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Icy elegant graceful fairy

I came to the mother and asked: "Aunt, may I ask where my mother went?" "Your mother was beaten by your uncle, and it was necessary to reincarnate the disaster for 50,000 times before he could return to the immortal." Say. When I came to the Guanghan Palace, I found that the ladies said, "Do you know! The mother of Bingqing Fairy was caught in the dungeon by the Queen Mother, and she also took down the bones and laid down the mortal world! The most terrible thing. It is the mother who wants to make the ice fairy to be her dry daughter!" "Is it?" said another palace girl. I only knew that the mother had lied to me. I have made a circumstance, regardless of the three seven twenty-one.

When I went down to the mortal, it appeared in a garden of growing lilies. Suddenly, a little girl cried,

I don't understand what happened, she said, "Hello! How come you come to my garden!" "Maybe I like lily. Come here." I said. She curiously asked: "What is your name?" "My name is Han Xuebing, what is your name?" I replied. "Your name is so strange! My name is double heart." Double heart said. "Where is your home?" said the puzzled heart. "At *$%#*&*%4#@!" I said. "My family is in Ximen Xiangqing No. 129." Double heart said.

I went back to the empty place and turned this place into a building. Within a few days, she came to me again, and I said, "Welcome to your presence! Double heart."

"Which school are you in?" asked both hearts.

"I have never been to school."

"Ah! Do you want to go to school with me! Is your mother at home?"

"My mother is dead," I said sadly.

"Ah! Sorry!" said the heart.

Sixth grade: Ke Luohan

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