Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the comprehensive management of urban and rural environment in towns and villages

Since the beginning of this year, our town has conscientiously implemented the spirit of the city government's instructions, combined with the overall deployment of the urban and rural environmental comprehensive management work of the city and city management bureau in XX years, and established a long-term mechanism to maintain the overall results of urban and rural environmental comprehensive management work, providing a good environment for economic development. Health, through the active participation of cadres at all levels and the general public, the environmental sanitation of our town has been significantly improved. The current work situation is summarized as follows:
I. Clearly highlighting the key points This year marks the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and welcomes the third anniversary of 5.12. It is also the last year of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. It is also a year to seriously implement the spirit of the speech by the provincial party secretary Liu Qizhen at the special meeting on urban and rural environmental comprehensive management. In order to fully demonstrate the environmental awareness of cadres at all levels and the general public in our town, our town will focus on promoting "seven advances", managing "five chaos", strict accountability, decomposing and implementing target tasks, strengthening team building, and intensifying supervision and supervision. Make sure the work continues to advance.
Second, guidance and education, one is to make full use of various conferences, propaganda columns, leaflets and other forms to promote the comprehensive management of urban and rural environment in the hearts of the people; the second is to push the "seven-entry" activities deeper, so that the majority of the people actively participate in environmental governance The third is to highlight the key points. The whole town is promoted along the roads of Guangjin and Beijing Road. The fourth is to use the town community to persuade the people on the streets to promote uncivilized behavior to drive the town's persuaders to actively persuade the work.
Third, each department's overall promotion is to focus on the cleaning of the surrounding towns and farmers' markets, focusing on the comprehensive clean-up of the back streets and alleys, focusing on the specialization of the farmer's market stalls and environmental sanitation, while advertising and Psoriasis is cleared; the second is to further promote the "seven-in" work, so that the environmental sanitation of the town has changed significantly; the third is to organize the village secretary and village director to go to the "fifty-thousand thousand" demonstration village to watch the scene and promote the environmental governance balance of the town. Advance.
Fourth, grasping the promotion and promoting the operation First, it immediately communicated and implemented the urban and rural environmental operation mode of the household investment, group collection, village collection, town transportation and municipal treatment held by the Municipal Urban Management Bureau in Hexing Anping Village on May 11; The spirit of the on-site meeting, our town timely formulated a work plan, determined the specific completion time and household investment planning; the third is to take the pilot operation, the town has purchased two households for demonstration, the next step will be on the main road It will be further promoted along the line, and strive to complete the household investment, group collection, village collection, town transportation, and city processing work at the end of the year; fourth, strengthen the training and education of households who collect waste and collect cleaning staff.
V. Improving the working mechanism and promoting the normal management First, the urban and rural environmental comprehensive management work is included in the government assessment, and the target responsibility letter is signed with each village and unit; the second is to insist on unannounced visits every week, find problems and promptly supervise the implementation, and at the work meeting The criticism was praised. The third is to implement the funds and allocate the funds for the cleaning staff on time every month to ensure the normal operation of the environment.
Sixth, the existing shortcomings and the next step of work ideas First, the public's understanding of environmental governance is still not in place, there are garbage littering, garbage is not classified; Second, insufficient funds, especially in the implementation of this Hexing site meeting, grouping The cost of the container is difficult; the third is that the garbage collection and transportation is not timely, especially the garbage trucks in the town are not solved, and the built garbage pool cannot operate normally; the fourth is to address the existing deficiencies, and the next step will be strengthened to ensure the comprehensive management of the environment. normalization.

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