Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of improving and improving township control ability

**The town carried out “improving and improving the township ruling style,
The pilot project of strengthening the township and township regulation capacity is the fourth largest town in the city of **, a key town in Zhejiang Province. In XX, it was identified as a national key town by the Ministry of Construction and other six ministries. It is 18.5 kilometers away from the urban area. 60.2 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of 61 villages, including 58 administrative villages, 3 residential areas, population of 73,000. According to the organization of the ** city organization, the ** municipal committee will "improve and improve the township ruling style, enhance the township control ability" In the pilot work, the work of strengthening the leadership team and cadre team construction, attaching importance to and strengthening the construction of village-level organizations will be carried out in the pilot work of our town. **The town has 125 employees in the town, including 60 administrative staff, 53 There are 78 people in the business, and there are 72 people in the business. There are four in one. The pilot work started in mid-August to the end of October, and a series of pilots were organized for the specific work requirements of the Ruian Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Organization Department. The reform has achieved certain results. The relevant situation of the pilot work is briefly reported as follows:
First, the specific work practices
1. Leaders attach importance to and unite their minds. After the pilot project in our town, the leadership and organization department of the municipal party committee attached great importance to it and repeatedly visited the town for investigation and guidance. The township committee put the work in the first place in the town and took it as an important political task. A pilot work leading group with the secretary as the team leader, the members of the team and the heads of various departments as members was established to guide and coordinate the pilot work. It also convened a special meeting to clarify the importance and urgency of the significance of the pilot work to all the cadres of the town government, and unified the thoughts of all cadres into the decision-making of the municipal party committee, and considered the pilot work with a global height and political height. Through the meeting, propaganda and guidance, unified the thinking of all people, so that all cadres understand, participate in and support this work.
2. Brainstorming and improving the program. Fully respect the wishes of the cadres and the people, and listen to their opinions and suggestions in the pilot work. This is the basis for formulating the implementation plan and the key to ensuring the successful implementation of the plan. From the beginning to the end of the pilot work, it was only a short period of three months. During the three months, the town held a series of special meetings for the pilot work. There were 20 meetings, and the participants were carefully listened to during each meeting. And suggestions, and then improve the implementation plan of the pilot work, and then openly implement the discussion of the draft plan, and hold a meeting again to listen to the opinions of many parties. In the pilot work, our town has successively drafted the implementation plan. On the basis of synthesizing the opinions and suggestions of all parties, it was determined that the specific implementation plan was reported to the higher authorities to ensure the smooth, orderly and effective implementation of the pilot work.
3. Clear tasks and division of labor. This pilot mainly accomplishes two tasks: one is to strengthen the leadership team and the cadre team, and the second is to attach importance to and strengthen the construction of village-level organizations. These two tasks involve a wide range of issues, involving towns and villages, and things are so numerous. Our town will further refine the work tasks, the members of the town team will be responsible for the division of labor, and the responsibility will be implemented to specific personnel. For example, the discipline inspection secretary is responsible for the formulation of the organization system for the town team and the democratic decision-making of the team; the deputy secretary of the party group is responsible for the formulation of the internal organization of the town government. The relevant system for the construction of village-level organizations; the deputy mayor of agriculture is responsible for the formulation of the rural village management system. Through the division of labor, the responsibility of each person is clarified and the progress of the pilot work is accelerated. In less than two weeks, our town has formulated the "Middle-level Cadre Competition Induction Program", "Encourage outstanding college students to enrich the village two committees", "Full-time rural instructor system", "to further play the role of group organizations, industry associations and intermediaries A series of texts, such as the relevant opinions, the "Working Rules for Village Organizations" and the "Detailed Rules for Village Affairs". The introduction of these texts further ensures the operability of the pilot work. This is also the reason why the pilot work in my town did not encounter great resistance and smooth development.
4. Highlight key points and steadily advance. According to the specific measures and plans formulated by the pilot work, the priorities and priorities will be clearly defined. Firstly, the town's institutional setting plan will be announced, and the middle-level cadres will be piloted for the post. After the successful completion of the work, the office will be withdrawn and publicized and mobilized, the full-time resident cadre will be selected, and the village-level organization will be carried out. A series of work such as the implementation of the maintenance system gradually progressed steadily and was successfully completed.
II. Achievements Our town successfully completed the tasks assigned by the municipal party committee. Through this pilot work, it played a positive role in the internal relations of Lishun Town, strengthening the construction of village-level organizations, and strengthening the township government's ability to regulate and control. The specific results are as follows:
1. Optimize the structure of the team. On the basis of the “three-set” plan for the reform of the town’s government institutions, by adopting the principle that the leading cadres “can’t enter only” and the party and government leaders cross the position, the current 16 leadership positions in the town are adjusted to 11 and the leadership is reduced. The number will effectively solve the overlapping problem of division of labor, promote the unity and efficiency of the team, and enhance the ability to control.
2. Reduced management level. Withdrawal of the office of the company, the integration of all the staff of the original office into the unified deployment of the town, reduced the management level of the cadres and workers and the intermediate links, and improved the efficiency of work.
3. Clear job responsibilities. The establishment of the internal organization of the integration agency will merge the original “three offices and five bureaus” of the town government into six offices. That is, the party and government office, the party affairs office, the political and legal office, the economic development office, the social affairs office, and the village construction management office. Formulate the "Working Responsibilities of Institutions in the Town", clarify the scope of responsibility of each office, and break the overlapping of the establishment of the organization before the pilot work, the unclear authority, and the unclear drawbacks. All the public institutions of the township shall be managed according to the functions of the corresponding office, and the personnel shall be uniformly deployed and used by the town party committee to enhance the ability to control personnel.
4. Cultivate the use of young cadres. The leaders of the middle-level institutions in the pilot towns were determined by means of competitive employment. Twenty-one town government staff passed the procedures of trust evaluation, competitive speech, and organization evaluation, and 13 of them took up the middle-level leadership positions in the town. The youngest of the 13 middle-level cadres is 23 years old, with an average age of 33 years. There are 6 new middle-level leaders, including 2 incumbent and 4 in deputy. Trained and used a group of young and strong successors with certain working ability. Through the job-seeking, fully respecting the talents and making the best use of them. Mobilized and exerted the enthusiasm and subjective initiative of middle-level cadres. Using personal self-recommendation and organizational review, two young town cadres were identified as two full-time resident cadres in two more complex villages to cultivate the practical experience of young cadres and the ability to deal with complex problems, and to strengthen guidance at the village level.
5. Enhanced regulation of departmental stations. Implement the territorial management of party organization relations. Except for the provisions of the higher-level party organizations, the party organization relations of the relevant grass-roots stations in the town are all managed by the town party committee. After the pilot work, four stations have moved their organizational relations into the town, strengthening the town party committee's organization and management of the grassroots stations. When the municipal functional department is in charge of the person in charge of the grassroots station, it must solicit opinions from the townships and towns, and enhance the ability of the township party committee and government to regulate and control.
Third, the existing problems and the next step are intended to be carried out after the pilot work. After a period of operation, several problems are exposed, which are summarized as follows:
1. Some people in the villagers did not understand the matter of withdrawing the office. It is believed that the cancellation of the ** office will bring disadvantages to the work and work of the 13 administrative villages under the former Yushe Office, and may even affect the local economic development. In view of the people's ideological dynamics, the town plans to convene the village party members and villagers' representatives to revoke the benefits and opinions of the office to the village party members and village representatives. Dispel their concerns and unify their thinking.
2. Institutions within the town government, because the running-in time is not long, the operation is not smooth enough, the next step will be to further improve the internal work responsibilities of the office, clarify the scope of work of the special person, implement the responsibility of the work to the specific responsible person, straighten out the internal relationship, do things There are people who are in charge of the situation, and there are no overlapping, cross-over, and blank work responsibilities to ensure efficient and smooth operation of the town's institutions.
3. It is difficult for college students to go to the village to work. At present, college students in our town require higher enthusiasm for the job in the village. There are more than 20 eligible applicants. Since the number of positions in the two committees of the village is basically sufficient, this has caused inconvenience for college students to work in the village. Some villages are complicated. Although the township committee can agree to increase the number of posts in the two committees, the opinions of the two committees are not uniform. The party members and the people are more sensitive to democratic elections. In addition, the university students are not deeply involved in the world, and their experience is lacking. purpose.
4. Organize research, find out the situation, continue to deepen and improve the pilot work, and strive to comprehensively open six tasks for the pilot work in the next year.

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