Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the anti-drug work in the township in 2019

In order to effectively strengthen the anti-drug work, effectively curb the penetration and spread of drugs, comprehensively implement the responsibility system for drug control, comprehensively promote the in-depth development of the anti-drug people's war, complete various anti-drug work tasks, and ensure that the results of the “non-toxic township” in our country in XX will continue to be consolidated. The spirit of the Anti-Drug Law of the People's Republic of China and the Implementation Plan of the Anti-Drug People's War of the County. In XX, our township earnestly implemented the spirit of the superiors' instructions, strengthened the concrete implementation of the anti-drug work, and strengthened the implementation of the leadership responsibility system. Under the leadership of the township party committee and the government, and the active participation of the village anti-drug volunteers. Seriously carry out anti-drug work. Further consolidate the results of “non-toxic townships”. The relevant situation is reported as follows:
First, clear ideas and comprehensively implement the drug responsibility system.
The first is to implement leadership responsibilities. In light of the actual situation of the township, our township set up a township anti-drug leading group to clarify the guiding ideology and determine the work objectives. The main leaders of the townships shall earnestly perform the duties of the first responsible person in the anti-drug work of the township; the responsible persons of the villages and units shall be the first responsible persons of the unit and the anti-drug work of the village, and shall be the leader of the anti-drug agencies of the various units and villages, and include the anti-drug work in the party committee and government. , the department and units and the main leaders of the villages in the performance assessment content; level by step, department by department, unit by level to sign the responsibility, the implementation of "one-vote veto" in the comprehensive management of social security; the scientific positioning and tasks of the department's anti-drug responsibility Distribution, so that the assessment and investigation of departmental responsibilities are truly implemented. The second is to implement "two-level bundling." The first level is bundled with the village cadres Baocun, responsible for guiding, inspecting, supervising and ensuring the rectification of the anti-drug work in each village; the second level is responsible for the creation of the village cadre package group. Implement the bundling responsibility, ensure that the package is guaranteed, and ensure that the package is packaged to the end. Through the implementation of two levels of bundling, the combination of responsibilities and joints not only enhances the sense of responsibility and responsibility of the bundled personnel, but also facilitates the timely identification of problems and deficiencies at the grassroots level and timely resolution. The third is to strictly assess rewards and punishments. In accordance with the overall objectives of the anti-drug work in the township and the implementation of specific tasks, the work has been well-recognized and rewarded at the end of the year. The work was not in place, the publicity and education were weak, and the monitoring measures for the insurance were not implemented. As a result, the drug-related situation in the village was out of control, and it was insisted on serious treatment. Due to the implementation of the responsibility, rights, and interests of the three links, the township anti-drug work responsibility, the measures in place, the effect is better.
Second, vigorous publicity, efforts to create a social environment for the anti-drugs of the whole people, strengthen anti-drug propaganda, and build an anti-drug atmosphere is a basic work for the fight against drug abuse and rectification. First, pay attention to the promotion of layers. Since the county's anti-drug work conference, the township party committee and government have convened a group meeting to study and deploy the anti-drug work in the township, and convened a mobilization meeting to strengthen the non-toxic township. The villages immediately convened all village group cadres and party members' meetings. In the township, a large-scale publicity campaign was organized. During the event, more than 10 propaganda charts were posted in the township, 230 publicity notices, 300 temporary slogans, more than 10 slogans for permanent propaganda slogans, and 12 bulletin boards. The high-pressure situation of the fight against drug abuse and rectification. The second is to strengthen key education. Young people, government officials and drug-related personnel are the top priority of anti-drug publicity and education. In the past year, ** Township has adhered to the principle of “treating the source of drugs, taking four bans, strictly enforcing the law, treating both the symptoms and the root causes” and paying close attention to the anti-drug work. Constantly increase the efforts of the teachers and students of the school and the public's anti-drug propaganda work, and use the ** township middle school as a platform for the county-level anti-drug education demonstration school. In the past year, the ** township has twice made the ** township national small and the public Anti-drug knowledge lectures, and timely publicity of the "Anti-Drug Law" in the jurisdiction. More than 20 slogans were posted and more than 900 anti-drug leaflets were distributed. The initiative and consciousness of the people's participation in drug control have been raised, and the achievements of creating a “non-toxic township” have been consolidated. The majority of young students in the township have deepened their understanding of the dangers of drugs in various activities of learning and learning, and formed a strong atmosphere of cherishing life and rejecting drugs. The non-toxic township office in the township also organized a legal training course for the owners of individual and private enterprises in the township. The majority of private owners generally raised their awareness of drug control and effectively prevented the influx of chemicals in the township from production, transportation, use and sales. Illegal channel issues. The strong propaganda momentum has raised the awareness of the whole society on the drug problem, and the awareness of anti-drug, anti-drug and anti-drug has never been higher.
Third, strengthen management, and actively implement tracking to help.
In order to ensure that the anti-drug work has been implemented, the township has implemented key management and tracking assistance. Strictly implement the "four in one" help. In accordance with the principle of "four in ones" in the family, village, township and police stations, we have made measures to help and control the people in each jurisdiction, and to do the "five knowledge" to help the teaching target, that is, to understand the basic situation, to understand the scope of major social contacts, Know the family's economic situation, know the ideal situation of reality, and know the time and direction of abnormal activities. Focus on creating activities to consolidate the results of remediation. At present, there are no domestically planted drug-producing plants, drug-making, drug-trafficking and drug-using personnel. Through the implementation of a series of effective measures such as eliminating drug abuse, recommending help, and prohibiting trafficking, the promotion of non-toxic townships has been promoted.
Fourth, based on prevention, establish a long-term mechanism for drug control.
In the past XX years, in accordance with the requirements of the National, Provincial, Municipal, and County Narcotics Control Committees, our township has insisted on promoting the establishment by rectification, creating an effect of strengthening remediation, and integrating the work of consolidating non-toxic townships into the dual-civilization construction and social security comprehensive management of the township. The parents-team leader---village head---the requirements of the four-term responsibility system of the head of the township, earnestly carried out the creation of non-toxic families, non-toxic units, non-toxic campus activities, and initially consolidated the achievements of the "non-toxic township" in our township.

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