Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of the three rural areas in 2019

The issue of the difference between urban and rural education has also become a topic of heated discussion among local representatives. The three-country team in our school launched this nine-day trip to the countryside in response to the educational equity raised in the two sessions and achieved a complete success.
In this trip to the countryside, I served as the second class teacher and the language writing counseling teaching activities of each class. Therefore, the following three activities will be summarized from two aspects.
The first aspect is the work summary of the class management of the class teacher.
Due to the restrictions on the number of students participating in the summer activities of the three fields in the Lutian Center, there are many levels of students in various classes. There are students of different grades. The familiarity of each other is general and there is a small collective situation. The following will summarize the work of the class teacher from the aspect.
First, enhance the interaction in the game. Because the students who form the class come from different grades, the class, the mutual familiarity is not enough. Therefore, in this class management, the first task is to enhance the interaction between the individual, the primary school students are I am more enthusiastic about games, so from the beginning of the game, like in class classes, organize them to play games, whoever loses to the podium to introduce themselves and accept punishment, in order to enhance their familiarity, and gradually enhance the class Cohesion. At the same time, it also enhances the interaction between teachers and students.
Second, the formation of class concept in group activities Because the formation of this class has its temporary nature, the class concept of class members is still weak, even if there is a class mentioned in the ordinary life, the student class concept Not strong, so when organizing group activities, the concept of competition in each class is appropriately mentioned, and students are expected to strive for honor for their class, thus forming a class concept. For example, in the outdoor science and technology festival activities, each class is composed of teams to compete. Our class students consciously cheer for their class members and are proud and proud of their class members. Form and embody the concept of class in group activities and enhance class cohesion.
Third, the class cadres are reasonably allocated, and the cadre ability of the class is due to the different grades of students. Therefore, when the class cadres choose, they pay attention to the distribution of the candidates of each grade. The basic collocation is a senior grade and a lower grade. And appropriate to exercise the ability of the class cadres, so that the cadres do a good job. Going home to the set, usually the squad leader organizes the team and we coach from it.
But at the same time there are many deficiencies in this class management activity.
First, there is not enough interaction between students.
Even if students know each other, they fail to form a close classmate relationship. Instead, the relationship between the students and the teacher is relatively close. The interaction between the students is still relatively small, and there is still a small collective phenomenon. Therefore, when you have the opportunity to participate in practical activities again in the future, you should pay attention to fostering cooperation among students. The same can be to enhance the interaction between them in the game, but the form can be a form of cooperation, not an individual form. Give them more opportunities to interact, enhance the intensity of interaction, let the interactive links run through the whole activity, start from the introduction, continue to understand, and achieve the effect of friendship to the future life. Let students interact more deeply.
Second, the construction of class culture is not enough to improve the class culture, including material culture, and institutional culture has three kinds of spiritual culture. In this trip to the countryside, I only slightly realized the spiritual culture of the class—the cultivation of class concepts. However, in fact, the construction of the material culture of the class can be more specific and more fulfilling. For example, setting up a class of “My class every day” class diary The column uses a combination of initiative and rotation to allow students to consciously write their feelings today on class notebooks and so on.
At the same time, the construction of material culture and institutional culture in this class management is very lacking. In the construction of material culture, students are only required to keep the classroom clean and tidy, but they do not form an environment with class characteristics. In fact, we can carry out more material culture construction, for example, using good blackboard newspapers, publicity columns, and recognition columns. Etc., you can display the work of the students in the manual class on the bulletin board and so on. Due to the short period of time, the system construction did not form a better system. The so-called "no rules, no squareness", in the construction of class culture, the construction of the system is indispensable, like the class diary presented above. It can also be a good system to implement and improve, like the usual sanitation protection and cleaning can also be institutionalized management and so on.
Third, Gu Xiaojia, forgetting the overall situation, because of his first time as a class teacher, and in this trip to the countryside, the initial self-positioning is not clear, and the confusion between the class teacher and the children’s sister’s role will appear. Forget the big phenomenon. Like once, when I went to wash my hands with a student, I didn’t have the students left in the classroom. I left a large group of students in the classroom, only to accompany a student to wash my hands. This is not enough to take care of the big picture. At that time, I was only Taking into account the situation of the student, but not the better concern of other students, just acting as a child's sister, in the future should be clear about their role positioning, know how to take care of the overall situation, you can properly arrange other students, and then go Take the student to wash your hands.
Fourth, the shortcomings in the training of student cadres are not the first chance to provide cadres to exercise. In addition, there is no good communication with the cadres, and no specific assignments are made, resulting in inefficiency. On one occasion, because I had to rush to class, another class teacher was not available, so I temporarily handed over the work of the class name to the squad leader. However, because the list on the curriculum was not considered to be confusing, the squad leader Unfamiliar, I finally waited for my name after class. Therefore, we should do a task schedule in advance, write out the class affairs to be done every day, and then select the class cadres, then arrange the tasks of each class cadre, and regularly conduct class meetings. Class cadres communicate.
Fifth, the lack of communication with another class teacher has led to the work of the fault. This trip to the countryside is a double-class teacher system. It is a random, free-duty system. There is not much restriction, but at the same time, it is necessary to do a good job between the class teachers. Communication, such as the morning shift is the different class teacher to work, then at noon should be told the afternoon shift class teacher's morning leave and so on. It is possible to establish a mutual communication system between the class teachers. When the shifts are held, exchange information with each other and report the situation. You can also try to have a class teacher take turns to speak at the training group report meeting every day. This will promote better communication and elimination between the two. Fault condition.
The above is a summary of the work of class management as a class teacher.
The second aspect is a summary from the teaching work.
In terms of teaching work, this trip to the countryside is mainly a three-section Chinese writing tutorial and a poetry recitation tutorial. In the Chinese writing tutorial, it is mainly to let students master the articles of different genres, briefly introduce the writing methods and techniques of various common articles, and focus on the writing methods and techniques of the common problem narratives of primary school students. Encourage and guide students to read more famous works, write more, accumulate literary materials, appreciate the style of everyone, improve the enthusiasm of students' writing, and lay a solid foundation for their writing. In the poetry recitation tutorial, the article "Friends in the Mountain" in the sixth grade Chinese textbook is introduced to the neighborhood, introducing some easy-to-master poetry reading techniques, and encouraging students to try to recitation of the text with their own understanding. Get a certain effect.
However, this teaching work also has the same shortcomings, reflecting some problems.
First, the stratification of students in the class is obvious, and the teaching rhythm is not good enough.
Because there are senior grades in the class, the students in the lower grades have obvious differences in their knowledge reserves. In the course of Chinese writing tutoring, some senior students quickly mastered the knowledge of the teacher’s class, but I did not have it myself. Good mastery of the rhythm of teaching, dragged away by senior students, seems a bit passive, did not take into account the slower acceptance of students in the lower grades, leading to the knowledge taught in the first half of the class, the students of the lower grades did not Absorbed very well, the general class told me that I did not understand. Therefore, the solution to this problem is that it can be divided into classes when the class is divided. Targeted teaching and learning should be more effective, and the teachers themselves have concerns about the acceptance of students at different levels, and they have concerns when preparing lessons. .
Secondly, when preparing lessons, try not to rely on multimedia, and there are risks to consider. Because the small multimedia hardware facilities in the Lutian Central Country are not particularly perfect, the preparation for the activities before going to the countryside is dependent on multimedia. Finally, in the During the specific operation, due to the equipment, it is impossible to follow the original preparation lesson, and it is necessary to re-prepare the class, etc., so it is recommended that you do not rely on multimedia as much as possible during the lesson preparation. When preparing lessons, there are also risks to consider. There may be unexpected situations in the classroom. Therefore, when preparing lessons, you should think about the unexpected situations that may occur in this class and think about ways to solve them. For example, the class reciting the tutoring class, asking the students to go to the stage to demonstrate, what to do if there is no student to cooperate with, how to do the mischievous students in the classroom, and so on.
This time, the practice of going to the countryside, as a member of the teaching group, gained a lot and understood that communication is very important in the process of teaching, whether it is communication between teachers and students, between students, or between teachers. It is very important. Understand that one should think more and have plans, so that they can complete their work in an orderly manner.
I believe that this harvest will be very helpful for the future career of teachers. I hope I can do better in the future.

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