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Student Union Work Summary Report

Student Work Department Annual Work Summary

The first semester of XX to XX is coming to an end. As a member of the Student Union, under the leadership of the Youth League Committee of the school, we adhere to the motto of “Knowledge and Co-education, Dedicated Skills” and strive to cultivate “self-management, self-education, Self-disciplined consciousness. Active exploration and brave practice have improved self-cultivation, enhanced personal qualities, and exercised self-abilities. We strive to serve our classmates and increase their value. The work results have been affirmed by everyone.

Here are four points to summarize the working characteristics of our study department this semester:

Strict management and guaranteed ability Under the unification of the Student Union, the Learning Department launched the recruitment of new officers in mid-October, eliminating the drawbacks of only serious forms. Adopted the registration, initial test, retest, and entered the strict program of the applicable period. The quality of the officers is guaranteed to inject fresh blood into the student union, and at the same time provide a platform for freshmen to show themselves and exercise themselves. Each regular meeting, summarizing the work, summarizing the experience, learning lessons and deploying the next plan. Improve quality and ability by strengthening management.

Incentive mechanism to cultivate meticulous work attitude

Our study department is responsible for the sending and receiving of the teaching logs of the classes and the issuance of the newspapers. We strive to be meticulous in our work, and the specifics of each class are recorded to prevent omissions. The English 4th and 6th exams, the computer secondary exams, etc. are all part of the learning department. In order to better serve our students, we strive to make notifications and send and receive jobs. In addition, we actively participate in the duty classes, assist teachers in organizing materials, clean up, strengthen communication, and improve their ability in all aspects.

Serving classmates, willing to sacrifice

While doing its job well, the Learning Department actively assists other departments in their work. Among them, the morning exercise department can be called the brother department, and we can get better service for our students. We are willing to contribute. A series of activities held in the class will also have the presence of our learning department. We actively participate and work hard.

Unite, study hard, and strive to be a model

Self-management requirements for student workers are excellent in both academics and learning, high standards, and high quality. This requirement has also become a driving force for enhancing the centripetal force of student workers. Let members study hard, communicate with each other, and cooperate closely. Always be strict with yourself and strive to make the majority of students satisfied.

The summary of the work of this semester strengthens the general service of our students. In the next semester, we will continue to work hard to represent the students, serve the students, and serve the students is our unshirkable responsibility. In the days to come, our ministry will further sublimate ourselves and win more trust for our department and ourselves.

Summary of the work of the Youth League Student Union Secretariat

1 How to deal with the detailed and complicated work of the Secretariat

I remember that at the exchange meeting between the new and old cadres, the former school sister reminded us that the work of the Secretariat is very patient. I didn't take it for granted at the time, and I was deeply impressed by the specific work. The Secretariat acts as an uploader and links the various departments. Therefore, when the work of other departments can be ended in activities, we must continue to collect, summarize the collection, assessment, and work summary. But from this, we have indeed gained a lot, listen to the speeches of each department, read the summary of each department, let us know that not only ourselves, everyone is working hard and doing a lot of things. This allows me to truly understand a team, never think that I am the most tired, but also know that only everyone can do their job, in order to finally work best

2 work independence and collaboration

As a cadre, there is a very important quality requirement that can complete the work independently. I used to think that work independence is probably that I have this enthusiasm. If I give it to work, I will work hard to complete it. But it is only in every experience that the general manager arranges the work, but it does not replace you to think about how to proceed. What we have to do is to really think about the work, from planning to implementation to detail. At the same time, we have been complaining about the boring work and the boring activity. In fact, the key is whether you can really play the initiative and make the original routines interesting and vivid. At this point, I think that what I have done is still better in the formal reform of the cadre training. Later, feedback was collected and everyone did say that the atmosphere was easier.

However, at the same time, we also need to seek the advice of others and seek the assistance of others in order to best accomplish our work.

3 finishing and continuous improvement of work

Due to the nature of the work of the Secretariat, I have a lot of scattered information here. Once I opened the folder, I was confused and didn't even want to see it. Later, I spent an afternoon, sorting, categorizing, and backing up before I started a relatively orderly data category. Such sentiments may seem ridiculous to others, but this is really what I realized in my work. At the same time, I also believe that as a cadre in this position, it is necessary for us to put these things well and give them a good reference.

4 Feedback on everyone's work

The Secretariat has collected the information of everyone and presented a summary to everyone. This is a responsibility. Under this responsibility, timely feedback on everyone's work, summing up after the event and painstaking condolences to everyone, the Secretariat has been fortunate enough to be a good partner in your work, which is also my experience in this experience. One of the biggest gains. Knowing that work is not just the work itself, the working atmosphere, the work motivation, all need to be specially created to make the team more cohesive and more motivated.

Summary of the General Assembly of the College General Student Union

Our school held the first plenary session of the Students' General League in the j201 classroom from 7:00 to 8:30 this evening. The meeting was hosted by the director of the office. The general secretary of the college and the student council teacher ** secretary attended the meeting. The meeting and an important speech were delivered; the Vice-Chairman of the Student Union *** gave a detailed introduction to the Student Union of the College of Grammar.

The general meeting of the General Student Union of the Youth League was kicked off in the passionate Peihua Yangge and Student Union songs. The main processes of the conference were as follows: 1. The department heads introduced the functions of the department and the recent work plan; 2. The specific conditions of the student union; 3, * the secretary read out the appointment letter of the new cadre of the student union and issued the letter of appointment; 4, the secretary issued an important speech.

1. The introduction of the department heads will enable the new officers to get a preliminary understanding of the responsibilities of each department.

In this process, the heads of various departments gave a detailed introduction to the functions of the department, and also placed high hopes on the future work of the members. This enabled the new student to have a preliminary understanding of each department, allowing them to work more actively and familiarize themselves with the student union.

2. The Vice-Chairperson introduced the specific situation of the Student Union and made the members understand their responsibilities.

Vice Chairman *** reviewed the brilliant achievements of the XX Student Union in sports events, debates and red songs, and also proposed the goal of this year, so that the members of the 10th Student Union understand the important tasks shouldered in this year's work. At the same time, the chairman also announced the honors that can be obtained in the student union, so that members can deeply understand the slogan of the “responsibility and honor coexistence” of the student union, making it more active and active in the work.

3. The secretary delivered an important speech to enhance the confidence of all members and to increase their morale.

* The secretary's speech mobilized the new officer. At the same time, he also placed great hopes on the current student union. The secretary's emphasis on everyone is to make everyone's confidence full. We believe that members will never let down the high hopes of the secretary, and this time the conference will be correct to the student union. The attitude of the work, clarify the future work goals, and do a good job in the student union work with greater determination.

Overall, the General Assembly of the General Assembly of the Student Union has achieved great success with the active cooperation of the office and various departments. I believe that members of various departments will work harder under the profound influence of this conference to create a grammar school. The glory of the student union will go all out!

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