Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of forestry pest control work in towns and villages

Under the correct leadership of the county party committee and the county government and the support of the higher-level business departments, the stationed forest pest control work has earnestly implemented the “Plant Quarantine Regulations” and the “Regulations on Prevention and Control of Forest Pests and Diseases” and strictly implemented the “two certificates and one sign” of seedlings. The system has carried out quarantine, monitoring and prevention work in accordance with the requirements of the “National Forest Pest and Disease Center” and the management requirements for forest pest control objectives, and has achieved certain results.
First, the leadership attaches importance to the goal, the responsibility is implemented
1. Fully implement the responsibility system for the management of forest pest control objectives. This year, the “two-line target management responsibility system” was implemented. 2. The township government and the leaders of the village teams signed the “Responsibility for the Management of Forestry Pest Control Targets”, which was included in the comprehensive assessment of the township, and the prevention and control of forest pests and the year-end work. Performance appraisal is linked. It has effectively promoted the enthusiasm and consciousness of leaders at all levels to grasp the work of forest defense. The prevention and control of forest pests will be decomposed at different levels and implemented step by step.
2. Leaders attach importance to the key to good prevention and control of pests and diseases. In this year's forest pest control work, the leaders of the county party committee and the county government held a number of forest defense conferences to study and arrange the deployment of forest pest control. The township people's government raised funds for prevention and control, and increased the number of people and funds. The support of biological control work has ensured the smooth development of forest pest control work in our town and ensured the effectiveness of prevention and control.
3, do a good job in the management of forest pest control objectives, change the soft task of Sen and anti-soft, and effectively play the role of the forestry department. In the prevention and control of pests and diseases in the villages and towns of the township, the system of “receiving the notice for the treatment of forest diseases and insect pests within a limited time” is strictly implemented, the quality is strictly controlled, and the implementation is carried out. If the control effect and requirements are not met, it is required to re-control. The village team that failed to control it was reported to the government, and it was criticized and criticized. The deadline was ruled out, and the organization was effective, the responsibility was in place, and the effect was obvious.
Second, actively carry out publicity and training work
From March 8th to March 15th, I will combine the “3.12” Tree Planting Festival activities, arrange for personnel to carry out forestry publicity in the market, and carry out the “Forest Law” in various ways, such as newspapers, flyers, radio, prize-winning questions and answers. Propaganda of laws, regulations and forestry knowledge such as the Phytosanitary Regulations and Forest Pest Control Conditions to improve the knowledge of forestry production and pest control in agriculture and herdsmen.
Third, quarantine according to law, strict control to strengthen seedling quarantine law enforcement, strict quarantine of seedlings used in afforestation, in order to prevent the introduction of dangerous pests and diseases, according to the quality requirements of spring afforestation seedlings, seedling quarantine work. In the quarantine process of seedlings, our forestry forest defense personnel strictly performed their statutory duties in strict accordance with the "Code for Quarantine and Law Enforcement of Forestry Plant Quarantine Personnel", earnestly implemented the technical regulations for forest phytosanitary and the "two certificates and one sign" of seedlings, and strictly handled the legal procedures. Quarantine matters. Resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of not quarantine, no vaccine, frozen dead seedlings, weak seedlings will not be issued, no quarantine or quarantine unqualified seedlings are not allowed to go out, resolutely put an end to diseased seedlings into the afforestation site.
Fourth, earnestly carry out the work of “reporting and reporting points of forest pests and rodents”, do a good job in forecasting and forecasting, and effectively guide prevention and control work.
1. Strengthen the personnel management of the central surveying and reporting points, clearly identify the reporting tasks and main test objects, establish and improve the job responsibilities, and fix one of the fixed surveying personnel, and set up one pest and disease monitoring point within the whole township. Forest pests such as rodents and orchids. The township has a forest area of ​​13,500 mu, and the monitoring area should be 0.8 million mu, and the survey and monitoring area is more than 0.2 million mu. Timely understand and master the occurrence, development trend, investigation and measurement report of the main forest pests and diseases in the area under the jurisdiction of our township, and give full play to the role of the forecasting personnel.
2. Report all kinds of data materials on time, according to the requirements of the “Plant Diseases and Pests Center”, and report to the county bureau Senfen Station on time: forest pest and disease occurrence table, forest pest control table, work plan and Implementation plans, etc., provide accurate data for the higher-level departments to guide the measurement and control of pests and diseases.
3. Do a good job in collecting and sorting the report files, and do a good job in the management of all kinds of materials, reports and files according to the construction requirements of the “Forest, Pest Control Center”. The "Spring Ruler, Rat and Lantern" profiles were established, and the personnel were responsible for the complete and standardized data.
5. Carry out pollution-free prevention and control of forestry leaf-feeding pests in a timely manner, and effectively prevent pests from becoming plagued
1. On May 9th, the prevention and control of forestry pests in spring in our town officially started. From May 9th to May 12th, the whole towns took active actions to seize the favorable control opportunities before the 3rd instar larvae of the spring larvae. Spray control, on May 13th, the prevention and control of the Spring Festival in the whole town was basically over. In order to make the township forest defense work effective.
2. The actual area of ​​forestry pests in our township is 36 mu, including: 19.6 mu of spring stalks; the new control area of ​​the same pests and diseases is 36 mu, the prevention rate is 100%, and the pollution-free rate of leaf-eating pests is 100%. area.
6. Seriously carry out investigation on the epidemic situation of forest pests, yellow spotted star beetle
1. In order to investigate the forestry pests, the prevention of forestry pests, in accordance with the notice of the “Notice on the investigation of the serious investigation of the epidemic situation of the yellow spotted hornbills” issued by the county bureau, I stand with The staff signed the responsibility letter for the investigation of Huangfangxing Tianniu, and clearly defined the tasks and responsibilities of the investigation. In late August, our forestry carried out a special investigation on the epidemic situation of the yellow spotted hornbill in the whole township, with a total of 5,640 mu of land. A census was conducted, in which the key census area was 456.5 mu, and the general census area was 1288 mu. No yellow spotted hornbill epidemic was found.
VII, XX year work arrangements for forest pest control
1. Increase publicity and training efforts. Continue to do a good job in the "Plant Quarantine Regulations" and "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Forest Pests and Diseases" and other laws and regulations and prevention and control knowledge, and increase technical guidance and prevention and demonstration.
2. Do a good job in the “Measurement and Reporting Point of Forest Pests and Rodents” to further strengthen the monitoring of the main pests and diseases in our town.
3. Comprehensively carry out quarantine, transfer and quarantine work for the prevention and control of forest pests and diseases, and resolutely achieve a quarantine rate of 100%.
4. Carry out prevention and control of forest diseases and insect pests in a timely manner, and adopt various forms to vigorously promote biological control technologies, comprehensive prevention and control techniques, and control techniques for pest control, and prevent and control pests of food leaves by 100%.
5. In accordance with the notification requirements of the regional “General Plan for the Management of Yellow Spotted Star Beetle in Xinjiang”, earnestly do a good job in the investigation and monitoring of the yellow spotted star beetle.
6. Further improve the station construction of the forestry station and the construction of the station to prevent soft and hardware construction.

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