Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of Food Safety Work of County Agricultural Bureau in 2019

In order to ensure the food safety of our county and protect the health and safety of the people's people, according to the Notice of the Luojiang County People's Government Office on Printing and Distributing the Main Points of Food and Drug Safety in Luojiang County in XX Year and the Office of the People's Government of Luojiang County With regard to the issuance of the "Luojiang County Strictly Combating the Illegal Addition of Foods to Strengthen the Special Action Plan for Food Additives Supervision" and other file requirements, the Office attaches great importance to the food safety work on the important agenda, carefully organized and carefully implemented. The food safety work in XX is summarized as follows.
I. Strengthening Organization and Leadership and Implementing Responsibilities In order to strengthen the organization and leadership of food safety work, the Agriculture Bureau was established by the Director as the team leader and deputy director as the deputy leader, the Policy and Regulations Unit, the Science and Education Quality Unit, the Law Enforcement Brigade, and the Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Supervision Unit. , the plant protection station, the soil and fertilizer station, the agricultural technology station, the seed station, the person in charge of the station is the member of the agricultural product food safety work leading group. At the same time, clarify their responsibilities and do their duties and responsibilities. The Policy and Regulations Unit and the Law Enforcement Brigade are responsible for the lead and coordination of various law enforcement inspections for agricultural product quality and safety. The plant protection station, agricultural technology station, seed station and Jingzui station are responsible for the guidance of high quality and efficient production technology of agricultural products, and the agricultural product quality safety supervision unit. Responsible for the quality and safety supervision and sampling monitoring of agricultural products, the soil and fertilizer station is responsible for the environmental monitoring of the production area, and the Science and Education Quality Unit is responsible for relevant training and publicity work. Each stock station will do the relevant work according to the division of responsibilities, so as to achieve the food safety work by dividing the work and cooperation.
Second, strengthen the supervision of agricultural input products, and severely crack down on illegal illegal addition of food. The Bureau has carried out law enforcement inspections and strengthened daily inspections on agricultural inputs, pesticides, fertilizers and seeds. The key point is to crack down on production, management and use of high-toxic and high-residue residues. Pesticide behavior, illegal addition of non-edible substances and abuse of food additives. At the same time, in the spring and autumn, the special measures for the anti-counterfeiting of agricultural materials were carried out to prevent counterfeit agricultural materials and prohibited inputs from entering agricultural production.
In the first ten days of July, the bureau also launched a special rectification campaign for agricultural resources with a focus on water-soluble fertilizers and plant growth regulators for 10 days. In this operation, a total of 35 water-soluble fertilizer varieties were inspected, and 7 plant growth regulators were inspected. The operators who had problems with some of the products sold were given warnings and penalties for prohibiting sales of problem products.
In XX, the bureau dispatched 113 law enforcement personnel in food safety work, dispatched 151 inspection and management enterprises, inspected the market 73 times, filed 8 cases, and completed 6 cases.
Third, strengthen the training of agricultural capital management personnel, improve the awareness of law-abiding and the quality of employment
In XX, the bureau conducted three trainings on laws, regulations and professional knowledge of agricultural capital management households, and trained 246 person-times. It also conducted professional knowledge and relevant laws and regulations for agricultural resource management personnel. Qualification certificate. By strengthening training and implementing the system of holding certificates, the awareness and professional knowledge of agricultural business operators have been improved, and the quality of employment has been guaranteed.
Fourth, strengthen publicity, increase public awareness In order to ensure the smooth development of food safety work, create a good atmosphere for food safety rectification, the Bureau, in combination with the actual use of meetings, training, sending technology to the countryside and other forms of cadres and workers, enterprises, bases, farmers We will carry out various kinds of publicity and vigorously popularize the laws and regulations such as the Food Safety Law, the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Law, and the spirit and related knowledge of combating the illegal addition of non-food substances and food additives. In XX, more than 4,000 relevant publicity materials were distributed.
While strengthening publicity efforts, in order to give full play to the supervisory role of the general public, the bureau announced the report complaint telephone number 0838-3121298 to ensure that the public reported complaint channels were smooth, and timely submitted various job information to the county food and drug safety committee.
V. Intensive training, signing commitments, and implementing the main responsibility of food safety According to the archives of the “Notice on Printing and Distributing the Work Plan for the Centralized Education and Training of Food Production and Management Personnel in the County of Luojiang County Food and Drug Safety Committee”, the bureau The production and management personnel of capital and agricultural products carried out centralized education and training, with a total of 148 person-times.
In order to implement the producer's main responsibility for food safety and ensure the quality and safety of edible agricultural products, the County Agricultural Bureau organized agricultural product producers, agricultural capital operators, and the “three products and one standard” entity to sign more than 120 copies of agricultural product quality and safety commitments.
6. Seriously carry out pre-holiday food safety supervision and inspection before the holidays such as “New Year's Day”, “Spring Festival”, “V.1”, “Mid-Autumn Festival” and “National Day”. First, increase the inspection of agricultural inputs and check the agricultural materials before the festival. The market was operated 48 times, and no sales of high-toxic and high-residue pesticides and other prohibited inputs were found. The second is to increase the sampling of agricultural products. A total of 142 agricultural products were sampled before the festival. After testing, no pesticide residues were found to exceed the standard.
7. Strengthen the supervision of planting links, promote the construction of agricultural product bases and the declaration of three products and one standard in the supervision of planting links, increase the guidance of standardized production techniques, and issue field farming operations and inputs for agricultural production bases, enterprises and specialized organizations. Record records such as purchase of production materials, product quality inspection and flow direction, require producers to strictly regulate the use of inputs, strictly implement relevant production technical regulations and pesticide safety intervals, make records of all aspects of production, and establish production files. At the same time, the products that meet the requirements for the certification of the three products and one standard are declared in time. At present, a total of 18 products have obtained the certification of pollution-free agricultural products, one product has obtained the geographical indication of agricultural products, and one product is being declared in the pollution-free agricultural products.
In XX, the construction of a standardized production base was completed at 60,000 mu, including 40,000 mu of grain and oil, 0.5 million mu of vegetables, and 15,000 mu of fruit. A new pollution-free production base will be added to about 200,000 mu.
8. Strengthening the sampling and monitoring of agricultural product quality The use of limited conditions to strengthen the sampling and monitoring of agricultural product quality. In XX, 683 samples of agricultural products from the agricultural production bases, planting monopoly organizations and farmers' markets in the county were tested for pesticide residues. The rate reached 99.5%, including 489 samples of vegetables, and the pesticide residue exceeding rate was less than 1%.
IX. Problems Existing The Food Safety Work of the Bureau has been carried out earnestly. Although it has achieved certain results, there are still problems in the supervision of weak technical strength, lack of professionals, and difficulty in covering all aspects of supervision. At the same time, agricultural product market access and production areas The approval system needs to be further improved, and these are all to be gradually resolved in our future work.

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