Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Half-year summary of new rural construction

Since the beginning of this year, xx Township has steadily promoted the spirit of the archives of the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China XX on Advancing the Construction of a New Socialist Countryside" on the basis of the work requirements of the new rural construction of the district committee and district government, combined with the actual situation of the township. Solid development and achieved initial results. The work report on the construction of new socialist countryside in my hometown is reported as follows:
First, the formation of the team, the organization of the leadership of the organization, the establishment of a township party committee secretary, the head of the township and the deputy head of the agricultural deputy head of the deputy head of the group, the village cadre as a member of the new rural construction leading group. Under the new rural construction office, the deputy head of the township is also the director of the office, responsible for daily work.
Second, formulate plans and implement work development measures. First, make plans. In accordance with the general goal of "production development, abundance of life, civilized villages, clean villages, and management of democracy", combined with the specific reality of the expansion of small towns in the central area of ​​the township, we have carefully formulated the "Xinxiang Sun Village Socialist New Countryside". The Five-Year Plan for Construction has comprehensively proposed the guiding ideology, basic principles, target requirements and work arrangements for the construction of new rural areas, and specifically formulated the construction planning and demonstration village construction plans. The second is to implement measures. On the basis of formulating long-term plans, we also issued the “Specific Implementation Plan for the Construction of Socialist New Countryside in XX Years in XX Years”, and further implemented the work measures such as propaganda, fund raising and putting into use of new rural construction. Through extensive and in-depth publicity in various forms such as meetings, newspapers, slogans, and learning materials, the policies and specific spirits of the new rural construction have basically become well-known and well-known.
Third, highlight key points and increase the construction of basic hardware. In terms of small towns in Yuefeng, it is necessary to speed up the construction of new rural areas in mountainous areas. In the near future, it is necessary to focus on the construction of basic hardware. If the construction of basic hardware cannot keep up, it will not be possible. Promote the in-depth development of new rural construction. Therefore, the township party committee government closely combined with the actual situation of the township, timely proposed the work development idea of ​​"mainly building basic hardware as the focus, and solidly promoting the construction of new countryside", namely: the area from Sunshine Village to the market, with "two horizontal three Longitudinal “road hardening and drainage channel transformation as the focus, further promote market transformation projects, improve public health facilities, accelerate the construction of solar village-level organization positions, and continuously improve the village-level democratic management level, and determine this year as the construction year for small town infrastructure projects. At present, the construction progress of the new rural areas in our township is: “One horizontal and two vertical” earthwork cleaning and leveling work is basically completed, the road hardens 80 meters, the river embankment is strengthened 30 meters, the total investment is about 110,000 yuan, and the road hardening project is expected to be at the end of September. Completed in early October.
IV. Actively raising funds Under the coordination of the Director of the District Party Committee and the support of the township party committee and the government, 13 friendly units in the district were invited to convene an on-site office meeting and seriously organized the fundraising activities for the new rural construction. Received more than 148,000 yuan of subsidies for new rural construction, of which the people raised 10,000 yuan.
5. There are still many problems in the existence of problems. First, some people have misunderstandings about the construction of new rural areas, and there are varying degrees of dependence on "equal, important, and dependent". Others do not understand, support or cooperate with the party's new rural construction. The existing disputes over history are complicated and there is no good solution.
There is a lack of basis for party members and cadres to drive and participate. The spontaneous participation of villagers in the new rural construction is minimal, just waiting to see. Party members, team leaders, and board members did not play a role in providing strong guarantees and strong backing for construction. The problems were handed over and contradictions were handed over to form the current passive situation.

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