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Reading "Pinocchio"

Books are like a ladder, it can lead us to the treasure island of knowledge; books are like a key, it can help us open the window of wisdom of the mind; books are like a light, it can illuminate the way forward for us.

No, I was fascinated by a book - "Pinocchio". This book is mainly about the work that a puppet "Pinocchi" experienced after the carpenter's creation. Finally, from a naughty, sorrowful, sly, and liar-loving puppet, it became a kind-hearted child. I think that Pinocchio sometimes loves to lie, but it is still quite cute, thus shaping a lively and fun puppet figure. Therefore, I still like it very much.

I read this book. The deepest feeling is that Pinocchio’s distress is that never give up, persevere, and tenacious struggle, and its so-called father-carpenter is so afraid of danger, brave and optimistic. Are we not in need of this spirit on the road to climbing the scientific peak? I believe that as long as we step by step and advance unrelentingly, the treasures of knowledge will be opened by us, and the peak of science will surely be able to climb.

Pinocchio has not only advantages, but also shortcomings - playful, not love to read, but after some things, it has been rehabilitated. I have had such an experience: I was often criticized by teachers and parents when I was in the first grade. This is, the change of puppets in "Pinocchio" has effectively promoted me and made me change my face. The so-called "the prodigal son does not change the gold!" It made me a "prostitute."

Books are like a boat, which can carry the ocean of our knowledge. Here, I hope that everyone can read more useful books and learn more!

Sixth grade of Donghu, Xiaohu County, Jiexi County, Guangdong Province: Wang Danxia

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