Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Agricultural Bureau New Rural Construction 2013 Work Summary and 2014 Work Ideas

This year, the bureau closely follows the overall development ideas and objectives of the district committees and district governments, conscientiously implements the relevant guidelines and policies of the central government, agriculture, and rural areas, and the spirit of the rural, urban, and district rural work conferences. The requirements of rural civilization, clean villages, and democratic management adhere to the core of promoting urbanization, fully implement the scientific development concept, actively promote new industrialization, pay close attention to infrastructure construction, support and develop basic industries, and implement various projects. Basic work, highlighting the typical demonstration role, and solidly and vigorously promoted the construction of a new socialist countryside.

I. Work on the construction of new countryside in XX

Highlight the exemplary role tree typical. Xx Town xx Village is the only new rural construction demonstration village in our district this year. With the support of party committees and government leaders and departmental units at all levels, the village team is strong, the villagers actively participate, and the measures are strong. The new rural construction in Daming Village is on A new step. First, the leadership attaches importance. Two special meetings were held to make specific arrangements for the construction of the new countryside in Daming Village, and the overall requirements of “sectoral cooperation, town support, village investment, and enterprise apportionment” were put forward. The second is to attract investment. On the basis of the establishment and development of the original x enterprises, the newly introduced x companies such as xx Co., Ltd. have all completed the work of demolition and land use, and entered the substantive construction of the construction; at the same time, the supervisory park enterprises have improved the relevant land use procedures. The third is to improve infrastructure construction. This year, we plan to build two new traffic trunk roads with a width of x meters and hardening x meters. One of them is xx road xx road with a total length of x kilometers, and the other north is connected with xx xx avenues for a total length of x kilometers. It is basically completed; at the same time, to prevent environmental pollution. A sewage treatment station covering an area of ​​x mu will be built on the south side of xx Avenue. The site selection, planning, demolition and design work will be completed and the construction will be carried out intensively; the residential resettlement community is also under construction. Fourth, basic work is often unremitting. Using the propaganda column, technology to the countryside, filming, propaganda team and other forms of publicity activities to enrich the cultural life of the villagers; organized the technical skills training of the villagers; formed the x-person security patrol team; launched the "open office", "One-stop service" to solve problems for the villagers and provide various services.

Highlight new industries for development. The modern logistics industry has developed rapidly in the suburbs, the bonded logistics center has been completed and operated, the construction of Xia Ningxiangkou Phase II and Changsha Railway Freight Terminal has been accelerated, and large-scale logistics supporting industrial projects such as Dahan, Enrui, Grain Grant and Changzhong have started construction. Jinxia Development Zone has gradually become the core of modern logistics in the whole city and even the whole province; Qingzhuhu Convention and Exhibition Center has been completed and successfully held the 23rd real estate fair. The start-up and operation of these large-scale projects are all in the rural areas of our district, which has greatly promoted the construction of new rural areas in our district, vigorously promoted the development of rural areas in our district and accelerated the urbanization process in our district.

Highlight the basic industries and increase revenue. With the acceleration of rural urbanization and the gradual withdrawal of the five regions into the spirit of farming and breeding, the rural area of ​​the region is shrinking year by year, and farmers are increasingly working in the secondary and tertiary industries. First, gradually improve the level of agricultural industrialization. Now the province's provincial and municipal agricultural industrialization leading enterprises have increased to x. This year, Jinxia Development and Construction Corporation successfully passed the municipal-level agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, and recommended xx Co., Ltd. to declare municipal agricultural industrialization leading enterprises and the agricultural industry. Leading enterprises have carried out routine monitoring, and the leading enterprises have been operating normally. Second, although the traditional breeding industry has declined significantly, the industries of high-quality pollution-free vegetables and characteristic aquaculture have shown a stable trend. Newly built x mu of pollution-free vegetable bases, and agricultural products have developed from simple quantities to pursuit of quality. The third is the subsidy for improved varieties. We will conscientiously implement the policy of benefiting the central government and fully implement the rice planting area and subsidies for improved varieties. The fourth is the quality and safety of agricultural products. We have grasped the safety of agricultural products in the breeding industry, inspected and rectified the operation of agricultural resources and animal medicine stores in the whole district, and sealed them from the source; at the same time, the vegetable bases in our district successfully passed routine inspection, provincial inspection and national inspection. . The fifth is rural tourism. The whole district's x farmhouses receive x-10,000 tourists a year, achieving an output value of 1x billion yuan. Among them, the “May 1st” and “11th” Golden Weeks receive x000 passengers and realize an output value of 10,000 yuan.

Highlight the infrastructure environment. Focus on rural infrastructure construction, increase investment, and strive to improve farmers' production and living environment. First, increase investment in water conservancy construction. In the winter and spring, the region has invested more than 100 million yuan in water conservancy construction projects, started to implement many water conservancy projects, moved more than 10,000 square meters of earth and stone, completed more than 10,000 labor days, and demolished houses x x square meters. Completed city-level key water conservancy construction projects and x district-level key projects. The second is the construction of rural roads. This year, it invested more than 10,000 yuan to harden village roads and more than a kilometer. The village has passed the cement road, which is convenient for the villagers to travel. The third is ecological construction. Xx second phase project construction investment of x million yuan, has completed the road hardening x meters, to create x acres and other park landscape facilities, viewing pavilion is under construction; investment x million yuan in the xx town xx village planted x or more xx, Xx, x remaining plants, green village roads x kilometers.

Highlight the basic work and strong service. Strengthen basic work, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers in the construction of new rural areas, and gradually realize the transformation of traditional farmers to new types of farmers, and the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. First, the management of rural cadres. The implementation of the performance appraisal system and the point management system of the village team members has stimulated the vitality of rural work, completed the pilot work of x rural community reform, and realized “open office” and “one-stop service” to facilitate farmers and serve farmers. The second is to improve the service mechanism. The activities of going to the countryside, going to the countryside to send gifts, sending gifts to the countryside, enriching the cultural life of the peasants, carrying out peasant employment training, improving the employability of peasants, and realizing the rural compulsory education “two exemptions and one supplement” and Under the “one-fee system” policy, tuition fees for rural compulsory education are free, and the enrollment rate of rural school-age children reaches 100%. The third is to carry out the activities of “One hundred enterprises and one hundred villages to build a new countryside”. It has mobilized enterprises to implement x new rural construction projects and transfer more than 10,000 rural surplus laborers. The fourth is to learn from foreign experience. Organize some village cadres in Laodaohe Town to visit the “Five Golden Flowers” ​​in Chengdu to learn the advanced experience of Chengdu's new rural construction.

Second, the new rural construction work ideas in XX

guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx", conscientiously implement the spirit of the XX Conference of the Communist Party of China, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, thoroughly implement the scientific development concept, promote rural urbanization as an overview, and achieve the goal of rural well-off Taking the industrialization of rural areas as the concept, focusing on consolidating the construction of rural grassroots organizations, focusing on service development, accelerating the construction of rural infrastructure and vigorously promoting the construction of new countryside.

general idea

Focusing on one center, realizing two transformations, perfecting three-level services, grasping four key points, and making every effort to promote the construction of new rural areas in our district.


1. Further implement the policies of the new rural construction

Party committees, governments and departments at all levels insisted on the spirit of the XX Conference of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the No. 1 archives of the Central Committee, forming a strong synergy for building a new countryside, adhering to the principle of peasants and supplemented by government guidance, and comprehensively promoting the construction of new countryside in our district. .

2. Focus on rural infrastructure construction

Increase the construction of agricultural and rural infrastructure, including rural roads, hydropower, communications, water conservancy and other infrastructure. Improve the road network of rural roads, realize the hardening of village-level roads, and fully integrate the urban and rural road networks; carry out early planning, early deployment and early arrangements for the water conservancy construction in this winter and spring in the whole district, strengthen the management of the dangerous sections that occurred during the flood season, and continue to grasp Good ecological environment governance.

3. Correctly handle the relationship between urbanization and new rural construction, planning and development

New rural construction and rural urbanization should be carried out simultaneously, correctly handle the relationship between planning and development, and carry out comprehensive scientific planning on the basis of development, and try to avoid unnecessary redundant construction in new rural construction and rural urbanization.

4. Dealing with the relationship between agriculture, rural areas and farmers

The issue of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has always been a central concern of party committees and governments at all levels. Especially in urban areas of rural areas, the process of urbanization in rural areas has accelerated. There are many projects in rural areas, and the area of ​​rural land is large, and the number of landless farmers is increasing. Increase education and training for farmers, foster new farmers who adapt to modern society; adhere to open village affairs, open party affairs, and increase transparency.

5. Give full play to the typical demonstration role of the model village

In the past two years, the typical demonstration of the demonstration village in the new rural construction of our district has greatly promoted the construction of the new countryside in our district. It is obvious to all. Expanding the model villages will give greater and stronger demonstration advantages and drive the construction of new countryside in the region.

6. Implement the basic work of the rural areas

We will develop rural education, continue to promote tuition fees for compulsory education, implement basic rural medical insurance, and improve the medical system; carry out various forms of cultural and sports activities to enrich farmers' cultural life; strengthen rural grassroots organizations and improve rural management systems.

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