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The new force of culture - the language of the Internet

Do you know "囧"? Some people say that you are "squatting"? Do you like "cottage"?
If you don't know the meaning of these words, then I can only say - you are out of date!
Today, with each passing day, the language is also following the footsteps of the times. Some words that are "freakish" and "unexplained" have gradually emerged. This is the network language of the “big rivers and north”. Netizens incorporated their expressions into words, compressed the stories of famous people into idioms, and extracted several representative words from major events. Thus, Internet language was born.
The reason why Internet language is popular is because they are innovative, witty and concise, with a high degree of generalization and expression. They are mostly combined with reality and transformed from life. Moreover, these network terms have no clear grammar and meaning, so in different situations, the meanings expressed are different, and there is considerable flexibility.
Some people may say: These words are summarized as "the old vines of the old vines, the bridges and the waters of the people"? Is there a profound "drinking in the light to see the sword, the dream blowing the corner and even camping"? Is there a "lights that will be extinguished, people sleep, and leave the half-window of the moon"? These words are only made up of boring people.
Yes, the Internet language does not have the generalization of Tang poetry, and there is no elegant mood of the Song dynasty. Moreover, some random constructive sentences will cause mistakes in the writing of young people and have a certain influence on the development of good language learning habits. The uncertainty of the meaning of the word sometimes causes misunderstandings and contradictions between the interlocutors. These are the negative effects of the web language.
However, for the Internet language, it is undeniable that it has injected new vitality into our traditional language. Therefore, we should look at it objectively and set up a scale in our hearts. The Internet language is endless, but only the normative and classic discourses can be preserved forever, and those that are meaningless will naturally be forgotten in the "conventional custom" and buried by history. This is an inevitable phenomenon of social development.
Of course, our language and culture can only continue to improve if we are innovating.

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