Work Summary > Summary of Rural Agricultural Work

Summary of the work of creating three households in towns and towns in 2019

County Civilization Office:
In accordance with the spirit of the relevant archives of the city and county, our town has seriously organized and carried out a good evaluation work, so that the overall quality of the peasant people in the town has been improved and the mental outlook has been improved. The total number of agricultural population in the town is 5,175, and 4,710 households accounted for 91%, accounting for 91%, of which 2,355 are law-abiding households, accounting for 50% of the total number of “three households”, and 1413 households with five good households, accounting for 30%. There are 942 civilized households, accounting for 20%. By appraising the enthusiasm of the whole town for the participation of the collective public welfare undertakings, especially in the winter and spring farmland water conservancy construction and the support of village roads and social road construction, the enthusiasm for participation and participation is obviously high, and the honor of winning the “three households” The sense of self-improvement has greatly improved, and the family neighborhood has been greatly improved. The social security order has improved significantly from the previous year. In particular, the phenomenon of theft and fighting has been effectively curbed. There are no major criminal cases in the whole year. Looking back on the evaluation work in the past year, we mainly did the following work:
First, earnestly strengthen the organization of leadership, responsibility to people: the town party committee set up a "three households" to create a leading group, the deputy secretary to be the team leader, set up an office, three offices specializing in "three households" to create evaluation work. The villages also set up leading cadres, and the village branch secretary is the main responsible person for the village-level evaluation work. It has a team, an office, and a specific person.
Second, vigorously strengthen the propaganda of the "three households" to create evaluation work: the annual party committee will study the establishment of "three households" three times, the village "three positions" will be four times, and the "three households" will be printed more than 100 copies of the evaluation materials. Using the second-level broadcasting to repeatedly publicize the conditions for the creation of the evaluation, the village community held various meetings to consciously cooperate with the enthusiasm of the people to participate in the requirements of the party committee and government.
Third, strictly control the selection and eliminate the passing of the game: "Three households" to create a work flow in the form will greatly hurt the enthusiasm of the people to participate in the creed, we strictly put "three roads" in the evaluation, one is directly compared by the members of the sea election The second is to be screened again by the villagers' representative meeting. The third is to review and set up the case by the township and the legal department. Through the checks at all levels, the quality of the “three households” has been greatly improved.
Fourth, organize the collective listing, enhance the sense of honor: the "three households" selected by the village branch, the village committee organization to send the listing to the household. The Tongyin Village of the pilot village was specially listed by the town party committee and government leaders, and the public's sense of honor was greatly enhanced, and the awareness of the “three households” creation assessment was raised to a higher level.

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