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Little Red Riding Hood

Since the killing of the wolf, Little Red Riding Hood gave the cake and wine to the grandmother. Going home, when she came home, her grandmother told her to be careful and take the road home.

She walked and walked, playing with animals and laughing. He also forgot his grandmother's words—“Going home on the road”. She met a red fox with a sinister eye. He said to Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood is still early, go play with me, come back later, ok? Little Red Riding Hood hesitated, decided: Well, just for a while! The fox took him to the depths of the woods, and suddenly his face did not smile at Mimi, but became full of anger. Little Red Riding Hood doesn't know what's going on, I don't know what it is like!

The fox was very angry and said, "You humans have killed my family one by one, using their fur to make clothes... hats. Oh! Your red hat is also made of red fox fur, today I will avenge my family! He stepped closer to Little Red Riding Hood, and Little Red Riding Hood was afraid. Step by step back, Little Red Riding Hood said, "Red Fox, I am sorry, I will return the red hat to you!" When he finished, he took the red hat and threw it to him. Before he was thrown at him, he looked at him with a reluctance. After all, it was her favorite hat, but she still lost her. But the red fox did not intend to let you go. He is still approaching step by step.

Little Red Riding Hood yelled: ...ah...! I hope to call the hunter passing by, the red fox said, "Call it! No one will come to the depths of the woods! Ha...ha..." But he didn't expect a hunter to come, a hunter from the grass jump out. The red fox was caught at once and the Little Red Riding Hood rested for a while. Ask the hunter to let him, let him groan, the hunter thought for a while. After letting him go, the red fox ran away in a blink of an eye.

Little Red Riding Hood returned home with the help of a hunter. This time he decided not to listen to his family again!

Sixth grade: Luo Qianxi

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