Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of rural distance education work

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the Party's xx, xx, and 5th Plenary Sessions, establish and implement the scientific development concept, strengthen the party's grassroots organization, foster a group of "double belt" learning models, and train a group of "double Strong "operational skills", improve the scientific development of rural party members and cadres in the construction of new socialist countryside, the ability to get rich, the implementation of policies, the ability to do things according to law, resolve contradictions, promote the ability of harmony, the ability to work hard, pragmatic and innovative. In conjunction with the actual situation, Tianding Township has researched and formulated the "X-township Distance Education Training Plan" and adopted five powerful measures to effectively strengthen the implementation of distance education.

First, strengthen organization and leadership. According to the spirit of the relevant archives of the Organization Department of the District Committee, the township party committee regards the rural distance education work as an important task of the party building work, clearly deputy secretary of the township party committee personally, the township party building office is responsible for the specific, actively explore training methods, improve training Quality, and guide the distance education work in the township.

The second is to highlight the key points of training. Focusing on the construction of "quality engineering" for rural party members and grassroots cadres, and further improving the benign mechanism of "cadre education and the people benefit", and forming a long-term mechanism for rural grassroots cadre education and training. Adhere to the political theory education as the focus, with post business training, practical technical training and academic education to complement, comprehensively improve the overall quality of village cadres, and strengthen the ability of village cadres to lead the people to develop the economy, increase income and get rich.

The third is to emphasize the effectiveness of training. Adhere to the theory and practice, reflect the requirements of the times, and teach and apply what is needed according to the needs. The training covers political theory, ideological style education, basic theory of party building, socialist market economy knowledge, laws and regulations, rural economic and social management knowledge, Rural practical technology and other aspects.

The fourth is to implement training funds. At the beginning of the year, the township party committee included the funds for distance education in the budget, and made overall arrangements to ensure that the education and training work was implemented and received practical results. Tianding Township has established 3 distance education sites, with a total investment of nearly 100,000 yuan. This year, a distance education site and a party member service center will be established in the new office building of Yanlian Village. According to the research decision of the township party committee, it is ready to invest nearly 100,000 yuan to build the village of xx into a demonstration project site in Tianding Township.

The fifth is to strengthen supervision and inspection. From time to time, the township party construction office will supervise and inspect the rural distance education work, inform the township party of the relevant situation in a timely manner, give a good report on the long-distance education work, and give a notice to the villages that do not pay attention to the distance education work. Through strong supervision and inspection, we will ensure the healthy development of distance education and lay a solid foundation for building a new socialist countryside and building a harmonious society to train new talents.

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