Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of the township political and legal committee in 2019

In order to conscientiously implement the various tasks assigned by the county party committee, the county government and the county competent department, in accordance with the work arrangements of the township party committee and the government at the beginning of the year and the work plan of the township political and legal committee at the beginning of the year, we will further improve the social comprehensive management of our township. To ensure the social stability of my hometown, the township political and legal committee will report the work of the year as follows:
First, strengthen the organizational construction of comprehensive management of social security.
The township political and legal committee is the leading body that leads the comprehensive management of social security, strengthens the construction of the comprehensive committee for social security, gives full play to its organizational and coordination role in maintaining social security and stability, and coordinates all departments through the Political and Legal Committee to coordinate management and integration. The strength of all parties will jointly solve outstanding problems affecting social stability and social security, establish and improve the social security air defense system, implement various measures for comprehensive social security management, and maintain a good social order.
1. After the stable work meeting at the beginning of the year, the township party committee convened a special meeting on political and legal work in a timely manner, and researched and deployed the comprehensive management of social security in the township according to the actual situation in our township.
The township political and legal committee was adjusted and established, and the township party committee secretary was appointed as the director, the township head, the chairman of the National People's Congress, the political and legal secretary as the deputy director, the police station, the court, the judicial office, the central school, discipline inspection, armed, petition, youth, women's federation, land office, The main person in charge of the Civil Affairs Bureau is the member of the Social Security Comprehensive Governance Leadership Organization. At the same time, the political and legal secretary takes the lead and has signed the responsibility for the comprehensive social governance objectives of the XX years with the villages and township organs. The villages and township agencies have also established corresponding The Social Security Comprehensive Governance Leading Group, each village is under the overall responsibility of the secretary and the director. The governance, the people's command, the law, and the help organization are responsible for the people to the matter, and the implementation is carried out layer by layer. Responsible, each in charge of personnel to grasp specific work.
2. Establish and improve various systems. Formulate a deliberation system, a regular meeting system, a civil mediation system, a public security system, a reward and punishment system, a regular investigation of contradictions, a coordination system, a monthly investigation system, a charge supervision system, a first-inquiry responsibility system, an investigation system, a reporting system, and a zero reporting system. At the same time, do a good job in investigation and registration, general law registration and civil mediation records.
3. Promote the four-level network working mechanism in rural areas and implement the ten-person network responsibility system.
4. Strengthen training and improve quality. The township political and legal committee has conducted intensive training for the heads of the two village committees, the backbone of the group defense group and the security activists. Through training, they have improved their business capabilities and played an active role in effectively maintaining the social stability of the township.
Second, strengthen the team building of group defense and group, and give full play to the role of group defense team.
1. Educate the general public to abide by village regulations and people's covenants, widely publicize the concept of “maintaining public security and responsibility”, publicize public security knowledge, and organize various forms of public security activities.
2. Give full play to the role of veterans and militia groups in maintaining social security work. The township has set up a voluntary security patrol. Members of the patrols have organized patrols to participate in the comprehensive management work, and organized militia veterans as needed. Participate in the comprehensive management of public security to complete emergency tasks.
3. Strengthening the education management of young people, appointing the director of the police station as the vice president of the legal system, and concentrating a legal class for primary and middle school students every month, so that the concept of juvenile legal system is significantly enhanced, effectively preventing the reduction of juvenile delinquency, and the phenomenon of no dropout of primary and middle school students occurs. The illegal and disciplinary cases have been significantly reduced, and the legal propaganda has really played a role.
4. Improve the governance, public relations, patrols, help, education, law enforcement and comprehensive management, and carry out intensive training, improve the quality of each member, give full play to its functional role, enhance the effect of group defense and effectively maintain the society. stable.
5. Strengthen the management of “three-placed personnel”, implement the responsibility for helping the three “three-placers” in our township, encourage and support them to make a fortune, solve their practical difficulties, help the teaching rate reach 100%, and improve the rate. 100%.
Third, ensure social stability and promote the economic development of the township.
1. Continue to carry out in-depth work on double-engineering and focus on solving deep-seated problems affecting public security.
Work for Chuang'an: In order to ensure a good social security order in rural areas, the township has divided 10 safe communities according to the residents' living conditions, implemented the responsibility system for the district chiefs, and carried out ideological transformation work. The special personnel can not be converted and escalated. The power to solve the hidden dangers of public security at the grassroots level, formed a responsibility to the people, and jointly managed, no contradictions intensified, no hidden dangers of public security, no collective petition, the work of Chuangan was truly implemented, and the order of public security in rural areas improved significantly.
Work of creating a model: According to the arrangement of the county comprehensive management committee, our township actively organized and carried out the activities of striving for the social security comprehensive management model township, established organizations at various levels, and formulated plans. The main practice is: the staff of the Comprehensive Management Office often go deep into the public to solicit opinions, formulate 43 rules for village regulations and civil affairs, timely grasp the people and things that have hidden dangers of public security, and report to the township comprehensive management committee once a month, comprehensively In the township problem, the township comprehensive management office conducts a comprehensive management of the township every quarter, finds problems in a timely manner, finds hidden dangers, reports to the township party committee at any time, and studies and solves them at regular meetings.
2. The township comprehensive management leading group conducts inspections in the township, conducts democratic and legal propaganda, strengthens public security management, and strengthens the monitoring of key personnel.
Fourth, actively carry out the activities of creating "safe family" and "democratic rule of law demonstration village".
##村 has established a "four-level networking" system for civil dispute resolution based on the People's Mediation Committee, effectively maintaining social stability, freeing the village's "two committees" from complicated matters and having more energy to carry out Planning and implementing the village's economic development has accelerated the pace of getting rid of poverty and getting rich, giving full play to the role of the party leader, the people's representative, and the village leader, greatly improving work efficiency and effectively preventing conflicts from intensifying.
The village committees and village party branches are well organized and fully functioning. The democratic supervision is powerful, and the village cadres accept the supervision of the villagers' financial management team according to law.
Legal publicity and education are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The villagers insist on learning the law, obeying the law, and teaching the law according to law.
The villages in the township have established and perfected the network of law-enforcement organizations. The village committee members publicized and explained the law-enforcement members, and then publicized them one by one.
Family peace is the cornerstone of social stability. Only when family members are internally stable, society is more harmonious. To this end, we have increased the publicity of the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests and the Regulations on Prevention and Suppression of Domestic Violence in Hebei Province. What he did in the family did not meet the requirements of laws and regulations, and he said that he would seriously correct the mistakes in the future, and the public’s response was great.
While seriously completing their duties, the Comprehensive Management Office has strengthened the cultivation of its own quality, in-depth study of the important idea of ​​"xxxx", participated in the education of honor and disgrace in the township party committee, conducted the education of the socialist rule of law concept, and carried out the window display. Propaganda, completed the infrastructure construction goals, actively participated in the activities of creating advanced stations and activities, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the superiors.

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