Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of poverty alleviation work for rural disabled people

Building a well-off society in an all-round way, with a focus on rural areas, is key to farmers, and it is difficult for people with disabilities. Vice Premier Hui Liangyu said: "Without a well-off person with disabilities, it is not a comprehensive well-off society. Without a society where people with disabilities live and work in peace, it is not a harmonious society in the true sense." In order to further improve the poverty alleviation work for the disabled and accurately grasp the situation of the disabled in the town, the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation organized a special investigation on the current situation of the disabled in our town.
I. The basic situation of disabled people in our town The total population of the town is 18,900, and there are 276 disabled people of all kinds, accounting for 1.46% of the total population of the town, including 14 urban disabled persons and 262 rural disabled persons. From the perspective of labor ability, there are 155 impoverished disabled persons with working ability and partial labor capacity over 18 years old, accounting for 56% of the total number of disabled persons; 32 people with complete loss of working ability, accounting for 12%, mainly relying on parents, brothers and sisters , relatives and friends, or social relief to maintain life. In terms of employment, 89 people employed and employed in the individual accounted for 32%. From the family situation, 61 disabled people in the town are in the state of poverty or poverty, accounting for 22% of the total number of disabled people. The per capita annual income of disabled people in poverty-stricken cities is below 3,600 yuan, and 44 households in rural areas below 2,160 yuan. The disabled people in the town are basically included in the urban and rural minimum living security, but overall, the living standards of the disabled are still far from the normal ones.
With the continuous advancement of society, the increasing poverty alleviation of governments at all levels and the gradual improvement of the social security system, the living environment of disabled people in our town has been improved to some extent, and the standard of living has been increasing year by year. However, due to the low cultural quality, poor labor skills, weak social competitiveness and weak resistance to risk, most disabled people will suffer from poverty or return to poverty due to disability, and the proportion of disabled people in the town to the poor. It is still very large, and the task of helping the poor to help the poor and improve the basic living security system for the disabled is still quite arduous.
II. Analysis of the causes of poverty for the disabled The disability of the disabled due to cultural quality, economic level and physical function, combined with social prejudice against the disabled, makes the disabled have a larger poverty.
First, its own quality is low. Due to the influence of their own disabilities and the external conditions, people with disabilities have been greatly restricted in their production and life. Most of them live in rural areas and have lived in farming for generations.
Second, the labor ability is poor. Due to the influence of physiological functions, the labor form is single, and most of them can only engage in simple and rough production labor. Lack of labor skills leads to weaker social competitiveness and less ability to resist risks.
Third, the phenomenon of multiple households is widespread. For example, Nanjun Village disabled Zhu Junbiao and his wife Wu Shuiying are all disabled. Grandma has a high age and his parents are both dead. Although his grandmother has land-age pension insurance, the age is already high and the family has basically lost their ability to work. This is a typical multi-disabled family. Its life depends mainly on government relief and Zhu Junbiao as the village's cleaning staff to maintain their livelihood. According to the survey, the number of households with multiple disabled people in the town accounted for a large proportion of disabled families, and the support was difficult.
Fourth, there is still a gap in social assistance. The awareness of the relevant departments and the public needs to be strengthened. Some units and departments have more or less disregarding the phenomenon of disability and even discrimination against disabled persons. If they do not actively pay the employment security for disabled persons, they will not dispose of the employment of disabled persons according to national policies. In the implementation process, there are problems such as insufficient implementation and implementation of the preferential policies for people.
Third, the proposal to help the poor and vigorously develop the cause of the disabled, give special support to the special hardship group of the disabled, so that their rights can be better realized, sharing the results of social material civilization and spiritual civilization, not only the urgent needs of the majority of disabled people Demand is also the need of governments at all levels to implement the "Development of Humanitarian Spirit and the Development of Disabled Persons" proposed by the party's xx.
1. Adhere to the scientific concept of development and conscientiously study and solve new situations and problems in the cause of the disabled.
Without the solution to the problem of food and clothing for the disabled, there will be no poverty alleviation of the whole society. The work of helping the poor to help the poor has become a big problem in the economic development and social stability of the whole town. Governments at all levels must have a high sense of responsibility and mission. Guided by the important thinking of “xxxx”, adhere to the scientific concept of development, and integrate poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation into the important agenda, and seriously study and solve the problem of poverty alleviation In the new situation and new problems, the work of poverty alleviation for the disabled will be included in the plate of poverty alleviation work, unified planning, implementation step by step, and the key points for the disabled should be given in terms of funds, materials and technology. It is necessary to formulate corresponding rescue measures for the hot and difficult problems in the production and life of disabled people.
2. Stabilize the employment of disabled people.
Employment is the basis for the survival of disabled people. It is necessary to arrange the employment of disabled people in multiple forms and in multiple channels. While promoting concentrated employment and individual employment, and supporting rural disabled people to engage in productive labor, it is necessary to focus on implementing disproportionately arranged employment for disabled persons. The proportionate employment of disabled persons has been included in the legalization track. In order to ensure the full employment of disabled persons with working ability, the units that do not arrange for the employment of disabled persons must collect the employment security for disabled persons according to law. The security funds are mainly used for vocational training for the disabled, for the collective support of the disabled and for self-employed persons, and for the employment of disabled persons. Increase support for impoverished disabled people, establish poverty alleviation bases for disabled people in towns and villages driven by industry, guide disabled people to learn science, learn technology, stabilize the employment of disabled people, and promote the poverty alleviation of disabled people.
3. It is necessary to further improve the social security system for disabled people.
The first is to establish and improve a minimum living security system for disabled people. Allow the disabled disabled to enjoy the minimum living allowance, and ensure that the basic life of the disabled disabled is protected for a long time.
Second, we must pay attention to and improve the work of dilapidated houses for the disabled in rural areas, and improve the living environment of disabled people as an important task. We will raise funds to help disabled people within the scope of planning, where travel is convenient and production is conducive to production. Building a house to make them live and work.
The third is to improve the new rural cooperative medical care system. Further improve the medical insurance system to solve the problem of people with disabilities getting sick due to illness and returning to poverty due to illness. Establish and improve the urban and rural primary health service network to facilitate the rehabilitation of disabled people. It is recommended that the amount of medical assistance for the disabled should be appropriately increased.
The fourth is to increase the rescue efforts. The government should increase subsidies for medical rehabilitation for the destitute disabled, hospitalization for serious illness, long-term hospitalization for severe mental patients, large children's enrollment, and secondary school assistance. Rescue poor people with disabilities who have suffered losses due to natural disasters.
4. Call on all walks of life to help the disabled and help others to help others with disabilities.
Persons with disabilities are a special and difficult group. We must vigorously strengthen education and practical technical training. We must provide financial, technical and material support to enhance the "hematopoietic" function of disabled people and lay the foundation for the integration of disabled people into society. All walks of life must carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation in helping the poor and the poor. Everyone extends their love and love, and sends the warmth of the party, the government and all walks of life to the hearts of the disabled in a multi-channel and all-round way.
5. Strengthen the construction of rehabilitation service networks for the disabled at the grassroots level and strive to achieve the goal of rehabilitation services for all. All villages should make full use of the venues and rehabilitation equipment to provide high-quality and convenient services for the disabled, so that the disabled can receive rehabilitation and timely recovery and compensation for their labor capacity.
The poverty alleviation work for the disabled is a complicated system project. We firmly believe that the party and the government attach great importance to it and support the community. The selfless dedication and unremitting efforts of the disabled workers have made it possible for the disabled to strive for self-improvement and hard work. The spirit of the town, the goal of the disabled in the town to enter a well-off society will be realized soon.

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