Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of agricultural legal work

Department of Agriculture - Agricultural summary of the work of the legal system: ycl79698

Under the leadership of the county party committee, the county government and the municipal agriculture and forestry bureau, the county’s agricultural legal system has done a lot of work in the promotion, implementation and implementation of agricultural policies and regulations through the joint efforts of agriculture and relevant departments. Achievements have contributed to the development of agriculture in our county.

First, establish an organization and strengthen leadership

In order to strengthen the leadership of the agricultural legal system, the bureau set up a leading group for the agricultural legal system with the head of the Agriculture Bureau, the deputy head of the deputy director, the deputy head of the deputy director, the agricultural law enforcement brigade, the seed management station, and the plant protection station. There is an office under the group, and the captain of the Agricultural Law Enforcement Brigade is also the director of the office, which is responsible for the organization, coordination and daily work of the agricultural legal system. According to the nature of the work of the members of the leadership group, the division of responsibility for agricultural legal work was divided. The Agricultural Law Enforcement Brigade is responsible for the daily work of the agricultural legal system and takes into account the implementation of the relevant laws and policies such as the Regulations on Pesticide Management of the People's Republic of China, the Measures for the Administration of Pesticide in xx Province, and the Measures for the Administration of Fertilizer Registration. The Seed Management Station is responsible for the Chinese People. Implementation of the relevant laws such as the Republic Seed Law, the Management Measures for Crop Seed Production and Management Licenses, and the Measures for the Management of Crop Seed Labels; the Plant Protection Station is responsible for the implementation of the “Plant Quarantine Regulations” and related laws; Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Testing Center Responsible for the implementation of the "Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law" and related regulations; the County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center is responsible for the implementation of the "Agriculture Law" and the "Agricultural Technology Promotion Law"; the Agricultural Economics Station is responsible for the "Rural Land Contract Law" and "the basics of the xx province" Implementation of the Regulations on Farmland Protection, the Law on Farmers' Professional Cooperatives and related laws. Ensure that the agricultural legal system is implemented.

Second, earnestly strengthen the construction of law enforcement teams and improve the level of agricultural law enforcement

In order to meet the needs of the situation, the county has established a comprehensive agricultural law enforcement brigade with xx people, including xx people with financial resources and xx people in power. At present, we are actively striving for the preparation and integration of business. Before the business integration, the combination of centralized law enforcement and decentralized law enforcement will be implemented. The agricultural law enforcement brigade will cooperate with the seed station, plant protection station and quality inspection center to jointly enforce the law. In order to improve the law enforcement level of agricultural law enforcement personnel, the county held a total of 3 trainings for agricultural law enforcement personnel in the year, and the number of participants reached 120. During the training period, the bureau hired lawyers and related personnel from the basis of agricultural law enforcement, law enforcement procedures, and law enforcement. The various aspects have been comprehensively explained, and the on-site statement has been carried out by analyzing the case method, which has benefited the trainees.

In addition, we also combined with the annual county staff sports meeting to strengthen the practice of walking, so that law enforcement personnel walked like the wind, sit in the bell, clean and tidy, act dignified, and establish a good image of law enforcement personnel.

Third, increase the propaganda of agricultural policies and regulations, and improve the legal level of the people of the county

Advancing the propaganda of agricultural policies and regulations is the premise and basis for doing a good job in agricultural legal system. From the central to local levels, the legislature has introduced many laws, regulations and agricultural policies in agriculture, providing a legal basis for agricultural work. In order to fully implement these laws and regulations, the primary task is to do a good job in publicizing and popularizing agricultural policies and regulations. In the year of the year, the county's agricultural legal system propaganda work was combined with 3.15 Consumer Rights Protection Day, March Reassuring Agricultural Funds to the Countryside Propaganda Week, and the law-enforcement work, and carried out the publicity of agricultural comprehensive regulations, and the construction of agricultural products quality and safety, pollution-free product bases. To rectify and standardize the market economic order, and combine the work of agricultural materials and counterfeiting, and carry out the publicity of the "Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law", "Pesticide Management Regulations", "Measures for the Management of Pesticide in xx Province", "Management Methods for Fertilizer Registration" and related regulations; The combination of direct grain supplementation, improved seed subsidies, and construction of good breeding base projects carried out the promotion of the Seed Law and related regulations on seed management; combined with the prevention and control of crop pests and diseases, the “Plant Quarantine Regulations” and related laws and regulations were promoted. In combination with the promotion of agricultural technology, soil testing and fertilization, the promotion of the "Agriculture Law" and the "Agricultural Technology Promotion Law" was carried out; in combination with the rural management work, the "Rural Land Contract Law" and "Henan Province" were carried out. Propaganda of the Basic Farmland Protection Regulations and the Farmers' Professional Cooperatives Law. According to statistics, since the beginning of this year, the county has dispatched 122 publicity vehicles, printed 90,000 publicity materials, posted 50 banners with hanging banners, produced 30 newspapers, participated in publicity for 26 sessions, and set up consultation desks in county towns and township gatherings. In 23 sessions, 6,000 people were consulted by the public. Through these publicity activities, the legal awareness of the broad masses of the county has been greatly improved.

Fourth, increase agricultural law enforcement to ensure the implementation of agricultural policies and regulations

1. Pay close attention to the approval work of agricultural materials advertisements

In order to maintain the authenticity of agricultural materials advertising, we have strictly checked and controlled pesticides, fertilizers and seed advertisements, and will not broadcast the agricultural advertisements that mislead farmers, false contents, unreal images and other fraudulent behaviors.

2. Increase the investigation and punishment of fake and inferior agricultural materials and high-toxic pesticides

In order to strengthen the leadership of the investigation and punishment of agricultural materials against counterfeiting and high-toxic pesticides, the county government set up a leading group for the special rectification work of the county agricultural resources market, which is headed by the deputy magistrate of agriculture. The members of the leading group often participated in the rectification actions, which effectively promoted The development of remediation work. In the past year, agricultural law enforcement personnel have passed key seasons such as agriculture-related advertising, agricultural production, agricultural resources management, county towns, market towns, pollution-free agricultural production bases, spring farming, summer harvesting, and autumn harvesting. Comprehensive investigation of key varieties such as pesticides, fertilizers, seeds, etc., a total of xxxx kilograms of unqualified pesticides were investigated, including xxxx kilograms of modified labels, xxx kilograms of counterfeit registration certificates, xxx kilograms of used drugs, 61 kilograms of highly toxic pesticides, and unqualified fertilizers xxx Tons, including xx tons of compound fertilizer and xx tons of superphosphate; investigated and dealt with xx cases of seed violations, confiscated seeds of xxx kilograms, involved in the amount of x million yuan, and recovered economic losses of xx million yuan.

3. Conducted phytosanitary and law enforcement work

The county xx million mu of wheat, xx million mu of pepper, xx million mu of wheat were quarantined at the place of origin, and the total eclipse area of ​​wheat was found to be xxx mu, and two villages breeding the peasant dwarf xx variety found total etch of xxx mu The xxx mu of the base has been completely scrapped and treated harmlessly.

In the year, the county handled a total of xx households for seed quarantine registration certificates, renewed quarantine records for xx households, investigated and dealt with non-transfer quarantine certificates, and handled xxx copies of garlic and pepper products for quarantine and quarantine.

In addition, the implementation of the Law on Rural Land Contracting and the Law on Farmers' Professional Cooperatives was carried out. In the whole year, 2 cases of contracted land disputes were investigated and 11 farmers' professional cooperatives were developed. Agricultural regulations and policies were obtained in our county. Full implementation.

V. Conscientiously implement the party's policy of benefiting farmers and promote the sustainable and healthy development of agriculture

In the year of the year, the county implemented the party's policy of benefiting farmers as the main content of the agricultural legal system and carefully organized and implemented it. In the past year, the county has distributed a total of xx million mu of wheat varieties, xxx million yuan of funds, xx million mu of cotton varieties, xxx million yuan; actively implemented a soil testing and fertilization project of xxx million yuan, 30,000 yuan of wheat The complex base construction project, the 3 million yuan biogas construction project and the new rural construction projects such as rural roads, rural water improvement, and farmer cooperative medical care have greatly improved agricultural production capacity and promoted agricultural development and farmers' income.

Sixth, there are problems

First, although the comprehensive agricultural law enforcement agencies have been established, the business has not been integrated, and the preparation has not been approved, which has affected the development of the work.

Second, law enforcement methods are backward, law enforcement equipment is insufficient, and law enforcement funds are in short supply.

Third, the concept of farmers' legal system is weak, and agricultural law enforcement is difficult.

Seven, ~ years of agricultural legal work plan

1. Accelerate the construction of an integrated agricultural law enforcement system, integrate business, and strive to formulate and implement comprehensive agricultural law enforcement.

2. Continue to do a good job in publicizing and popularizing agricultural policies and regulations.

3. Seriously implement the party's policies in rural areas and promote agricultural development.

4. Intensify law enforcement and crack down on illegal activities.

County Agricultural Bureau

December 10, XX

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