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I have a date with Li Bai.

I took the Doraemon's time and space shuttle to the Tang Dynasty a long time ago. Still looking at the surrounding scenery, although not so quiet, I can always feel the pleasant atmosphere. There is a scent of leaves everywhere, the sky is always so clear, the white clouds always look so clear, the birds are flying freely. Almost nothing to care about, it is really carefree and free.

I walked around and saw that the smoke from the room was slowly rising. I approached the hut and knocked on the door gently. Suddenly a handsome man pushed the door open, and I doubted him. Said: "Who are you?" "My surname is Li, the name is white. The word is too white, may I ask this one?" "Yes, my introduction, my name is Wang Ni, I am 13 years old this year, I am very happy to see you!" "I came from the 21st century. There are advanced equipment, developed technology, funny games, fast-moving cars, omnipotent computers, and many other good things?!" Li Bai was confused. Say: "We are here in the Tang Dynasty, so I don't know what you are talking about. We are very happy here. There are rickety carriages, there are endless scenery, there are..." We chatted and slowly The night fell quietly.

As the saying goes, "the moon is rare," so is the evening. Li Bai looks at the big, round moon, and can’t help but sigh:

In front of the bed, moonlight,

Suspected to be frost on the ground.

Looking up at the moon,

Looking down at hometown.

I listened to this "Quiet Night Thinking" and looked at the bright moon again. I blurted out: "There are people who have joys and sorrows and sorrows, and there are gloom and gloom in the moon. This is a difficult thing. I hope that people will live forever and forever!" Li Bai listened. , Xinxi said: "Good poetry! Good poetry! It is really a talented person from Jiangshan." I smiled and said: "Hey! This is not what I wrote!"

Another morning, I said goodbye to the great poet Li Bai, who disappeared into the dense forest. I experienced the origins and processes of the "Moonlights in front of the bed", understood the true meaning of "Jing Night Thinking", saw the poetry in the "Legend", and enjoyed the scenes of the Tang Dynasty, I am satisfied!

Sixth grade of Fengming Guojin, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province: Wang Ni

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