In the past, there was a king. He had a beautiful daughter. He wanted to find an honest man. Two young men were selected as candidates through various levels.
The king wants to test who they are honest. One day, the king said to the two young men: "The widows want to ask you to help me with one thing. I wonder if you are willing or not?" The two young men said in unison: "I am willing to serve you!" "Well, you two take turns." How about the post at the Palace Station for one night?" "Follow!" The two promised to be very refreshing.
In the evening, Jim was standing guard. He is honest and honest, does not like to lie, and will lie when he lie. Before standing guard, the king commanded: "If the palace is stolen tonight, you will be guilty of dereliction of duty and will be beheaded." So Jem did not dare to squint and seriously stood at the gate of the palace. Suddenly there was a black shadow flashing past, and Jim immediately pulled out the sword to chase the suspicious shadow.
Oh, unfortunately no one caught up. When he returned to the front of the palace, he found the door of the palace open. He knew that the palace must have been stolen. The next day, the king said with anger: "Bold Jem, last night, my night pearl was stolen, can you know sin?" "His Majesty, Jimgan is punished!" "Before you punish you, the widow wants Know how you stood guard last night?" said the king. So, Jim said the last night of the matter, the king said: "No matter what, the night pearl of the widow is stolen because of your dereliction of duty, come, put him in death row, and then re-examine!"
The next night, it was the turn of Tes to stand guard. He was awkward and loved to play smart. The king specifically warned Tes not to be derelict like Jim! But after he got on the job, he started to fight with eyelids and soon fell asleep. The next day, he woke up and found that the door of the palace was open, suddenly panic, want to escape, where might he escape? The king will not let him go. "Right, when the king interrogated me, I moved to Jim, maybe..." Tes thought smugly.
When the king interrogated Tes, he repeated what Jim said. The king shook his head helplessly. "Tes, yesterday, I put sleeping pills in your prepared wine, so you will fall asleep, my life. People open the palace door. In fact, the night you stand on the guard, there is no thief at all. It is your letter of mouth, not honest, you go home!" Then, the king said: "Jem, you are the most honest, you see The black man is what I told people to play, and the night pearl has not been stolen, so you are looking for a dragon." So Jim and the princess held a wedding.
Since then, Jim and the princess have lived a happy life and have been old.
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