Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of the township women's federation in 2019

In XX, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee Government, under the specific guidance of the Municipal Women's Federation, under the correct leadership of the township party committee and government, in accordance with the overall requirements of the work of the Women's Federation of the City, combined with the actual situation of the township, the XXXX Township Women's Federation fully implemented the party's xx. The spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the Dahe xx, guided by the scientific concept of development, closely follows the development ideas of the party committee and government, and takes advantage of the comprehensive management of urban and rural environment as an opportunity to contact women, serve women, educate women, and safeguard women’s legality. Focus on rights and interests, develop and innovate, and work hard, and strive to lead the majority of women in the township to make new contributions to the economic development of xxxx township. Now the work of the Women's Federation of xxxx Township is summarized in the following:

1. Strengthen leadership and establish sound institutions

The xxxx township party committee government attaches great importance to the development of women and children in our hometown, in order to effectively strengthen the leadership of this work. At the beginning of the year, the party committee and government convened a special meeting, and immediately formed a women's and children's work committee with the deputy secretary of the party committee and the director of the government's township. At the same time, the villages were required to set up corresponding leadership groups. The implementation of responsibilities, clear division of labor, and solidly grasped the development work of women and children in my hometown and achieved certain results.

Second, various forms, carrying out colorful commemorative activities

And launched the "March" Women's Festival Symposium

In order to establish a typical, commend the advanced, and promote the rapid development of rural work. At the rural work conference in my hometown, I commended and rewarded the women's typical performances in the activities of “star-civilized households” and “double-study double-double” in the township. The township selected 2 large pig farmers, 2 large chicken farmers, and 4 large tobacco farmers. At the same time, the "March 8" women's festival activities were held, and a symposium of the directors of the Women's Congress of the whole township was actively organized. At the meeting, everyone was brave enough to speak and express their opinions.

Commemorating the "Mother" Festival

1. In the xxxx national small, “a painting for mothers” was held, and three lower grade children participated in the event;

2. One session of women's health care knowledge lectures was held, and 45 women were educated. They fully recognized the importance of health care knowledge and raised their awareness of self-care.

3. The Rural Women's Federation actively cooperated with the township family planning station and the family planning service station to carry out the “General Gynecological Disease Survey” and the free investigation of the pregnancy. 1,252 women received the census. A total of 43 people were diagnosed with the disease, early detection and early treatment.

4. In each village school, the activity of “Promoting Love to Mothers” was carried out, and students were actively asked to do good things for their mothers at home, cleaned up, washed and washed, sheets and sheets, and purified the living environment.

Celebrate the "June 1st" commemoration

1. Carry out propaganda work, vigorously publicize the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, the Law on the Protection of Minors, etc., and affix 20 slogans.

2. Convene the "June 1" celebration. In the National Elementary School, children’s talent shows and cultural performances such as rivers and skipping ropes were held, and prizes were awarded to the winning small players.

Launched a demonstration campaign to create a “governing environment, Jiemei homeland”

In accordance with the arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee's “Research on the “Seven-entry” activities for the comprehensive improvement of urban and rural environment”, the Xxxx Township Women's Federation has carried out the activities of “governing the environment and Jiemei homeland” in the township. During the event, a demonstration household was also recommended to the City Women's Federation and received a commendation.

Third, increase publicity efforts and vigorously promote women's quality engineering

We organize a monthly study meeting of women cadres, employees and directors of women's congresses in government organizations. We will organize the study of the party's xx big, scientific development concept, and the public essays. Guideline policies, study the laws and regulations such as the "Basic National Policy on Gender Equality", and carefully study the notes. At the same time, the director of the Women's Congress is required to organize the team leader of the Women's Congress to actively watch the modern tele-party audio-visual program "Time Women" and "Movies". Up to now, the town has played 30 movies and tens of thousands of viewers. The quality of the majority of women has been continuously improved.

Taking the comprehensive improvement work of urban and rural environment as an opportunity, focusing on the implementation of the “six major projects” of purification, greening, beautification, lighting, hardening, and residents' behavioral norms, with the goal of building the cleanest, most beautiful and most harmonious xxxx township, In the whole township, the activities of “governing the environment and beautifying the homeland” were vigorously carried out. At the same time, the training of the whole village women was carried out with the content of “family virtue knowledge, health care knowledge, practical technology and environmental sanitation”. A good result. Through propaganda and education, the majority of cadres and people in the township have changed from the past “I want to clean” to the current “I want to clean” and consciously participate in clean and sanitation work. Through the comprehensive management of urban and rural environment, the ideological concepts of the broad masses of the people in the township have undergone profound changes, and the pursuit of civilized, standardized, and standardized individual behavior has become a common practice.

We will continue to carry out the "Double-Study and Double-Size" competition and vigorously promote the "Women's Science and Technology Enrichment Project." In the "Double-Study Double-Double" activity, we will focus on the economic development project of the whole town, and take the creation activities of the "Women's Demonstration Village" as the carrier, in accordance with the construction of "production development, ample life, civilized villages, clean villages, and democratic management". The requirements for the construction of a new socialist countryside have intensively carried out the creation activities of the “Daily Demonstration Village”. In the purpose of improving women's production skills, increasing income and getting rich, we will broaden the channels for income increase and vigorously develop large-scale households and breeding bases that are dominated by women. First, continue to develop large-scale female-owned households and breeding bases based on women. Through this year's mobilization organization training, 11 new large-scale breeding and breeding companies will be established, 2 pig breeding bases and 1 chicken breeding base will be built. The second is to carry out the “Development of Models”, which will lead women to participate in the construction of new countryside. With the activities of “Women's Jiangong Demonstration Village” and “Women's Demonstration Households” as the carrier, the company has carried out the creation of advanced posts and advanced individual series. At the same time, with the creation of “farming and planting female expert” activities as a platform, the rural women’s ability to get rich is continuously improved. The third is to earnestly grasp the work of helping the poor. There were 110 left-behind children in the township, 70 empty-nest elderly and 73 left-behind women. They took assistance measures and implemented responsible persons. The fourth is to actively organize training sessions for tuberculosis prevention and control knowledge involving 83 female employees, village cadres, women directors, and women's congress leaders.

In short, under the specific leadership of the Women's Federation of the City in the past year, under the correct guidance of the Party Committee and the government, with the support of various departments, the xxxx Township Women's Federation has done a lot of work and achieved certain results. However, there is still a long way to go from the requirements of the higher authorities. There are still many shortcomings in the work. In the next year's work, we must work hard to improve, innovate, and do a good job in the work of women and children. Strive for the economic development of xxxx township!

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