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Continue to write poor people

When Sanna adopted Simon's two children, the family's life was even more difficult. Although the fisherman and Sanna worked day and night, they could barely fill their stomachs. After a few years, the children gradually became more and more. When I grow up, the life of the Sanna family is getting more and more embarrassing. They had to sell the warm and comfortable cabin. They left the village and lived a life in the metropolis.

They lived in the big cities with dilapidated stone houses, eating wild fruits from the woods and rotten leaves in the market. Unconsciously, after a few more years, the children are very sensible and very considerate and respectful of their parents. I also learned how to fish, grow food, read books, and cook.

On a winter day, the fisherman picked up two frozen people outside and took them back to their dilapidated home. Let the children see them, wait until they wake up, and make a delicious meal for them. After understanding the situation, I learned that this is a pair of grandsons. When I came out to play, my wallet was stolen. I didn’t eat for three days. When I was hungry, I understood the stiffness in the snow. One day, the old man left with his grandson. When he left, the old man gave the fisherman a piece of paper with the address. The old man said that when they have difficulties, they come to this place to come to me. The Sanna family reluctantly sent them away.

There was a year of famine, and the Sanna family had no food. The fisherman took the test and went to the old man and explained the situation to the old man. After listening to the old man, he gave them a lot of food generously and asked if he would like to go to them. As a housekeeper, the fisherman promised.

Since then, their children and the Sanna couple have lived a happy life!

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