Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of township environmental protection work in 2019

In 2019, under the correct leadership of the township party committee and government, under the guidance of the county environmental protection bureau, the implementation of the basic national environmental protection policy, the implementation of environmental protection laws and regulations, and the focus on energy conservation and emission reduction, always put environmental protection work in a prominent position. Establishing the overall situation of “taking good environmental protection as the economy and developing the economy as the environment”, comprehensively carrying out environmental protection work and building beautiful xx, effectively promoting the coordinated development of the economy, environment and society of the township, and promoting the harmonious society of the new rural society in our hometown. Construction. The work in the past year is summarized as follows;

First, strengthen leadership over environmental protection work and clarify work responsibilities.

At the beginning of the year, our township included environmental protection work in the annual work plan, formulated environmental protection goals and tasks, and formulated corresponding work goals. In order to ensure the realization of the goal, the township has set up a leading group for environmental protection work with the head of the government as the team leader and the leader of the department as the deputy leader and department head. It is clear that the environmental protection work is mainly led by the “Six Cities Lianchuang” Office of the township, and the relevant departments coordinate and implement the specific handling personnel to ensure the integrity of the organization.

Second, increase publicity efforts and raise awareness of environmental protection.

Environmental protection is a basic national policy of China, and it is the foundation for establishing a "people-oriented" scientific development concept and building a harmonious society. In order to improve the environmental awareness of the general public, our township uses various forms to promote environmental protection, post 20 street slogans, and publicize the environmental knowledge on xx TV. By vigorously carrying out environmental publicity and education, the people's awareness of environmental protection has been greatly enhanced, and the public's awareness of the production and living environment, the active participation in environmental construction, and the consciousness of safeguarding their own environmental rights and interests in accordance with the law have been raised.

Use the "6th and 5th" World Environment Day to build an environmental protection publicity platform, hang environmental slogans, and carry out consultation activities. A total of more than 300 copies of various types of materials were distributed, 20 slogans were written, and 88 people were consulted on the spot.

Third, the department will jointly manage and strengthen the goal management.

In the work, we strictly follow the requirements of the environmental protection target responsibility book, combine the departmental responsibilities and the actual situation of the department, grasp the key points, work together, effectively implement, strengthen management, and make the contents and indicators of the environmental protection target responsibility form be implemented. Work is carried out in an orderly manner.

The centralized drinking water source will be protected and reported to the rural environment contiguous comprehensive remediation project library storage table. Xiangzhuang “provincial ecological village” successfully accepted the standard and successfully declared the “city-level ecological village” of Yeji, Lianhua, Wangjiakong and Yinying. And successfully reported to the warehouse xx, Ji Temple two rural environment contiguous comprehensive remediation table. A sewage treatment plant was established in Xiangzhuang Village, which treated 200 tons of sewage per day and hired a special person to take care of it. The book is written to prevent water source slogans and set up warning signs. There are no new polluting enterprises near the protected areas. Comprehensively rectify the sewage disposal enterprises in the secondary protection zone of centralized drinking water sources. The water quality compliance rate of centralized drinking water sources is over 98%. The quality of the air environment has reached the second level, and the number of days is 320 days.

Energy conservation and emission reduction work was progressing steadily. Extensively promote and apply energy saving and emission reduction technologies in enterprises. According to the requirements of the target responsibility book issued by the county environmental protection bureau at the beginning of the year, the sulfur dioxide emission control in our town is 17 tons, the actual completion is 18 tons, the ammonia nitrogen control emission is 32 tons, the emission reduction is 16 tons, and the chemical oxygen demand control emission is 270 tons. The oxide control emissions are 30 tons.

In accordance with the unified deployment of the County Environmental Protection Bureau, combined with the actual situation of our township, we will carry out special actions to rectify illegal sewage enterprises in the township to protect the public's healthy environment. Mainly do a good job in three aspects of centralized investigation and focus on rectification:

1. With the goal of consolidating the effectiveness of rectification, we will focus on the follow-up inspection of special environmental protection actions. A comprehensive clean-up of the problems reported by the people's complaints since XX, especially the environmental pollution petitions incidents pointed out by the superiors, should be taken as the key targets for rectification, and take effective measures to focus on rectification; Difficulties, organize relevant departments to formulate plans, conduct comprehensive management, and implement inspections. According to the investigation, there were no major environmental pollution accidents and large-scale group petitions caused by environmental problems. The remediation of drinking water source protection areas was examined. Intensify inspection and treatment of sewage enterprises in our township to ensure that pollutants are discharged to the standards and ensure the safety of drinking water.

2. Focus on special rectification of key river basins and key enterprises. Cooperate with the environmental protection department to carry out remediation of small watershed pollution problems. Strengthen the governance of the inland rivers in our township, conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of the higher authorities, and strengthen the pollution control of the river basin. Strengthen supervision and strictly control the source of pollution. A centralized clean-up of the new construction project in the township was carried out. For pollutant discharge units that have not carried out environmental impact assessment according to law and put into production, they shall be ordered to stop production according to law; if the environmental protection facilities are not operating normally and the pollutants exceed the standard discharge, they shall stop production and rectification, resolutely control the generation of new pollution sources, and avoid the “first pollution treatment”. "The old road." There is no radiation-producing enterprise in the township. There are no “10th Five-Year” small enterprises that are prohibited by the state in the territory of xx townships. All construction projects implement an environmental assessment system and 100% implement the “three simultaneous” system.

3. Vigorously carry out rural environmental remediation work, and supervise and inspect the implementation of the environmental protection target responsibility book. Through supervision and inspection, I believe that all administrative villages in our town pay more attention to environmental protection work, generally establish an environmental protection working mechanism, adhere to and improve the performance appraisal system for environmental protection work of the party and government leaders, and earnestly implement the environmental protection “top leader” responsibility system and implement the main responsibility. The person personally grasps and assumes the overall responsibility. In charge of the deputy duties, it goes deep into reality, and pays close attention to the implementation of the work, forming a working pattern of grasping the first level and grasping the implementation at all levels.

In the past year, my country has made great efforts in environmental protection work and achieved certain results, but we also clearly understand that there are still many shortcomings in our work, which need to be resolved in the future work. The environmental awareness of the people is still relatively weak.

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