Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of Agricultural Work in 2019 and Working Arrangement in 2019

Under the guidance of the correct leadership of the county party committee and county people's government and the care and guidance of the superior business departments, this county's agricultural work adheres to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx", and thoroughly implements the scientific development concept, closely surrounding the central government. No. Archives and the spirit of the Central, Provincial and State Agricultural and Rural Work Conferences, in accordance with the requirements of agricultural development, such as stabilizing grain, increasing income, strengthening foundations, and focusing on people's livelihood, have paid close attention to the organization and implementation of various development plans and supporting policies and measures, and have overcome the difficulties of a hundred years. The extraordinary drought has promoted the steady and rapid development of the agricultural and rural economy in the drought year, which has brought the full completion of the xxx agricultural development planning goal to a successful conclusion. In XX, the county is expected to achieve a total grain output of 9.93 million kilograms, an increase of 994,000 kilograms over the previous year, an increase of 1.1%; the total output of aquatic products is 1.05 million kilograms, an increase of 48,000 kilograms over the previous year, an increase of 4.8%; the total income of rural labor services is 2.32. 100 million yuan, an increase of 32 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 16%; farmers' per capita net income of 2,305 yuan, an increase of 242 yuan over the previous year, an increase of 11.7%. The agricultural work of this county this year and xxx is summarized as follows.
First, the main practices and achievements adhere to the grain production in the first place, to maintain sustained and steady growth in the output of grain and major agricultural products, and lay a solid foundation for promoting rural reform and development.
Since the implementation of the xxx plan, our county has consistently adhered to the stable planting area, improved the multiple cropping index, optimized the variety structure, increased the yield level, and enhanced the comprehensive production capacity as the main way to promote the production of grain and major agricultural products. By further strengthening the construction of agricultural infrastructure, improving agricultural production conditions and increasing the output rate of cultivated land; through the implementation of advanced technology measures such as soil testing and formula fertilization, standardized planting, intercropping of crops, high yield of food crops, integrated pest control, etc. The promotion and application of the people to improve the production skills and level of the people; to actively promote the adjustment of crop production structure and crop varieties, improve the production efficiency of food and major agricultural products; by organizing efforts to fight disasters, disaster relief, disaster reduction and recovery, effectively avoid Or reduce the damage caused by the disaster. In the past five years, our county has overcome the adverse effects of major natural disasters such as freezing rain, snow, floods and droughts and the world financial crisis, achieving continuous increase in grain production, and the gratifying results of the agricultural harvest, which has provided a strong and sustainable development for the agricultural and rural economy. A strong foundational guarantee. Especially this year, in the case of the severe drought that was not encountered in 1XX and the serious loss of crops in summer harvest, the various departments at all levels of the county and the cadres and the masses of the cadres, according to the county party committee and the government, “the small spring loss, the spring supplement, the spring shortage The idea of ​​late autumn supplements has fully grasped the implementation of various measures for agricultural drought relief and disaster relief, and vigorously carried out drought-resistant and high-yield technical measures such as rice dry nursery, water-to-dry drought, mulch corn, high-yield creation of food crops, and intercropping between food crops. The implementation has ensured that the grain production will increase and the agricultural harvest will be achieved in the year of the disaster.
1. Grain and crop production. In XX, the county has completed a total planting area of ​​736,400 mu of crops. It is estimated that the total grain output will be 90.93 million kg, the total output will be 27.53 million kg, and the total vegetable output will be 47.15 million kg. They increased by 11,400 mu, 994,000 kg, 2.867 million kg and 724,000 kg respectively over the previous year. Compared with XX, they increased by 41,300 mu, 8.879 million kg, 6.885 million kg and 5.122 million kg respectively, which increased by 5.94%, 10.82%, 33.35% and 12.19%, respectively, with an average annual increase of 1.16%, 2.07%, 5.93% and 2.33%. During the whole xxx period, the total planting area of ​​crops was 3.586 million mu, and the total grain output was 433.62 million kilograms, the total output was 130.73 million kilograms, and the total vegetable output was 27.87 million kilograms, an increase of 196,000 mu and 30.654 million kilograms over the fifteenth period. 51.8 million kilograms and 9.602 million kilograms, respectively, increased by 5.77%, 7.6%, 64.13% and 4.57%.
2, tea, mulberry, fruit. In XX, the total area of ​​tea, mulberry and fruit in the county was 32,600 mu, and the total output was 5.023 million kg, an increase of 0.15 million mu and 213,000 kg over the previous year, up 4.8% and 4.4% respectively; an increase of 0.8 million mu over XX. And 768,000 kg, an increase of 32.5% and 18.1%, an average annual increase of 5.79% and 3.26%.
3. Fisheries. The fishery production in our county mainly focuses on the demonstration of “rice fishery project” and the introduction of experimental demonstration and breeding of famous special aquatic products, and actively explores appropriate fishery development methods to achieve sustainable development of fishery production. In XX, the county completed 2,830 mu of aquaculture water surface and implemented 4050 mu of fish in rice fields, achieving a total output of 1,050 tons of aquatic products, an increase of 48 tons from the previous year, an increase of 4.8%, an increase of 477 tons over the XX year, an increase of 83.25%, an average annual increase. 12.88%, the annual per capita aquatic product production of farmers increased from 2.11 kg in XX years to 4.6 kg. In the past five years, the county has carried out a total of 13,300 mu of surface aquaculture, and accumulated a total of 31,000 mu of fish farming in rice fields, totaling 4,200 tons of aquatic products. At present, a number of famous and excellent new varieties such as Japanese koi, southern bigmouth bream, American pheasant, and Japanese Macrobrachium rosenbergii have been successfully demonstrated and started to be promoted to aquaculture farmers. The types of aquatic products are increasing year by year, and fishery production is steadily increasing. development of.
Since the implementation of xxx, the total output value of crop production and fishery has continued to grow steadily. Farmers have a steady increase in grain and per capita net income. In XX, the total output value of planting and fishery in the county reached 317 million yuan, and the per capita food consumption of farmers was 399 kg. The per capita net income was 2,305 yuan, an increase of 130.16 million yuan, 36 kilograms and 1134 yuan respectively over XX, an increase of 69.7%, 10% and 96.8%, with an average annual increase of 11.2%, 1.9% and 14.5%.
In-depth promotion of the labor-saving county strategy, the four-in-one rural labor employment model of “training, employment, rights protection, and entrepreneurship” was initially formed, and the labor economy achieved remarkable results.
Since the implementation of the xxx plan, our county has further strengthened the strategy of “labor-keeping county”, effectively increased the skills training of rural surplus labor, actively guided the employment outside, and strengthened the protection and maintenance of the rights and interests of migrant workers, especially under the continuous influence of the world financial crisis. The county government has timely introduced supporting policies and measures, actively encouraged migrant workers to transfer employment on the spot and return to their hometowns, and through internal and external integration, opened up employment opportunities, and gradually formed a four-in-one labor employment model of “training, employment, rights protection, and entrepreneurship”. To ensure the sustainable development of the county's labor economy. In the face of this year's extreme drought, the county government has also established the "hometown loss of rural areas, agricultural losses and work to fill" work ideas, earnestly carry out the work of rural labor transfer training and labor export, earnestly grasp the employment of rural surplus labor And entrepreneurial work has achieved remarkable results.
In XX, the newly completed rural labor transfer training was 0.6 million, and the new transfer was 0.2 million. The total number of migrant workers working in the county reached 48,000, an increase of 2 million over the previous year, an increase of 12,700 over the 357 years. People accounted for 34.8% of the county's rural labor force of 137,900, accounting for 83.9% of the surplus labor force of 57,200. This year, the county's labor income reached 232 million yuan, an increase of 32 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 16%, an increase of 124 million yuan over the XX year, an increase of 2.15 times, an average annual increase of 16.52%. In the past five years, through the implementation of the "Sunshine Project", "Rain Project", "Special Action Plan" and other rural labor training output projects, the cumulative development of rural labor skills and guided output training 597 sessions of 29,000 people, including skills training 35 3435 People, there are 527 batches of 27,000 people who have exported labor, driving 1.9 people to transfer jobs and 700 people returning home to start businesses.
We will do a good job in the strong work of farmland, agriculture, seeds, soil and fertilizer, plant protection, and agricultural machinery. The county's agricultural base can be further consolidated, agricultural science and technology and equipment levels can be effectively improved, and agricultural and rural production and management levels will be gradually enhanced.
1. Basic construction of farmland. Since XX, a total of four winter and spring farmland infrastructure projects have been carried out. A total of 5,000 acres of high-yield basic farmland construction in the county, ** county-level ancient irrigation canal construction, ** county-level basic farmland construction in the county, and 3,000 acres in the county, 2,500 acres of farmland The results consolidated 7 basic rations construction, and 7 projects in Xinma Street Tianchong, Baishiyan in Berlin and 500 acres of war-recovery basic farmland in Horseshoe Village. The accumulated investment was 6,090,300 yuan, 62 sections of road ditches were completed, 52,617 meters, and completed work of 164,700 yuan. The accumulated benefit area of ​​the project was 13,730 mu. The 3,000-mu XX returning farmland to forestry basic ration field construction project has been launched. The successful construction of basic farmland construction projects has effectively improved the agricultural production conditions in the project area, increased the land output rate, and further consolidated the foundation of agricultural development.
2. Rural economic management. First, the organization declaration and implementation of agricultural economic projects such as collective economic development projects, village appearance rectification, and professional cooperative economic organizations were firmly implemented. In the past five years, it has completed a total investment of 3.77 million yuan and completed the construction of 38 agricultural economic construction projects, effectively enhancing the development capacity of the rural collective economy and improving the production and living environment. The second is to effectively strengthen the supervision and management of farmers' burdens. Within five years, it supervised and implemented the comprehensive subsidies for the increase of farmers' production materials, subsidies for animal husbandry and supporting agriculture, and other funds for supporting agriculture and farmers with a total of 103.86 million yuan, all of which were sent to farmers in the form of a card. No interception and misappropriation occurred. At the same time, we have carried out the implementation and supervision of relevant policies such as fundraising and raising labor, rural land policy, and reducing the peasant burden of the “five systems”, and have not received complaints of violations of laws and regulations that increase the burden on farmers. The third is to strengthen the management of rural land contractual contracts. A total of 273 contract disputes were reported, and 262 mediation successes were achieved, with a mediation success rate of 96%. The fourth is to actively do a good job in the village-level accounting agency. The county completed the entrustment and agency work of 1,752 villager groups of 69 village committees, and handed over escrow funds of 901,000 yuan, fixed assets of 9.727 million yuan, total creditor rights of 142,600 yuan, and total debt of 137,600 yuan.
3. Agricultural machinery promotion. Agricultural mechanization is the fundamental guarantee for realizing agricultural modernization. Due to the large number of slopes and flat land in our county, the development of agricultural machinery industry is correspondingly slow. Since XX, our county has seized the opportunity of the state to implement the subsidy project for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, effectively increased the demonstration and promotion of small-scale agricultural machinery operations, and expanded the area of ​​machine-grinding machines. In the past five years, we have won a total of 1.4 million yuan for subsidies for agricultural machinery purchases. There are three kinds of new agricultural machinery and four kinds of processing machinery suitable for agricultural machinery operation in our county, such as tractors, walking tractors and micro tillage machines. This year, the county has a total of 53,820 agricultural machinery, including 508 tractors, the total power of agricultural machinery reached 99.4 million watts, an increase of 17.06 million watts over the XX year, an increase of 20.7%. In XX, the area of ​​agricultural machinery operation reached 57,066 mu, a net increase of 42,045 mu over XX, an increase of 3.5 times.
4. Seed management and promotion of improved varieties. In the past five years, the county has conducted a total of 144 varieties of seed quality inspections and samples for inspection, 144 samples were inspected, and 134 were inspected. The unqualified varieties have been ordered to return to prohibit sales, effectively ensuring production safety; Demonstrate 20 groups of 304 varieties, test new varieties of hybrid corn, and demonstrate 388 varieties of 21 groups. A total of 26 excellent varieties suitable for planting in our county were selected to provide effective improved seed storage for large-scale production; 234 varieties of 219,000 mu, and promoted 224 varieties of hybrid corn seeds, 424,000 mu. In XX, a total of 46,000 mu of hybrid rice planting and 126,000 mu of hybrid corn planting were completed, which increased by 0.5 million mu and 35,000 mu respectively over XX.
5, plant protection phytosanitary. In the past five years, the county has organized a total of 5,109,300 mu of pests and diseases, and recovered 70.628 million kilograms of production losses. Among them, a total of 641,800 mu of this year occurred, and 1,190,200 mu of tissue control was organized, with a total loss of 14.983 million kg. This year, we conducted a total of 284 pest and disease investigations in the field, and reported 208 issues of pest and disease information, and released 260 copies of the 13th issue of pest and disease information. We carried out inspections and filed 78 varieties of 101,000 kilograms of rice varieties and 90 pieces of 206,000 kilograms of rice varieties. 46 batches of 615 tons of agricultural products were transported and quarantined, and 3,200 mu of quarantine of tea gardens were implemented.
6, soil fertilizer. Since the implementation of the xxx plan, a total of 3 years of soil testing and fertilization projects have been organized, including: 195,000 mu of soil testing and fertilization projects of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and 924,900 mu of soil testing and fertilization projects of the Ministry of Agriculture. A total of 3,215 households in 70 villages and towns in 9 townships and towns in the county carried out field surveys and soil sample collection work, 2588 samples were tested, 27 long-term monitoring points for farmers were established, and 62 groups of fertilizer effect field trials were implemented. 160 groups of the same-field comparison test were conducted, and 137,000 copies of the fertilization recommendation card were issued. Accumulatively completed a large-scale promotion of crop soil testing and formula fertilization of 924,900 mu, and achieved a total cost of 59.232 million yuan. Among them, 303,200 mu of this year was completed, and the amount of fertilizer used was 5.1 kg less than that of conventional fertilization, and the yield was increased by 43.41 kg. The increase in the cost of the section was 81.8 yuan, and the cost-effectiveness was 24.814 million yuan.
7. Agricultural environmental protection. Since xxx, 1859 samples of 308 varieties of 158 pesticides have been accumulated, and 1801 samples have been added during the fifteenth period. The market sample test rate was 97.8%, which was 15.6 percentage points higher than that during the fifteenth period. Detecting 605 samples of 84 varieties of 32 periods, the test pass rate was 99.5%, and 547 samples of 52 varieties of 26 batches were detected in the same period of XX, and the pass rate increased by 13.3 percentage points. The organization has implemented the application for registration of geographical indications for **Yanghe and **lamps, and **Yanghe has passed the expert review of the Ministry of Agriculture. The organization of the green food of Qinglongshan Tea Factory and the pollution-free soil of Yangcheng Food Factory was reported. At present, relevant departments of the province and the state have conducted environmental impact assessment and sample sampling. We have done a good job in the first census of agricultural pollution sources, and 553 agricultural pollution sources in the county. Investigated foreign invasive organisms and agricultural wild plant resources, and found 9 species of alien invasive species such as water peanut, lantana and water hyacinth, with a total area of ​​5,197 hectares; wild plant resources were found in Chuan Sang, Yunnan Lily, Yunnan 枸杞There are 11 varieties of wild golden buckwheat, with a total distribution area of ​​746.9 hectares.
8. Rural energy and biological resources. In the past five years, rural source construction has focused on the organization and implementation of the national debt biogas project. A total investment of 4.8 million yuan has been completed, and 2,800 rural biogas digesters have been completed. The number of rural biogas users in the county has reached 41,000, with a coverage rate of 74.1%. In terms of biological resources, we will accelerate the development and utilization of biological resources around agriculture, forestry, livestock, fisheries, deputy and processing. In XX, we have established 82,000 mu of production resource industrial base and realized a total output value of 610 million yuan.
9. Agricultural administrative law enforcement. First, increase the propaganda and implementation of various agricultural laws and regulations, strengthen the legal concept of the majority of cadres and the sense of legal operation; second, actively promote the reform of the agricultural law enforcement system, set up an agricultural law enforcement brigade, and further standardize the construction of comprehensive agricultural law enforcement teams; Strengthen the management and use of dangerous chemical agricultural materials such as national bans and restrictions, strengthen publicity, guidance and inspection, and effectively protect agricultural production environmental resources; Fourth, severely crack down on various laws and regulations on the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy agricultural products, and unlicensed management of agricultural materials. Behaviors, a total of 2512 business operations of individual enterprises and individual agricultural enterprises were inspected, 514 illegal incidents were investigated and dealt with according to law, 6 unlicensed agricultural business outlets were banned, 53 agricultural sales counterfeit and fake dens were destroyed, and the system was seized. The fake agricultural investment was 1.814 million kilograms, and the economic loss was recovered by 18.14 million yuan. More than 110,000 grams of poisonous rodenticides such as "Toxic Rat" were collected, and 1,194 kilograms of 22 kinds of fake and shoddy pesticides were destroyed, 31 tons of fake fertilizers were investigated, and 31 tons of fake fertilizers were investigated. Returned 6550 kilograms of unregistered publicity seeds; the fifth is to strengthen the law enforcement work of fishery administration and formulate the main areas in the county. River flow regulations, severely crack down on fried fish, electric fish, poison fish and other illegal activities. A total of 35 fishery cases were investigated and investigated, 34 electric fish machines were confiscated, 8 were economically punished, and 9 were warned. The illegal activities such as electric fish, fried fish and poisonous fish have been effectively curbed, and the fishery resources in the county have been effectively protected and exploited.
10. Linking poverty alleviation and new rural construction. In the past five years, the county's agricultural department has earnestly grasped the support work of linking poverty alleviation points to helping the poor, building new countryside, and supporting the recovery and reconstruction of the disaster areas. A total of 21 village committees and 42 villager groups helped cement more than XX tons, supported more than 700,000 yuan of funds, helped poor college students solve tuition fees, helped disabled families and disabled children and other accumulated assistance funds of more than 50,000 yuan; Cadres and workers carried out "love dreams", Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake and donations for disaster relief and relief, etc., totaling 150,000 yuan; donating 9500 yuan for drought relief and donating 2600 yuan to Yushu disaster area; helping to build and develop funds for Wangjitang Village 150,000 yuan.
11. Technology promotion system and team building. First, according to the relevant regulations and requirements of the central, provincial and state governments to strengthen the reform of the grassroots agricultural technology extension system, the county has completed the county soil and fertilizer workstation, the biological resource development and innovation office, the seed management workstation, the tea workstation, the rural economic management workstation and the labor service. The functions of the export bureau were transferred and reformed. At the end of XX, the reform of the grassroots agricultural technology extension system in the county was basically completed. The township agricultural technology station was returned to the county agricultural administrative department for management, and the “three powers” ​​of the township agricultural technology station was terminated. A management system of more than ten years. The county's agricultural management and management system has gradually been rationalized, the organization is more reasonable, and the functions and functions are more clear. It has laid a good foundation for strengthening the promotion of agricultural science and technology and ensuring the sustainable and healthy development of the agricultural and rural economy. The second is to effectively strengthen the construction of scientific and technological cadres, improve the political and ideological quality and business work ability of agricultural science and technology personnel, and enhance the awareness and ability of scientific and technological personnel to take root and serve the people. In the past five years, through the joint education and entrusted training with provincial and state colleges and universities, a total of 97 scientific and technological personnel in the county's agricultural system have obtained diplomas in colleges and universities through colleges and universities, and specialized technical personnel are junior colleges and junior colleges. The number of above education has reached 129, accounting for 82.7% of the total number of professional and technical personnel in service, which is 54.9 percentage points higher than that of XX. At the same time, we earnestly strengthened the evaluation and appointment of professional and technical personnel, and organized a series of agricultural science and technology cadres to apply for 100 senior, middle and junior positions, 22 senior positions, 36 middle-level positions, and junior positions. 48 people.
II. Main Experiences and Experiences After reviewing the agricultural work since the fifteenth, the most important experiences and experiences mainly include the following four aspects: policy is the foundation, leadership is the guarantee, technology is the support, and input is the key.
Conscientiously implement the various policies and policies of the party and the state on agricultural and rural development, effectively implement the policies and measures for strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers for production, which is an important basis for promoting the comprehensive development of agriculture in the county. Since then, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have successively issued a series of preferential policies on agricultural and rural social and economic development with six No. 1 archives. They have not only implemented grain subsidies, improved seed subsidies, comprehensive subsidies for the increase of production materials, and agricultural machinery purchase subsidies. It also relieved the agricultural tax for thousands of years, greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers for production and promoted agricultural development. Second, the county party committee government firmly grasps the favorable opportunity of the state to attach great importance to and vigorously support the development of agriculture and rural areas, and timely formulate a series of related supporting policies and measures, and organize and lead all levels of the county to unswervingly grasp the various policies for benefiting farmers. The propaganda, implementation and implementation of the public have enabled the people to fully enjoy the good policies of the party and the government, effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of the peasants in the county, and effectively guarantee the smooth development of agriculture. During the xxx period, the cumulative implementation of grain production subsidies, improved seed subsidies, agricultural subsidies, agricultural machinery purchase subsidies, plastic film and new grain area seed subsidies, agricultural disaster relief and production, and other financial subsidies totaled 73.045 million yuan. Among them: grain subsidies, plastic film subsidies and new grain area seed subsidy funds of 5,748,200 yuan; rapeseed subsidies of 466,200 yuan; grain farmers and direct subsidies of 66,290,100 yuan; agricultural machinery purchase subsidy funds of 1.4 million yuan.
Practically strengthening the organization, leadership and management of agricultural and rural work, unifying thoughts, coordinating and coordinating, and co-operating together is a powerful guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of agriculture. The county party committee and government attach great importance to the promotion of agriculture and agricultural science and technology, and always adhere to the work of agriculture and rural economy. Putting it in the first place to effectively strengthen the leadership of agricultural work, party committees, governments and relevant agriculture-related departments at all levels have always served the three rural areas as an important task to promote agricultural and rural economic development and promote modern agriculture and new rural construction. Thoughts, promotion of consensus, mutual cooperation and cooperation have provided a strong organizational guarantee for the sustainable development of the county's agriculture. First, the county and county committees will hold agricultural and rural economic work conferences at the beginning of each year, research and deploy agricultural work early, clarify goals, tasks, and supporting policies and measures, and decompose the tasks into townships and agriculture-related departments to achieve clear goals. The responsibilities are clear, the tools are divided, and there are people on the management. Second, the main leaders of the county party committee and government often go deep into the production line, supervise and guide agricultural production, carry out on-site office work, and find problems in time to help solve problems. Third, the county people's government will integrate the total grain output, the per capita net income of farmers, and the development of key industries into the annual government work objectives, and effectively promote the all-round development of various agricultural work. Fourth, the agricultural science and technology department combines the activities of Yunling Pioneer, Advanced Education, Scientific Development View and Pioneering Excellence to effectively enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of the county's scientific and technological personnel to promote agricultural science and technology promotion and improve service capabilities and levels. In conjunction with the implementation of the four systems of the Sunshine Government, the Responsible Government, and the Effective Government, as well as the democratic evaluation of the political style and the grassroots party style and clean government, we will further improve the internal management system of the agricultural sector and vigorously promote open administrative and democratic decision-making. Scientific management, administration by law and social supervision will effectively guarantee and promote the smooth progress of all work. At the same time, we will earnestly strengthen the management of the responsibility system for agricultural work, and incorporate the annual major agricultural production targets and key science and technology promotion into the duties of scientific and technical personnel for assessment, tasks to the station, responsibility to people, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of scientific and technological personnel.
Vigorously strengthening the promotion and application of advanced agricultural science and technology measures, improving the conversion rate and application rate of scientific and technological achievements, is a strong support for promoting the sustainable development of agricultural and rural economy. First, since last year, it has focused on the establishment of high-yield food crops, intercropping, and mulch corn. The promotion and application of large-scale production technology measures, efforts to improve the level of food production and production capacity of the people, and promote the production level of large-scale grain production. This year, a total of 66,000 mu of high-yield food crops will be created; 64,000 mu of intercropping models will be implemented to drive large-scale production of 195,000 mu; and 40,000 mu of mulch corn will be cultivated. Through the promotion and implementation of these three key science and technology projects, the total grain output increased by 9.6 million kilograms, effectively offsetting the loss of summer grain disasters and ensuring a bumper harvest in the disaster year. The second is to effectively increase the promotion and utilization of two kinds of hybrids, optimized planting, standardized planting, pest and disease comprehensive prevention, scientific fertilization, computer agriculture expert system, etc., and promote the application of practical technologies for increasing production and income. This year, the total promotion reached 1.56 million mu. It has increased by 90,000 mu compared with the previous year and basically achieved full coverage of agricultural production. The coverage rate of agricultural practical technology promotion reached 76.5% of the planted area and 91.7% of the total number of farmers, which was 7.6 and 11.3 percentage points higher than that of XX. Since xxx, the cumulative promotion of various practical scientific and technological measures has reached 6.7 million mu, an increase of 780,000 mu over the fifteenth period. The third is to effectively increase the promotion and cultivation of high-quality varieties of grain, oil, oil, and fruit and vegetables, optimize the structure of agricultural planting, and improve planting efficiency. In XX, the area of ​​high-quality grain and oil reached 340,000 mu, accounting for 58.6% of the annual grain and oil planting area of ​​580,000 mu, an increase of 90,000 mu over XX, and the proportion of high-quality grain and oil planting increased by 12.1 percentage points over XX; And vegetable planting area reached 25,000 mu, an increase of 0.7 million mu over XX; high-quality fruit area of ​​6,000 mu, an increase of 1050 mu over XX. The fourth is to vigorously carry out the construction of the model, to promote the large-scale promotion of practical scientific and technological measures. This year, the county has completed 12,400 mu of various scientific and technological demonstration models, an increase of 1200 mu over the previous year, involving food, cash crops and aquaculture in the winter and spring seasons. During the xxx period, a total of 61,500 mu of technology demonstrations were held, which was 21,000 mu more than the fifteenth period. Through the large-scale and high-quality holding of scientific and technological demonstration models, the intangible technology promotion will become an intuitive scene, fully demonstrating the effect of increasing production and income of advanced science and technology, so that farmers can be “visible, audible, clear, and thorough”. Guide farmers to consciously apply advanced technology, effectively promote the rapid transformation and promotion of advanced and applicable technologies to large-area production. The fifth is to comprehensively carry out farmers' technical education and training to improve farmers' ability to accept science and technology and apply science and technology. In the past five years, a total of 1676 agricultural science and technology trainings have been carried out in 1676 sessions. Among them: 1063 training courses for “Green Certificate”, 7480 training sessions, 2611 “green certificates”; 4 years of new farmer training, 4096 rural practical technologies, 3120 graduates; training for rural labor transfer 597 people were 29,000 people.
Actively striving for and integrating funds and increasing capital investment are the key to promoting the sustainable development of the agricultural and rural economy in the county. Our county is poor and poor, and its own investment development capability is extremely limited. It is actively seeking national, provincial and state policy funds. Investment is the key to whether our county's agriculture can continue to develop. Since the implementation of the xxx plan, the county agricultural department has actively sought more than 150 agricultural development and construction projects from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and other higher-level government departments, involving agricultural comprehensive development demonstration, rural energy construction, biological resource development, and basic Farmland construction, winter agricultural development, new farmer training, soil testing and formula fertilization, village appearance remediation, agricultural practical technology promotion, etc., have invested more than 31 million yuan in project construction funds. Driven by the construction and implementation of project funds, the agricultural production and living conditions have been further improved, and the promotion and application of scientific and technological training and practical technical measures have been accelerated, which has effectively promoted the adjustment of crop production structure and the income of the people, and actively adapted to the agricultural development in the new era. And the scientific and technological progress has laid a good foundation.
Third, the main problems existed Natural disasters frequently, the situation of rain-fed agriculture and relying on the sky is still outstanding, and it is difficult to increase production and increase income in agriculture. The total amount of cultivated land in our county is insufficient and sporadic, the water resources in some areas are extremely scarce, the modern agricultural infrastructure construction is relatively lagging behind, and the natural disasters such as drought, flood, and freezing that occur every year give the county grain production and agricultural harvest. There are many difficulties and uncertainties.
Different understandings have made the development of related industries slow. All townships and departments have different understandings of the development of agricultural industry, different degrees of emphasis, lack of consensus, clear, lasting and long-term consensus. Relevant development policies and support measures are not perfect, not in place, and industrial development is sporadic, scattered and uneven. Qi, slow progress, such as sericulture, fruits, vegetables and so on.
The agricultural production protection system is not perfect, and it is difficult to make new breakthroughs in agricultural restructuring. The scale of agricultural production is small and the degree of organization is low, and the process of agricultural industrialization is slow. Due to the objective existence of natural environmental disadvantages in agricultural production in our county, the degree of arable land transfer and utilization is low, the existing agricultural professional cooperative economic organizations are weak in driving ability, and the agricultural product market system, agricultural socialized service system, and agricultural production support and protection system are not perfect. The phenomenon of “distribution, chaos and miscellaneous” production of agricultural products has not been fundamentally changed. The scale of agricultural production is small and the degree of organization is low. The deep processing of agricultural products and the development of export-oriented agriculture are lagging behind, and agricultural production is basically Staying on the traditional mode of operation, it is difficult to make new progress in the adjustment of agricultural structure, and the process of agricultural industrialization is slow.
The lack of funds for science and technology promotion and the conversion rate and contribution rate of agricultural science and technology promotion are difficult to be effectively improved. Due to the financial difficulties of our county, the investment in agricultural science and technology promotion funds is insufficient, and some necessary experiments, demonstrations and promotion are restricted. As a result, the depth and breadth of science and technology promotion cannot be effectively tapped. The effectiveness of science and technology promotion has not been fully demonstrated. The rate and contribution rate have not been effectively improved.
The prices of production materials are high, the people are not investing enough, and the implementation of scientific and technological measures is becoming more difficult. The prices of chemical fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and other production materials have been high, and the stability is poor. The necessary input of production materials for farmers is constrained. In addition, a large number of young and strong laborers with high scientific and technological knowledge and cultivation management skills in rural areas go out to work, and the corresponding cultivation and management techniques The measures cannot keep up, and the implementation of agricultural production and the promotion of scientific and technological measures has become much more difficult.
Fourth, the work plan of XX work plan adheres to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx", thoroughly implements the scientific development concept, and regards maintaining the steady and rapid development of the agricultural and rural economy as the primary task, and comprehensively implements the party's xx The spirit of the Fourth, Central and Plenary Sessions of the xxth Session and the Central, Provincial and State Agricultural and Rural Economic Work Conferences. Focusing on the four key points of stabilizing grain, increasing income, strengthening foundation, and focusing on people's livelihood, we will conscientiously implement the party's policies for strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, base on the 12th Five-Year Agricultural Development Plan, increase the promotion and application of agricultural science and technology, and strengthen scientific and technological support. Strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, optimize the structure of agricultural industry, increase investment in policy production of agricultural production, actively promote reform and innovation, ensure the food security of the county and the effective supply of major agricultural products, promote the continuous growth of farmers' income, and achieve economic and social well-being. Rapid development provides a strong guarantee.
Target task
The main goal of the county's agricultural work in XX year is: the total sown area of ​​crops is 740,000 mu, an increase of 0.36 million mu or 0.5% over the previous year. Among them, the sown area of ​​grain and bean crops is 545,000 mu, and the total grain output is 92 million kg. It increased by 1.07% from the previous year, an increase of 1.2%; the planned area of ​​economic crops was 170,000 mu, an increase of 0.49 million mu over the previous year. The fishery culture area is 3,200 mu, and the output of aquatic products is 1.1 million kilograms, an increase of 50,000 kilograms or 4.8% over the previous year. The county's total output value of planting and fishery reached 355 million yuan, an increase of 38 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 12%. It plans to carry out 3,000 rural labor transfer training and achieve an organized output of 3,000 people. The county has 50,000 migrant workers working abroad, an increase of 2 million over the previous year, and realized labor income of 250 million yuan, an increase of 1800 over the previous year. Ten thousand yuan, an increase of 7.8%. The plan realized that the per capita net income of farmers was 2,580 yuan, an increase of 275 yuan or 12% over the previous year; farmers' per capita possession of food was 403 kilograms, an increase of 4 kilograms or 1% over the previous year. At the same time, the county's agricultural production infrastructure has been greatly improved, and the production of high-yield, high-quality, high-efficiency, ecological and safe agricultural products has been further developed. Food security and agricultural product supply have been effectively guaranteed, agricultural technology and equipment have been greatly improved, and agricultural internal structure has been improved. It is more optimized, the industrial layout is more scientific and reasonable, and the various undertakings of rural reform and development are steadily advancing.
Work focus and safeguards
1. Attach great importance to food production and ensure that the effective supply of staple agricultural products and the production of major agricultural products continue to be the focus of agricultural work in XX. It is necessary to ensure food security and effective supply of major agricultural products: First, it is necessary to appropriately expand the county's crops, especially the area planted with grain, vigorously promote the intercropping and intercropping techniques of dryland crops, increase the development of spring and winter agriculture, and improve the utilization rate of cultivated land. The second is to increase the promotion of “two miscellaneous” varieties and improve the coverage of “two miscellaneous” varieties. On the basis of consolidating the development of the dam area, we will focus on strengthening the promotion and planting of remote mountainous areas, especially the Shishan District. The area of ​​hybrid corn planted in Shishan District will be expanded by 15,000 mu on the basis of the previous year. The third is to strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control technology of crop pests and diseases, conscientiously implement measures for disaster prevention and reduction, improve the ability of agriculture, especially food production, to resist risks, and reduce the loss of food disasters. Fourth, according to the requirements of provincial and state food production creation activities, we will pay close attention to the establishment of high yield of rice and corn, intercropping and intercropping, and promote the development of food and major agricultural products.
2. Conscientiously implement the state's policies for supporting agriculture and benefiting agriculture, further solidly grasp the propaganda, implementation, and implementation of the state's policies for supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers, ensuring comprehensive subsidies for farmers' increased production of agricultural materials, subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, subsidies for livestock support, and grain production. Subsidies and other crop subsidies for wheat are distributed to farmers in full and on time to promote the county's agricultural development and farmers' income.
3. Grasping the construction of advantageous agricultural product production bases, actively promoting the adjustment of crop production structure, earnestly grasping the construction of production bases for superior agricultural products such as commercial vegetables, high-quality rapeseed, high-quality fruits, high-quality grain beans, tea production, and famous aquaculture. The planting structure will promote the economic growth of the people.
4. Comprehensively do a good job in the construction of agricultural development projects, and firmly grasp the country's efforts to expand domestic demand, increase domestic investment demand, increase investment opportunities in project construction, and carefully study the industrial policies and investment priorities of the state, provinces and states, and fully tap The resources and advantages of agricultural development in our county, do a good job in planning and reserve of various projects, timely prepare and report appropriate industrial development projects, do a good job in project declaration, improve the approval rate of projects, and strive for more projects. Invest in the agricultural development of our county.
5. Strengthen the quality and safety of agricultural products, comprehensively improve the quality and safety of agricultural products, conscientiously implement the "Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law", vigorously promote the "Action Plan for Pollution-free Agricultural Products", formulate and improve the pollution-free technical measures for planting and fishery breeding, and strengthen the investment in agricultural chemistry. The supervision of products strictly controls the pollution of chemical inputs, strengthens the “three products” declaration certification and the creation of agricultural product brands, improves the ability of agricultural products to enter the market and occupy the market, strengthen the investment in the construction of agricultural product quality and safety systems, and gradually improve the agricultural products of our county. Detection ability and level.
6. Strengthen the construction of agricultural professional cooperative organizations and the cultivation and support of leading agricultural enterprises, and promote the process of agricultural industrialization.

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