Work summary > Company work summary

Corporate work summary

Article 1:

2019 is about to pass. In the past year, what contribution did you make in your work? A personal work summary can sum up your work well. Let’s look at a sample of 2019 personal work summary for everyone. reference.

Time is like an arrow, time is like a shuttle. I have been working in the blink of an eye for more than a year. Looking back on the past year, I can’t help myself. Under the leadership of the leaders and the joint efforts of my colleagues, and through my own active efforts, I have successfully done my own work, which has gone through an extraordinary test and temper. I am very grateful to the company for giving me this platform for growth, so that I can continue to learn at work, make continuous progress, and slowly improve my own qualities and talents. The following is my summary of my work this year:

First, work attitude, ideological work. I am passionate about my job, strictly self-discipline, abide by various factory regulations, strictly demand myself, position my work, and always maintain a "modest, prudent, self-discipline" attitude. With the help of leaders and colleagues, I always study diligently and actively. Enterprising, strive to improve ourselves, always work diligently, conscientiously complete tasks, perform good job responsibilities, adhere to ideals, strengthen convictions, continuously strengthen learning, and strengthen their own work skills!

Second, equipment operation, work comprehension. Every good employee should have a clear understanding of his work, be familiar with and be skilled in his work. The process is simple, and the operation also needs to be rigorous and meticulous. This requires me to be familiar with and understand the equipment and operation process, and should have strong theoretical knowledge. Not only must we have an understanding of the machine's working operations, but also have the ability to respond to failures and complete the tasks assigned by the leaders. However, due to my limited ability, I can't do it right, so I have many shortcomings and shortcomings in my work. I still lack the principles and work skills of the machine, but these will make me work harder, modest and cautious. Learn from others, improve your ability to work as much as possible, and make yourself the most effective in your position, complete your own work faster and more efficiently, and the interpersonal relationship with other colleagues is also important because of one's ability Limited, the success of everything depends on the collective wisdom, so uniting with colleagues is the prerequisite for successfully completing the tasks assigned by the leadership. This is not only a matter of work, but also in normal life. Uniting other colleagues is not only a personal matter but also a duty of work!

Third, look back and look to the future. For the past gains and losses, I will absorb the favorable factors to strengthen my ability to work, and exclude the unfavorable factors in my future work. One year of work makes me continue to advance on the road to becoming a qualified employee. I believe that through my efforts and cooperation with colleagues. And with the guidance of the leaders, I will become a good employee and give full play to my personal abilities. I also thank the leaders for giving me this suitable working position so that I can contribute to the company. Although I have not done enough in the past year, I believe that in the future work, I will continue to work hard. I believe that as long as I am in the post, I will make my best efforts and put all my energy into it. And ability to use at work, I believe I can do it!

Article 2:

I. Summary of the summary

The summary is a rational reflection of the work that has already been done. It is going to look back at what has been done in the past, how it is done, and how it is done. The summary and the plan are complementary, and based on the plan, the plan is always based on summing up the experience. There is a rule in it: plan - practice - summary - re-plan - practice - and then sum up.

First, the summary has the following characteristics:

1. The work summary requires people to calmly reflect on the work they have done in the past. Through reflection, raising awareness, gaining experience, and laying the foundation for further work.

2. Emphasis on science. Summarizing the experience can't be discussed on the matter, "follow the feelings." It is necessary to discuss the matter, dialectically analyze, and strive to draw scientific conclusions, so as to promote the transformation of work.

3. The combination of narrative and narrative is commented on. In addition to narrative and explanation, the work summary should be discussed. Through the introduction and analysis of typical materials, the author's point of view is clarified, and the lessons learned are organized and theorized, avoiding the two kinds of biases of empty objects and stacked materials.

Second, the type of work summary:

1. According to the time of summary, there are annual summary, half-year summary and quarterly summary. When performing a major task, it is also necessary to summarize in stages or to summarize the stages.

2. According to the scope of the summary, there are unit summary, personal summary, comprehensive summary, and thematic summary.

3. According to the nature of the summary, there are work, production, teaching, scientific research summary.

Second, summarize the preparation before writing

Some people have said that to sum up well, you must sum up it well; to sum up well, you must do a good job and stand against your position. This should be a summary of the experience of writing a summary. A good summary is written on the basis of summing up the work, and it is the people's people who have done it in practice. In real life, some units do not do very well, but when they are summed up, they “spray perfume”, which has no practical significance for the work of this unit and should not be promoted. There are also some achievements in the work of the unit but no typical experience. This situation indicates that the summary work is not done well. Both of the above situations should be avoided. Doing a good summary is an important task of enterprise management and an important means to enhance the cohesiveness of cadres and employees. It needs to be taken seriously.

Summarize what should be done? On the whole, we must mobilize the people and make a summary from the bottom up. The work is done by the people, and the summary should also be done by them. The people should not be separated from the political achievements and racked their brains to make opinions. In the process of summarization, the energyization should be quantified, and the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis should be combined to examine, from the objective facts, to prevent the emotional use, so as to avoid the summary flowing in the form.

In addition, pay attention to the following points when doing a good summary:

1. Pay attention to investigation and research, familiar with the situation

The object of summarization is a task that has been done in the past or completed. When summarizing, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive investigation and study the whole work process through investigation and research. Only in this way can we make a comprehensive summary and avoid partiality.

2, love your job, familiar with the business

Devotion to my job and a strong career are the prerequisites for doing a good job and the basis for a good summary. Write a summary of the business involved, if you are not familiar with the business, it is inevitable.

3. Adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts

The summary is an evaluation of past work. We must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts. As Comrade Chen Yun said, "It is a result of writing achievements, it is a mistake to write mistakes; when it is a big mistake, it is a big mistake, it is a small mistake to write a small mistake. error". This will benefit the present and benefit the future. Exaggerating the results, not reporting good news, and violating the purpose of summarizing should be abandoned.

4, focus on experience, find the law

The ultimate goal of the summary is to draw experience, learn lessons, and find out the rules for doing a good job. Therefore, the summary cannot be stuck in the understanding of surface phenomena and the list of objective cases, and it is necessary to draw conclusions of regularity from practice.

Third, the summary of the writing

First, the structure of the work summary and its content

The year-end summary or the topic summary, the title is usually written in two ways, one is the name of the issuing unit + time + language, such as "Tongren District Tobacco Monopoly Bureau 2004 Work Summary"; the other is in the form of news headlines, such as Songtao County Daxing Visiting Department's cigarette retailer integrity level management topic summary: "customer contention level, integrity and steady sales."

The text is generally divided into the following three parts:

1. Review of the situation

This is the beginning of the summary, called the foreword or small quote, used to explain the reasons for the summary, or to limit the content, scope, purpose of the summary, a brief overview and assessment of the work or process. This part of the text should not be too long, only for general explanation, no analysis or comment.

2, experience experience

This part is the main body of the summary, and the description is carried out after the first part outlines the situation. Some use subheadings to clarify grades and problems, practices and experiences, or achievements and shortcomings. If this is not the case, then people will not be able to grasp the essentials. Thematic summaries can also extract a few experiences to make them stand out and clear.

Use this method to pay attention to the relationship between the various parts. Each part has both relative independence and close internal connection, which makes it possible to form a joint force and jointly explain the basic experience.

3. Future plans

This is the end of the summary. After summarizing the lessons learned in the previous section, it proposes future plans and plans based on the achievements and new situations and requirements of new tasks, and becomes the basis for formulating plans for the new year. The content includes how to carry forward the achievements, overcome existing problems and clarify the direction of future efforts. You can also look to the future and come up with new goals.

Second, the work summary text requirements

1. Be good at focusing

Summarize all aspects of the work of the unit, but can not be divided into primary and secondary, light and heavy, and all aspects must be grasped. What is the focus? It refers to the main experience gained in the work, or the main problems found, or the objective laws explored. Don't distract your pen and ink. Now some of the conclusions are getting longer and longer. Of course, some writers are afraid of hanging out, but some of them are leaders who are afraid that the work they have caught will not have a few strokes, and there will be no results, etc., resulting in a complicated summary and the center is not prominent.

2, to write distinctive

The characteristic is the attribute that distinguishes his things. Different units have different grades. The summary of the same unit this year should be different from previous years. Now, after some summaries, I always feel the same. Some units have been summarized for several years, and the content is similar, just for some digits. This summary lacks practical value. Comrade Chen Yun emphasized in the 1950s that summing up experience is an important way to improve oneself. Any unit or individual has their own set of methods different from others when they start their work, and their experience and experience are different. When writing a summary, on the basis of sufficient possession of materials, we must carefully analyze, compare, and find the key points, and do not stay in generalization.

3, pay attention to the unity of ideas and materials

The experience experience in the summary is extracted from the actual work, that is, from a large number of factual materials. Once the experience is formed, it is necessary to select the necessary materials to explain, and the experience can be "established" and has practical value. This is the unification of ideas and materials. However, some common experience summaries often do not pay attention to this point. As Comrade Mao Zedong criticized, “cutting materials and opinions, there is no point when talking about materials, there is no material when talking about ideas, materials and opinions are not related to each other”, this is not the case. it is good.

4, the language should be accurate and concise

If the summary text is to be judged clearly, it must be accurate, the use case is conclusive, and the judgment is unambiguous. Conciseness is the requirement to combine the generalization with the specificity when expounding the viewpoint. It is not necessary to be complicated, and it should not be general and cumbersome, so that the text is simple and concise.

Article 3:

One year has passed by, and the hopeful 2019 is coming. After going through 2011, I look back, thinking more, feeling more, and gaining more. "Busy and harvest, tired and happy" became the main theme of the heart, often whispered.

Since the work, under the careful cultivation and guidance of the company's leaders, through their continuous efforts, both in terms of ideology, study and work, they have made great progress and great gains. This is related to the concern of the leaders and the colleagues around them. Help is inseparable. In the future work, I will continue to work hard, make persistent efforts, strictly demand myself, constantly seek truth and innovation, constantly temper myself, do my best to do my job well, and strive for greater achievements.

In the work, in accordance with relevant standards, strict self-discipline, better accomplishment of various tasks; able to abide by discipline, unite colleagues, be realistic and realistic, optimistic, always maintain a rigorous and serious work attitude and meticulous work style, diligence Hey, work hard. At the same time as completing your job, you can be patient, timely, and help with other departments asking for assistance. Questions and knowledge that I don't understand can be listened to by my colleagues and communicate with each other. With the help of the leaders and colleagues, we will work hard, be proactive, strive to improve our own standards, fulfill our duties, strictly demand ourselves, and conscientiously complete the tasks assigned by the leaders.

Although the work in the past year has achieved certain results, there are still some shortcomings. Sometimes the attitude towards people is not good, and the study and service are not enough. There is still a certain gap between the experienced colleagues and the lack of depth in the content. The extension of excavation, in the future work, I must seriously summarize the experience, overcome the deficiencies, learn from other colleagues, and strive to do a better job.

In recent years, the company's various rules and regulations have been improved or further improved. I am able to actively resound the company's rules and regulations, strengthen the sense of responsibility of the company's rules and regulations, and do my own work in a timely manner. To do a good job of the service that the manpower can do for the enterprise.

Driven by the continuous reform of enterprises, I realized that if we are not eliminated, we must continue to learn, update our ideas, improve our self-care and business skills, and adapt to the needs of the new situation. Carry forward the tireless and enterprising spirit. Strengthen learning, be brave in practice, read a lot of books, pay attention to collecting all kinds of information while learning from books, and draw a variety of "nutrition"; at the same time, pay attention to learning methods, correct learning attitude, improve learning efficiency, and strive to train yourself to have a solid Theoretical foundation, dialectical thinking method, correct ideological viewpoint, and practical work style. Strive to do a better job and establish a good image of the department.

In the new year, I must step up my studies, enrich myself, and meet the challenges of the new era with a full spirit. There will be more opportunities and competition waiting for me next year, and my heart is already secretly encouraging myself. Stand firm in the competition, learn from each other's strengths, and strive for better work results.

In the end, I hope that the company can have better development, and I hope that our company can become bigger and stronger and stand out from the crowd. Become an evergreen tree in the construction industry!

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