Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of townships and towns

This year, our town thoroughly implemented the spirit of the video and telephone conferences of the higher-level political and legal departments on the in-depth fight against black and evil, and took "black and evil" as an important task to continue to maintain the "strike hard" rectification and constantly improve the "strike hard" "the way. The special struggle for "blackening and eliminating evil" was carried out, the key points were clearly defined, the momentum was made, the crime was shocked, and the obvious effect was achieved.

1. Establish institutions and strengthen leadership

The town party committee and government attached great importance to it, and selected the elite forces from the town cadres to cooperate with the police station to set up a leading group for the special fight against "black and evil". The town party committee secretary was the leader of the party to ensure that the leadership was in place and the responsibility was clearly enhanced. Strength.

Second, increase publicity and public opinion

Make full use of all kinds of public opinion propaganda tools, create a special paradox of "strike black and evil", and widely publicize the purpose and significance of the "strike black and evil" special struggle. Mobilize the broad masses of people to participate, and combine the special organs with the popular line to fight a people's war of "blackening and eliminating evil." The town has written 10 publicity slogans for the content of “black and evil”, 2 large-scale publicity slogans, 10 posters for the wall poster, and more than 10 meetings at various levels. Through publicity activities, the special struggle for “blackening and eliminating evil” has truly become a household name and is well known.

Third, determine the key points, combat the prestige

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the higher authorities, combined with the actual situation of our town, this year, the special struggle for "blackening and eliminating evil" was carried out, and the results were achieved.

So far, our town has investigated and cracked one criminal case, investigated and handled 3 cases of public security, 2 criminal detentions, and 3 public security punishments.

Although the special struggles for "blackening and eliminating evil" have achieved certain results, there are still some problems. In the future, we must continue to maintain a "black-and-black" campaign to strive for stability in the sun and ensure social stability.

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