicity system for large-value credits and fees, and on the other hand, it has adhered to the three separate systems of investigation, approval, and issuance of loans. At the same time, the Association hired 268 people in the industry, industry, business and other industries to carry out all-round supervision of the credit union's clean and diligent service and service attitude. After the evaluation, the satisfaction rate reached 96%, which effectively enhanced The self-prevention ability of the grassroots cadres and the supervision of the people.

V. Grasping the image based on development and creating the best civilization achievements

In accordance with the work ideas of creating a beautiful environment, a tree letter and an image, and taking the best benefits, the County Association will continuously improve the construction level of civilized units. The first is to rectify the appearance of the community and create a beautiful environment. The government implemented the sanitation responsibility area, established a sanitation and cleaning system, insisted on not checking and appraising in the month, and there was no arbitrage in the unit, and it was dirty, chaotic, and poor, and invested more than 100,000 yuan to beautify and brighten the office building. It has created a comfortable environment for employees to work and live. The provincial best sanitary units that have been created have passed the annual inspection and acceptance of the county Aiwei. The second is to develop the theme and achieve the best civilization results. We adhere to the business operation as the center, serving the three rural areas as the purpose, deepening reform as the driving force, vigorously organizing funds, strengthening internal management, preventing and defusing financial risks, and achieved remarkable results. At the end of the year, the balance of various deposits of rural credit cooperatives in the county reached 143.162 million yuan, a net increase of 153.42 million yuan over the beginning of the year, and completed 69.7% of the annual tasks. The balance of various loans was 950.3 million yuan, an increase of 160.61 million yuan over the beginning of the year. A total of 82.19 million yuan of loans were issued throughout the year, an increase of 177.81 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 177%, and an accumulated loan of 659.58 million yuan, of which a total of 68.429 million yuan of agricultural loans were issued, and the balance of agricultural loans reached 614.94 million yuan. A total of 240.84 million yuan of non-performing loans were recovered. The operating efficiency has improved significantly. The annual income of the company has reached 91.747 million yuan, an increase of 25.793 million yuan over the same period of the previous year, and the profit of 6.77 million yuan has been realized, realizing the surplus of the society. In order to achieve a fundamental improvement in operational efficiency and the leap-forward development of the county economy, it has made positive contributions. The third is to consolidate the achievements of civilized units. Since the county association was named as a provincial civilized unit in 1997, it has passed the inspection and acceptance in successive years. There are 13 rural credit cooperatives in the county, and 12 of them have maintained the title of municipal civilized unit and one of the best civilized units at the county level. The county rural credit cooperatives have been established as county-level civilized industries.

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